Monday, September 25, 2023

Meet The Maintainers

So. You Have Constitutional Rights. Interesting.
I say, the Creator gives us rights. The Constitution,
as written, provides privileges and immunities.
Not of Right
or De jure.

of "Fact"
an Ability To
Maintain It

The 14th Amendment Creates A De facto System
Having an alternate political system actually creates not a new, but an alternate, governmental system. Due to that fact, a new "political body" was created by its citizenship termed "federal". This new governmental system created by the 14th Amendment is "de facto". To create a whole new system, a different constitution would have to have been installed. The amendment was installed instead. In sense, what this did is create a Dual System of Law that few understand. Please note that this de facto governmental system is what THEY call "Democracy".

In defining a de facto government, the following citation illustrates it:
De facto Government. A new government which exercises undisputed sway over the entire country, the former established government having been nullified by 'successful rebellion' or having 'lost the support' of the people. A de facto government arises where the established government has been subverted by rebellion, so that the new government exercises undisputed sway for the time being over the entire country, or where the people of any portion of a country subject to the same government throw off their allegiance to that government and establish one of their own, and show not only that they have established a government, but also their ability to maintain it. —Am J Rev ed Internat L § 12 (International Law)
That reference is under international law due to the fact the Constitution and its Republic principles are tantamount to an international treaty or agreement.

That noted, the most important statement in that cite is...
    "...but also their ability to maintain it."
The Gatekeepers – IE – Maintainers
That citation above was defining the current system under the 14th Amendment. Based on that statement, when I crafted the PAC Lexicon – for the Island Makers Project – I came-up with the below definition that is built on it...
30. Maintainers.
Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation.
—See Gate Keeper, and Lapdog   —The PAC Lexicon
Those who make profit off this insidious system are, the insurgent governments, the politicians, law industry, stock profiteers, elites, you... just to name a few. These maintainers enjoy personal gain from legal usury and its debt bondage. Accordingly, the little people pay via higher taxation and inflation.

That aside, although the 14th Amendment system is evil it must stay in place due to America being Flooded with Foreigners (and Freaks) the past 150 years. Without doubt, Judge Bork Knew, as he wrote Slouching Towards Gomorrah. But Jurist Bork knows that amendment has allowed Gomorrah to happen.

Remember what George Bush, Sr., said back in the 1990's about the New World Order... "When we are successful, and we will be...".  This success being due to the fact people won't come to the realization that ultimately they're the problem. Sadly, I have been warning people about this escalation for 25 years and they keep kicking the can down the road thinking the problem will just go away.

It is sad they think that way. A lot of souls believe God will save the day.
The truth is, this so-called nation is under a judgment play... So you see I say.

Pictorial Of The Plan... Beware The RED Hidden Hand

The Takeover had
been Planned
Well in Advance.

Americans have
been clueless
for years.
TRUST THE PLAN. The New World Order Is World Communism
Nothing like a little – err, a Great Conspiracy to make the World Go Round...
Learn more about the de facto political system and how the Anglo (white) voting population ultimately conquers themselves in the Two Blog Posts below...
To know more about this Red Insurgent System installed by force that actually destroyed de jure sovereignty, read The Origin of Sovereign Citizens. Moreover, see the article Treason by Design to understand the successful rebellion. You will then see how these "Quiet Wars" are a secret and how they hold it over Anglo Americans' heads to subject them to the Communist Association.
Tools of THEY and Their Useful Idiots
A lot of
was required
to pull this
Con off.
Tool, Alex Jones, was featured in the Post, Those Funny Papers. He has been the biggest distraction in "The Movement"... "Jones is right again" because he is an insider. He was informed about the 14th Amendment. Many souls requested to have me on his show. He refused. He shined it on as if it was of no concern.

People fail to realize just how many Operatives and Opportunists are out there confusing the masses. Personally, I have seen it for the past 30 years being in this "Movement". The only way to end it is unity amongst honest freedomists.

Most Proficient Maintainers:
The Rulers and Citizens-Civilians

In the Post, Amusement From Chaos, I mentioned there are some maintainers of the insurgent system. They knock those confused about fighting freedom as to support the evil that has transpired. That aside, it is entertaining watching the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus for the planned opposition it is. It works very well.

The Foreigners have privileges – or Civil Rights... Anglos have constitutionally protected rights. It's really funny how those with standing claim Civil Rights... But what do you expect from someone in rebellion against the Constitution proper.

All these immigrants are Coming to America to enjoy the Perfected Communist System and its Marxist Materialism per Civil Rights... while Anglos help flip the bill. This stealthy system makes the Rulers rich and the Rich much, much richer.

Oh, and the "civilian" thing... this term is in constant use due to the fact there's a perpetual "war" going on against what the Constitution prescribes. The United States is spreading this noted "Democracy" around the world and maintains a standing army to do so. A civilian is one who isn't in the military during wartime. And that "war" is aside the "quiet wars" in the republic-states, but associated.

Well, that about wraps-it-up for the most Proficient Maintainers in this Red War, being treasonous sorts and those who disrespect their Creator. Simply, there is little Sympathy for Simpletons... And remember, Thomas Jefferson said this...

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."

One Must Look In The Mirror
Law can work against you. Karl Marx didn't study law for nothing, you know. The Luciferian Bunch really have the Judeo-Christians, et al., dancing to a Red Tune. A very finely orchestrated tune that has taken years to construct.

It is good to know, a Manifesto – in international law – is a declaration of war. No one contested Marx's. Accordingly, you must meet the threat... View Blog Page.

Remember these 3 Communist Rules of Law that subjects you to their perfected system, Voting-Doles-Silence ...which makes you their Association Member... They – The 14th Amendment Rulers – sold you a bill of rights, err, goods...

Actually, the "Bill of Rights" are the first ten articles in amendment. They are sold to "federal citizens" as a bill of goods... (shaking my head). Below are principles that cover Voting, Doles, and Silence, being under a plethora of legal fictions... However, after 150 years, a lot can be proven as fact... for most citizens...
1) Caveat emptor. Let the purchaser beware. 2) Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum. He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage. 3) Tacita quaedam habentur pro expressis. Things silent are sometimes considered as expressed.
I'll throw this one in for good measure; it explains the whole program...
Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.
Those are common law maxims being used by THEY to subdue the Anglos. Discerning Souls know this consent is achieved by the Dual Citizenship System. It's gray area allows Rulers in Power to pick and choose what to do and say.

This is a direct cause of the Bifurcated Constitution. It creates big money for the governments, lawyers, law industry, etc... The chaos– forget about it.

Red Citizenship-Nationality Manipulation
The above citizenship construct is of Zionist-Communist design that destroys nationalities and technically erases borders, which also allows the Synagogue of Satan to meddle in politics of all countries. The ignorant masses eat it up. Like George Bush, Sr., said : 'THEY will be successful.'  Americans Love Marxism... Perhaps not the current Marxism which is being used to upset "Conservatives" as a smokescreen to cover-up what had been applied the past 100+ years.

The Zionist plan has already been delivered... The Damage Is Done. You see, people of America were Tempted by Socialism of Reconstruction. It was to make the rich, richer through the Communist blueprint. Not really a good purchase by the "Consent of The Governed"... you silly Rebel-Foreigners of The Republic.

To learn more, download the Marxist Twaddle booklet. I would recommend you distribute it to your family, friends, and circles... Marxist Twaddle PDF

It's Great When A Plan Of Theft Comes Together...
"Capitalist production, therefore, only develops the technique and the
degree of combination of the social process of production by
simultaneously undermining the original sources of all
wealth–the soil and the worker."
—Karl Marx
Citizens are at war as rebels who belong to the Communist Association.

A Lesson In Rhyme And Verse
I say loud, Americans are selfish and proud. So I say: Why must it be this way? Sadly, children of Zion vote in hope to save the day. But little do they know the plan is to plunder what they own, also limit their pay. The madness won't end as egoists are pros– So deeper into the Red Vortex all you will go. Because this system de facto has politics of Marx, ignorant types must remain in the dark; so we must apply a bleeding heart rule– Liberals be Tools and Conservatives are Fools... hence, why the world is insane; so such facts surely remain. And one must confess, simple persons blirt out things, like– "Well, that's progress" –thus are easily made. Me in resolve, aptly I say– Well you, just keep being played.

Perhaps you remember this, Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

Melius est recurrere quam malo currere...

It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil

Understand The Rebellion(s)
So Beware. There's a lot of evil out there. To better understand the resident evil amongst us, below are six Blog Posts on how the Government of Consent destroyed the De Jure System and how the usurpation is maintained...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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