Monday, July 31, 2023

The Next Civil War

A maxim of law...
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

This Blog Entry discusses what the next "Civil War" should entail... such being a peaceful taking back of The Republic stolen from the Anglo people. The Rule of Law rules. And again, like I say, There is a right way to do things and a wrong way... It is best to be done correctly. People with standing must repopulate the republic-states and reject the benefits of the Commercial Plantation.

Doing it right is accomplished by those having standing taking back their de jure status by removing themselves from the Communist Association by law.

Simply stated: The Godly people must recede to their respective republics, to maintain the Union/Republic, thus disallowing the Federal States to secede. This being due to such de facto "States" lacking de jure political power to do so. Thusly, the Rulers of Evil can maintain ruling those who are Godless...

Which includes anarchists and other simpleton types who want to settle things with arms. Such persons committing seditious acts against their RED country or even worse deeds then the political treason they have submitted to already.

The Luciferian Bunch
bumped off Lincoln
because he said no
14th Amendment:

The Red Amendment
Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi.
Truth fears nothing but concealment.
Those Who Wish To Be Fooled Are
A maxim of law they use against us... Qui vult decipi, decipiatur
Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.
You have been witnessing the biggest Sting and Disinformation operation in world history. It incorporates both the Woke and Awake crowds and is primarily meant to fool the so-called Conservatives. Like I've been telling people for years now, the sick circus of chaos that has been going on is planned opposition. It's actually created under the Hegelian Dialectic of Problem-Reaction-Solution.

Division is divided into two camps. Liberals are baited to do debased things. Conservatives will win out for being more based in law. The chaos having been constructed by the Synagogue of Satan to maintain its 150+ years of control.

Yes, Now That's Progress of the God Pimps Americans were born & bred into.

You see, there really isn't a separation of church and state. The Church is the State. It's a stealthy continuation of the Roman Empire... as the Synagogue of Satan controlled Rome politically through the Sadducees until Yeshua – as most know as our Redeemer – exposed them and their control. These Luciferians were said to disappear, however infiltrated Christianity of Rome... as it stands today. Stealthily, the Luciferian Jesuit Order operates in the background.
The Luciferian
Bunch minding
The Church.
Today's Luciferian based law system is best explained by a Rabbi by the name of Harry Waton, as, "We belong to the One mastering God: you belong to the republic of playful gods."– of course that "One mastering God" is Lucifer. An explanation of the playful gods appears in a white paper of mine titled, [the] Department of Justice and Its Common Law... That paper is very telling. Also, see my white paper, Liberalism is Statism... which goes deep into history.
 Christians and Jews alike have been deceived by The Luciferian Bunch
The fabricated Conservatives are going to make-up the Red Super Party that is similar to the founding Federalist Party that Thomas Jefferson took down. His party was surplanted with the current divide and conquer : Republicans and Democrats. Learn more about this in my post, Those Political Labels.

Knowing that, watch for the RED Totalitarian Party under Dictatorships coming soon. I had warned people about this 25 years ago in, The Red Amendment. The totalitarianism will be on those who continue to politically consent. We have been under a light version since the so-called Civil War. Things are escalating and the current Red Body Politic lacks standing to change or replicate a lawful system. Simply because its insurgent and rump existence isn't of The Republic.

Dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam moriuntur.
The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.

Dump The Sting and Join The Ring
PAC's project – The Ring – is of purpose to bring lawful Americans out from underneath the Federal Civil Law created by "Reconstruction". It is also to bring awareness to the general population so they can work toward better Liberty...
A much needed project by People’s Awareness Coalition (PAC) to overcome distractions of the current political climate. In and about the year 2008, what is called the “Shadow Government” managed to commandeer the movement keeping us from gaining ground for real solutions– That being people understanding law and how the system works. The factions in control took Americans into being totally subdued by using social media as a distraction and also creating political angst by means of the elite media systems.

Politics are how Americans are unlawfully controlled. We exposed how that works in 1999 with The Red Amendment. Our message was spreading fast with the Internet. However, due to the fact social media is of the ‘Red Vortex’, PAC has been blacklisted. No truth allowed. Accordingly, The Ring was assembled to gather people for our PEACEFUL political movement. The Ring also assists in refining the PAC message. Ultimately, our political movement must go local. The Ring will be the vehicle to make it happen.
Visit The Ring web pages : The Ring  |  Download The Ring booklet : The Ring
The Ring has the main goal of taking lawful Americans out of the Communist Association and Bringing them Home to the America that once was. This will allow them to live under their own custom and usage law in their separate republics as held by the premier, true Godly fore & founding fathers.

Such remedy is allowed and mandated by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. It is up to lawful Americans to execute their rights. And, yes. The amendment is the problem but also carries the remedy for True Americans of The Republic.

Please understand that time is in the balance. And also remember that the People's Awareness Coalition— PAC is for Discerning Souls...

More On The Red Nation

“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.” –CIA Director Casey, 1981

Those of the de jure (rightful) bodies politic do not have to vote. Proper political pressure through the only LAWFUL Political Action Committee (a PAC) of PAC (People's Awareness Coalition) – The Ring – can apply pressure to the Rump Congress of the Red Body Politic of Reconstruction to install protective laws.

The federal states of Reconstruction are obligated to follow the law or they may be held in insurrection or treason against the lawful republic-states. The United Nations even recognizes the "lawful nationalities" of those who have standing; thus observing the Law of Nations the Constitution is built on is Paramount.

The next "Civil War" should be a peaceful use of the Republican Governments promised to the several states (republics) so their nationals can live under and redevelop their civil and common law based systems of law in Freedom
Some call it Capitalism. I call it Communism. Because that's what it is.
And remember, Free men work. Communists have jobs.
And also understand, Evil works in darkness
and thrives in its created gray area.
Fraus est celare fraudem = It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.

Jus descendit et non terra = A right descends, not the land.

To understand more about the Red Nation of the Luciferians, study these Five Blog Posts that thoroughly cover the subject installing servitude/slavery...
"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World."
—Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil
More On The Remedy
True Americans have descended into voluntary servitude because they fell for the political and legal system of the Luciferian Bunch. In an unconscionable act they have allowed Foreigners to occupy their lands in adverse possession in violation of the Constitution in the name of an emergency– It must end...

It must end for True Americans, not the Foreigners. Perhaps it should be said, the Quiet War – a continuation of the so-called "Civil War" – must end for those with standing. The status is protected by the amendment causing the problem.

Simply put : The 14th Amendment must remain intact to govern the mess that Congress has made with its communistic tendencies the past 150+ years. But sadly, it is feared a bulk of lawful Americans will select their other gods or rulers even though the 13th Amendment saves them from the bondage of the 14th...
7 And the Lord told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not
you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king [God]. 8 As they
have done from the day I brought them [the Israelites] up out of Egypt until
this day, forsaking me [God, being the paramount sovereign] and serving
other gods, so they are doing to you [their king/ruler]."  1 Samuel 8:7–8

Today too, the remnant will undoubtedly be very small.

"Those people who will not be governed by God
must be ruled by tyrants."
  —William Penn

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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