Sunday, June 19, 2022

Electing Evil

Law Construct
As I have related, aside natural law, every other law form created is grounded in contract, which includes having a nation status. People who congregate that act according to their own dictates then formulate a law form that is referred to as custom and usage. Such law form then generates into a law form noted as the common law. Observations of that law form and how their government was to operate were then put into a system recognized by the government of the nation, generally under a constitution. Such systems are instituted by the more popular or powerful individuals of society. Those individuals are historically referred to as "the people"... noted as "rulers" in American governance.

This is where the incorporating measures are taken to bring the commoners (common people) of society under what is referred to as the "Rule of Law". Due to the general population being lackadaisical (i.e., uncaring), incorporated law systems operate off silent or tacit consent. Those who participate openly or politically – or by taking benefits (i.e., privileges) – illustrates a positive consent to be governed. This consent varies depending on one's participation in the multiple levels of government of a state/nation. In regard to the American Union, the several states thereof are deemed municipal corporations. The political rights are held by "persons" known as citizens (state citizens).

Agency Contract
The Declaration of Independence recognized a concept noted as the "consent of the governed". This is simply providing that all men and women are free under their Creator. Anything else would be considered slavery or rule of authority against consent. Under the United States Constitution, a "Republican Form of Government" was guaranteed by the real "We the People". The commoners of the several republic-states in the American Union were given an option to select their own federal representatives – or agents – to handle certain matters for them internal to the Union of American nations and also internationally.

This is under a law form referred to as agency (per contract). Commoners vote for agents to represent them. This is referred to as "representative government". Democracy is where individuals handle their own affairs in body. It makes for a chaotic mess... in such chaos, millions of people coming to a consensus on matters would be impossible. In a democracy the masses would oppress the individual... especially unGodly people meeting in a mass body. We have seen what happens with the unGodly "agents" in this so-called "Democracy".

Government Usurpation
The lawful or de jure state governments were usurped politically by the 14th Amendment by force of war. The federal government created "citizens of the United States" to replace or destroy state citizens under Sections 1 and 2 of the amendment. Americans are voting for this reconstructed system passionately called "Democracy"... which is fundamentally the ruling class noted by Karl Marx in the volumes of the political twaddle he wrote. The insurgent based rulers are regulated by Section 3. Americans now believe their "national government" is the United States, not their state governments. The common law of the several republic-states was methodically destroyed. A fraudulent, indoctrinated Marxized nation controlled by a Luciferian Order took over. Americans now enjoy being slaves of government – as noted under Section 4 – and enjoy "liberty" under the Order's Satanic "Democracy" representing a fraudulent nation over freedom.

Learn more about "citizen-slave" in the post titled—Term of Enslavement

Voting For Evil
Americans are sadly mistaken about government. These representatives are not servants, and never were. They are "RULERS" – as in – Rulers of Evil... to coin Tupper Saussy. He had laid out that government was of purpose to govern evil people. Seriously. Are you evil? A lot of people are, hence government.

These rulers are now showing their true color, being : Red. This color represents corruption in the Bible. Deception uses or incorporates a thing called "inversion": turning something good into evil. It is Satan's way. As you can see, the velvet glove is now coming off the iron fist. Under the Constitution, "the people" and peoples of the several states were predestined to be secular, and thus under the Luciferian control... not Godly rule like under the Divine Right of Kings. Classic Liberal or modern Liberal. Matters not. This progressive or extreme (emphasis) advancement has always been Antichrist in substance. Discerning Souls must see the deception and remove their consent to be ruled by this evil... Because as it was Biblically stated long ago, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."... The temptation being, socialism that makes the rich, richer.
More on Consenting to Evil

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