Monday, April 8, 2024

Now That's Funny

Honestly Now
  Actually, this is not funny at all. It's very, very sad.

PAC Beginnings
When I founded People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), I thought Americans would want to do the "Right Thing" to save their posterity. Boy howdy. I was totally wrong about that. People are controlled by the Zionist faction to the point where they fail to understand and know which end is up. They have even ignored the warnings I have published the past few years in this Blog.
Sadly, Most
All Americans
Will Not Admit
It, But This Is
A Problem.
It is believed that the mind control is deeper than that of those in American Revolution times and that of the Roman Empire before Christ appeared. The principle of the modern day Golden Calf is deeply instilled in those who are steeped in World Communism established by the Shadow Government. Principally, this is why PAC is primarily suited for Discerning Souls.

What is Even Sadder
What I have provided people in the way of truth and law that they have ignored has been utilized by the adversary. Instead of people paying attention and doing the right thing, truth and law allows the adversary to be that many more steps ahead of the game. One has to admit, that is kind of humorous, in a sense. Sadly, it goes along with the pertinent idiom, 'If you snooze, you lose.'

The main issue is, are you self-governing or ruled by man (666)?

The Elements
Here are some definitions based on those being distracted by the games of the adversary. They are found in the PAC Island Makers' Lexicon. The Lawful American Peoples themselves are truly their own worst enemies...

24. Gray Area. As the original Constitution was not done away with, the Fourteenth Amendment created a dual system of law. People who do not correct their nationalities like to play with both sides of the system rather than making a stand to do what is right. This plays right into the hands of the government as it allows it to keep the system intact and execute selective prosecutions on such people. —See Fence Walker

17. Fence Walker. A person that preaches the Constitution is being violated and wants constitutional freedom, but may also want the benefits of the private law that only applies to United States citizens. These types are considered hypocrites and are dangerous to the education of others. —See Gray Area, and Useful Idiot

61. Useful Idiot. The communists of the USSR referred to people that were doing the deeds of the Communist Regime as if they were on the payroll. In other words, people who are not correct in law might as well be working as agent provocateurs for the government as their actions accomplish the same destructive results.
Of Man Or 
By God?
People seem to like being taken care of by their rulers and also being lied to.
I do remind readers that this "Democracy" is to Serve and Rule evil people.

Simply put. It all surrounds trusting man over having faith in our Creator, God.
To learn more on the issues the general public has, go over these 2 Posts... Also, see what the Two Posts above get you by ignoring their warnings...
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