Monday, April 22, 2024

A Veritable Smorgasbord

Reality Of Religion
When it comes to religion, people love to cherry pick what they believe when it comes to Biblical matters. As I have heavily related in the past, it really does not matter what religion you are, or are not. Actually, Government is Your Religion.

Now let us define the two socialisms: 1) Natural Socialism; and, 2) Luciferian Socialism. The former is under the rules of natural law, or God. The latter is that of man, which is grounded in control for profits and other benefits of greed.

Civil Law
Is Of The
Karl Marx had told us, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."  In the Biblical sense, Scripture relates to us that true peace comes through God, our Redeemer (Romans - 5:1)... the Paramount Sovereign.

So, which do most Americans really choose? Actually, there is little left to think about in regard to the most popular... Which master do most people serve...
"Those people who will not be governed by God
must be ruled by tyrants."
  —William Penn

So. Are the "state governments" sanctioned by God, or setup by evil men? Only discerning souls would call such actions against our Creator, God, Blasphemy.

The Inversion
Those who were of true Christian faith who came to America back in the 1700's came here to escape "The Church". The Church followed. It took the Luciferian Bunch per the Civil War (so-called) to fully takeover the governmental system.

An important lesson: A cherished parable can be spun into a despotic narrative. Seriously now. What do you think Priests and Pharisees are for that Yeshua referred to as the Synagogue of Satan in the Book of Revelations?

Christ Of
Choose The
Secular Trinity

So you know, those who are "The People" are the Rulers of Evil. Like I have related, government under Reconstruction is to Serve and Rule evil people. How does one think that the beloved 1st Amendment separates Church and State? It is more than obvious that things are run by modern day Sadducees.

Honestly. How is there truly such a separation when Judges and Clergy (and such) both are under Canon law and wear Geneva robes in their rule? You are reminded The Church went through Reformation in the 1600's, and about 250 years later The Union went through its Reconstruction. Yep. Neat-O

Right. Great facelifts in benefit of the Shadow Government and Ruling Class.

Again. Government is your religion and you are in rebellion to God and country.
Communism is your chosen political system via The Red Amendment.

Render Unto Caesar
This system of Reconstruction slowly provided a transition over the past 150+ years. To do so, things operated in a gray area. That gray area is closing.

Christians cherish living under Romans 13 of the Bible. Revelations tells us that God wants us either hot or cold. Those who choose to be cold will not have access to the true peace of God. Their choice is Luciferian Socialism.

Simply put: Americans will fully render unto their secular control. Remember, Communism does away with religion. What the earth has been witnessing the past few hundred years is the New Age of Aquarius being setup to be under World Communism. I have advised who I work for: I work for no man.
Dirty Deeds
Done Dirt Cheap–
Courtesy Of
The Luciferian
This especially includes any type being handled by the Jesuit Order and being an agent provocateur type like Guy Fawkes of the 1605 Gun Powder Plot of the Vatican... whose likeness was slipped into "The Movement" some years back under the Anonymous moniker. Definitely these were not True Christians.

And lest we forget a plethora of Clowns Who Swindle that have managed to keep unsuspecting Americans in the gray area with their con games.

This King Is Whom?
Speaking of a smorgasbord, who does one trust? There are a lot of "Dancing Monkeys" on the Internet who profess different things. Most are a distraction. Lately, Mark Dice is pushing "Christ". The question is: Which "King" is he referencing? I say it is the inverted one fabricated by "The Church"...
Sadly– All
And No Law
With This Guy
What is the key issue here and its nature? What is this push by Mark Dice?

Indeed. Beware the Operatives and Oafs. It may be a rehash of the false savior. These followers are just a deceived group of New Conservatives of the new Red Super Party that will continue to keep its politics maintaining the Red Vortex.

To sum it up... the bottom line is, Live in constant fear. Many deceivers are here.

The Ruling Class Circus
Our Redeemer related to us that the meek will inherit the earth. The evil of this world – as depicted in the Bible during the past two ages, being the Age of Aries (2150 BCE-1 CE) and the Age of Pisces (1 CE-2150 CE) – is now coming to an end. If this 4000+ year reign of rule is to close so the said promise may happen in the Age of Aquarius, true peace must be seen by the meek endearing God.

It cannot happen if the weak keep endearing that of the antiChrist.

Believe God
Will Save

It Was Done
Long Ago
So What Do Discerning Souls Need To Know?
Below are Six Posts found in this Blog that will help put things together for you on these matters. Please review all of them to better understand the Big Con transpiring over the years causing people to prefer the Democracy Cult-ure...



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