Monday, September 4, 2023

Amusement From Chaos

You Won't Know Whether To Laugh or Cry
The last time I posted something fun dealt with, Cocaine in The UkrainePOST. You should see-watch/listen to this piece of art about the Biden crime family.

This isn't Ragical's cow friend. It just happens that I like cows.

This week, I submit to you some of my favorite entertainers that provide "some educational" content. They're some of the better Dancing Monkeys on YouTube. You know how the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

With this, do not think I am condoning the system. I do not appreciate stupid people. Understanding that, the system is in place to govern stupid people. This is a prime reason why Americans with standing must remove themselves from the progressive takeover – as lawfully preserved – before things worsen.

Ultimately, Discerning Souls who have standing must move to the Republic. And so you know, I am highly critical due to having a lawfully recognized remedy for over 25 years. Time's a wastin', as they say. Simply, people are wasting time.

Now Let The Fun Begin
The first piece is recent. It has to do with protesting and its outcome, which is worthless. Matt Walsh did a short – but funny – apercu on the incident...

With that, the full video. Good God, people...
The general principles of both these factions are pretty-off and freakish. You have the pagan faction that practice antiChrist type worship with Burning Man verses the New World Order chumps supporting a planned distraction.

That is where you get dumbs and dumbers. In my eyes, anyway. Which faction is dumber than the other?... I will leave that determination up to you... But first...

Anarchy & Civil
Disobedience are
just plain silly.
And by the way... Sure, Matt Walsh says a lot of great things, but still is a foolish Conservative and into the Judeo-Christian thing. Plus the guy he is working for is a member of the Synagogue of Satan. What more do you need to know?

One more thing... In The Ring project it is noted : 'ANARCHY... Why? There’s Republican Freedom. Generally, anarchists resist rules/laws that apply to them.' One can see, it's obvious most people fail to understand the Law of Persons.

If you want to take a deeper dive into law aspects, take a look at the post, Pro Se Litigants, a few weeks back. Also, in the next few weeks I will do a couple posts explaining the Two Constitutions that exist due to "Reconstruction".

Frauditors, Freaks, and Fools... Oh My!
For some more entertainment – and some education – I have four favorite YouTube channels I frequent a bit. It is good to keep your eye on The Fools.

So you know going into this, those who have these channels don't understand law themselves. That known, they tend to side with "the plan" and even dismiss things like Black's Law Dictionary... the law dictionary that took the place of a proper dictionary that existed and had been used before THEY constructed the emergency governmental system. They act the part of Socialist Maintainers.

Below is my list. Remember, these people are Dancing Monkeys of sorts. They exist to entertain the masses for big profits off of YouTube. Who really knows. Perhaps they're not Opportunists and are stealthy Operatives. Enjoy...

1) A channel debunking Sovereign Citizens and other cranks out there. It's fun and keeps you up on the movement and what Ragical calls "Dick Flutes"... 2) A more sophisticated look at various odd balls and those who believe they are actually "sovereign". A good informative, educational based channel... 3) These guys mainly look at 1st Amendment Auditors called Frauditors... which are just morons looking to make money off YouTube, who can be sickening... 4) This is probably one of the most beneficial channels to watch to witness the stupidity of Sovereign Citizens and Pro Se types. Beware, he's an attorney...
Understand, Project Veritas founder, James O'Keefe, is a authentic investigative journalist. Those being chastised above are opportunistic clowns. I hope those vids were educational and you got something out of those being grilled. There's nothing like being rebellious in today's manufactured society. It's like a Satanic mode of "Do What Thou Wilt" being honored by know-it-all law experts.

Like Jurist/Judge Robert Bork said : "I don't think the Constitution is studied almost anywhere, including law schools. In law schools, what they study is what the court said about the Constitution. They study the opinions. They don't study the Constitution itself."  Simply, reading case law is not knowing law. It is sad how everyone – even attorneys – think that case law is actually law.

Accordingly, this due to an "emergency" that altered the Constitution. They call it an emergency. I call it a Communist insurgency. Because, that's what it is.

That being the case, that is why we see chaos in "The Movement". Moreover, there is no doubt the Sovereign Citizen-Auditor thing may be a Sting Operation. Knowing that, THEY are going for a totalitarian system, so it may get worse.

For now the Constitution is being followed... But which one and for whom?

Understanding The Chaos
As for chaos, how many people know the term "Police State" was first seen in Black's Law Dictionary in 1999... the first edition with a RED cover. This actually being a year before the new millennium started under the Age of Aquarius.

Some "States" de facto are already moving toward eliminating the Sheriff's Departments to expand the Police State. A point being : Everything is one big Distraction and Sting Operation. The former is pretty easy to figure out, the latter being, Set 'em up – Take 'em down (e.g., January 6th sting). People better get serious. Progressively, things are moving forward while chumps dwindle.

And as they always tell you what they are up to, I trust and live by what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "Nothing happens in politics by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way." FDR also said this about government...
"They [who] seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers... call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order".
That is America's favorite socialist President explaining how the "New World Order" is developed from "Order Out of Chaos". That being the Old World Order, mind you. The Order continues. You know, Nothing new under the sun.

No. This isn't all that amusing, but is somewhat entertaining to watch... however is really getting old... Fast. People really need to be more discerning. Learn more about the New World fantasy that Americans are clueless about...

Conned Under Darkness Of Chaos
You bet. The Chumps Who Dwindle have been taken by Clowns Who Swindle, which takes persons qualified to have constitutional status deeper into the Red Vortex. It is sad for true Americans that such people are the way they are.

Below there is a great white paper I had written years ago. A very well known clown who swindles has told her chumps who dwindle – that swallow her blather and is no doubt an Operative – to stay away from me and my work. Imagine: a fake, self-appointed judge – setting people up for failure – doing such a thing.

You'll get a lot from this writing. It's one of my most popular...

New Millennium Freak Show
For the Millennial crowd who doesn't know much about the History of America, the circus is where the freaks "were" found. They were referred to as "Freaks of Nature". Today the population is filled with plain freaks, see FDR quotes above. Largely, this is caused by "the genocidal experiment" called: Multiculturalism.

You can thank the Luciferian Bunch and its liberal court system and other social manipulation on this... It's all part and parcel of the planned chaos that THEY bombed the Anglos with... and all in the name of profits for an elite few.

Below is a video featuring the most popular Freaks of Nature that were circus acts... minus a common Satanic freak attraction of man: the Tattooed Lady...

To understand more on why the World Freak Show of the New Millennium is happening– you may want to view this Post... Meet The Threat

The Discerning Soul would not remain on the Commercial Plantation of THEY. You should naturally understand that there is vast difference between 'Freaks of Nature' and 'freaks of the adversary' with a "Do What Thou Wilt" privilege.

Remember and understand, Rights – being natural – come from The Creator... where man twists that and only can provide Privileges. Our instant problems will not improve until the souls and hearts of men accept that of our Creator.

"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger— New World Order proponent, Zionist-Jew


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