Monday, April 15, 2024

Honoring Communism

April 15th: A Great Marxist Day
This is the day Americans sort out how much of their property is given to the government to fund the agenda of World Communism. It is a fact that unaware Americans have been used as slave labor (i.e., capital) to fund the progressive development of other countries around the world for over 100 years.

Income tax is a main component of the Communist Manifesto. Who in the world has disclosed that to Americans? Seems like an act of bad faith, does it not?

A Bigger Than Big Lie
Little do most Americans know, America is the most successful installation of Communism for those of the world. It is not only the first "country" to envelope it, but also it was setup to develop it. My book, The Red Amendment, goes over this installation and progress held under the Constitution OF the United States, as before the 14th Amendment being the Constitution FOR the United States.
Only A Clump
Of Evil Rumps
Could Pull-Off
This Commie
So why is it a big lie? At what time have you heard by anyone that the above fact is true? This scheme has been going on for over 150 years. It is a fact the RUMP CONGRESS has said nothing. As a matter of fact, politicians play the game of make believe other countries are Communist, but not America. In honesty, America has all Planks of the Communist Manifesto applied.

Americans are clueless that Communism is the economic takeover and control of the economy of a country, which makes the rich, richer... through corporate control. It has worked very well. Since the so-called "Civil War", the State System controls more land. People will own nothing and like it.

This damage has been progressive over the past 150 years.

Run Lands 
Are A Big 
Red Flag

Doing away with the ownership of land is a key element to a communist system. Even people are tenants on their lands they believe they own... which is even dwindling. Property Tax is evidence of such system to aid in its socialism.

The Red Amendment: Chapter 2
Sad to say, the so-called “Civil War” was a sham. To “free the slaves” was the bogus excuse that was used to justify it; when in fact it was just a ploy to “RECONSTRUCT” the governmental system. The installation of the Fourteenth Amendment created the foundation that allowed The Elite to create the powerful corporate structures they have...

After a short time it was evident:
“Of the cases in this court in which the 14th Amendment was applied during the first fifty years after its adoption, less than one half of one percent invoked it in protection of the Negro race, and more the fifty percent asked that its benefits be extended to corporations.”
—Supreme Court Justice, Hugo Black

Expect A

Perhaps Not

Actually Don't Bother Complaining
It does no good to complain about it. You were setup to take the fall for this. It is called consent. You have been setup in rebellion. Sadly, I have been warning people about this for over 25 years now; but, they rather listen to Operatives and Opportunists. No doubt a real serious state of affairs for being trusting souls.

The Rich Get
 Richer And
 Care Less
 About The
 Red Vortex
They Live In

Past Blogs To Better Understand
Make sure you go through all of these. And don't be concerned if you don't, as the information is for Discerning Souls. Most people will follow the Dancing Monkeys that are found on the Internet... among other Maintainer types... Those who are Truly Aware will Beware the presence of The RED TIE Club.
Please understand, the intended Damage Is Done...



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