Monday, June 19, 2023

About The Chaos

Some Housekeeping
This week I am taking time to review some things that I have brought up recently and this last year... and possibly beyond. Please review everything.

And understand a lot of people won't like the contents. You are reminded that PAC is for Discerning Souls. Most people "Can't handle the truth."... Nor are they willing to do the work or make the sacrifices to live free under natural law.

The Internet and Its Social Media
I have been warning people for years about the dangers of the Internet... Especially with the advent of boob bait called Social Media.

People need to understand that what has been established by the New World Order is to protect its end game of Globalism. What better way than to provide free pages for people to practice their ego and/or make some big money...

Temporarily, that is. The offered big money is just boob bait to create chaos.

Yes. Such devices could be used for good, but as the adversary understands, greed prevails. Accordingly it is apparent that no one is willing to unify under one umbrella to create a constitutionally valid position based on relevant elements to fix things. A plethora of Operatives and Opportunists set the stage for failure.
Below are three Blog Posts on the problems of chaos. They are grounded in delusion and manipulation that helps illustrate the issues that are faced... Below is a piece I put together years ago on how worthless the "Movement" is...You could learn a great deal from those posts and article. Please read them.

Why I Don't Do Social Media
Aside what sinful issues are noted above, I was blacklisted from Social Media early on. My voluminous Facebook account was deleted with no explanation as were five Twitter accounts. Accordingly, it is futile to deal with it.

True freedom information has no chance on the medium. And simply, Social Media is part and parcel of "Owning nothing and being happy." It is Communistic and part of Marxism. People who are on Social Media are distractors and generally attempting to make bucks being Dancing Monkeys via being entertaining... Simply, useful idiots providing bread and circus.

Below is a meme that I created years ago that got over eight thousand shares on Facebook in a ten day span. After a short time my account was destroyed...

I attempted to go back on but THEY already found ways to limit my reach with algorithms and other special coding... nonetheless, the new second account was also destroyed without a reason. By now, one can see the elite control things with big money corporations protected by the 14th Amendment.

The Sovereign Citizen Sting
Americans have been setup, big time. A lot of what "constitutionalists" are doing breaches the law (legal system). Mostly because they reside in the Red State that has been orchestrated by the rebellion under the 14th Amendment.

This practice of "Anarchy" or "Civil Disobedience" to the de facto political and legal system is setting-up partakers of bad information to lose money and worse, lose property and go to jail/prison. How PROGRESSIVE is that?
To learn more about these matters, I wrote a piece on Operatives and Opportunists who are misleading people and bringing them into the sting created and run by the Synagogue of Satan and its 14th Amendment...After you read the next part, you will understand why there is such an effort to destroy "White" people. It keeps the scam and its money pit system intact.

True Definition of a Sovereign Citizen
To clarify, the true or constitutional definition of "Sovereign Citizen" is...
  • A person – not a thing – that is of Anglo (White) origin who would qualify as a member of the Union or "The Republic" as defined per federal immigration laws of the Constitution pre14th Amendment. Such a qualified person provided the "collective sovereignty" of each free state that is guaranteed a "Republican Form of Government" – pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution – therefore providing each "state" or jurisdiction to maintain its own system of Civil and Common Law.
In other words, those who have lawful standing may live in The Republic. Moreover – and most importantly – even such individuals are not "sovereign". In other words, s/he provides the sovereignty of the separate republic/state.

Other than those noted who must remain in the State (jurisdiction) created by the United States as "Residents", i.e., Foreigners of The Republic, under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution, only a very select few may belong to State Nationals Society. A private society lawfully able to live in The Republic.

What is happening is they are mocking anyone who attempts to practice constitutional freedom by using the term "sovereign citizen". Its use has a dual purpose as it mocks and also pits the population against those who exercise their true freedom which also keeps the masses subject to the RED system.

Simply, a divide and conquer measure that protects the RED jurisdiction.

To learn more legal details and some particulars about People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), please read the following paper... Again, most don't have access to constitutional freedom and its immunities. Some particulars are discussed on the PAC Alliance site. Find out more about these issues by going through this presentation by the PAC Alliance... Learn more about the RED STATE that most everyone is living in, err, is a RESIDENT of... that being a term of international law defining aliens... And remember this simple rule: If you are not working with People's Awareness Coalition and our Alliance, you are no doubt being jerked around and lied to.


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.

Get On Board!  Please join us on the PAC Open Forum...
Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!

Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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