Monday, March 25, 2024

Case Against Secession

A HISTORY LESSON   FROM: A Case Against Secession
The government of the Israelites destroyed them. Over spending and lust of their leader put them into debt and caused constitutional issues. The majority of their states complained about it. Their leader responded to them with little compassion, and threats on top of it. They got upset and opted to rebel. It divided their union which ultimately caused them to get conquered by foreign countries... Let this be a lesson to you. / end clip /
Please read the rest of that 2 page paper. It is a historical eye opener. Those coming to America are here based on a repeat of history. Today being under the bondage of Marxist Materialism. The epitome of the Israelite story. Understand that the Anglo-Protestant society who immigrated to America were the lawful people who populated the Union in the mid-1600's. Such Christians came to America to escape the tyranny of "The Church". Their quest must survive.

The Law Never Dies
There is a common law maxim that denotes, The laws sometimes sleeps, but never dies. The sitting corporate based body politic was implemented by the art of deception under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution by force. Why, you ask?  Article V was breached to form the so-called "Emergency States".

The Adversary
Has  Already
Won by Our
Lands of the several state-republics were seized and used by the Communist Association, which breached the "guarantee" of Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution. It was done unlawfully and is being used in adverse possession. As above, we know who settled the "Union" and their spiritual existence...
• Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt.
   The right of blood and kindred cannot be destroyed by any civil law.
Jus descendit et non terra.
   A right descends, not the land.
Criminals – those in rebellion per the Communist Manifesto – have given up their rights. Those same criminals love basking in their civil rights and cherish the civil flag. But that's what you get by following those with forked tongues.
The Civil Flag 
of Peace is just 
simply Boob-Bait 
that lures fools.
Below are maxims of law that the Discerning Soul would take to heart...

• Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.

• Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
    It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

The two jurisdictions under Article IV must be separated so Discerning Souls may live in freedom. This being the political will/right of lawful Anglo-Americans so they relinquish being oppressed by the Marxism of those in rebellion.

Division And Weak Minds
People's Awareness Coalition has been advocating education in the Rule of Law and True Peace going on over 25 years now, see our Mission Statement. Part of the adversary's game is have people take up arms against them (it), which is insanity. The adversary is the only entity that can kill in the name of "God"...

That's what THEY think and say anyway. It has been going on for eons. And, the Constitution prohibits the act of taking up arms against it : The United States.

It is past time for the Evolution of Lawful Americans, see The Ring Project.

The Rulers Of
 Evil Keeping
 World Peace.
Realize there are a lot of Operatives and Oafs promoting the arms method. Also understand this is how the Civil War created a desired effect as did the American Revolution. Thank the Synagogue of Satan for that progress. They were Stepping-Stones to the New World Order and its World Communism. Actually a wicked blueprint to consolidate wealth into the hands of a few.

Don't Worry Be Happy
Discerning Souls would relinquish the Commercial Plantation and stop being of the world. But those seeking Republican Freedom are few due to the fact most people cherish their Marxist Materialism. Being of The Remnant resists evil; however, the masses bask in evil and its created Satanic culture or cult.

Will Truly 
Love Their 
New Normal 
With Satan.

So, who is enjoying the Cultural Marxism Woke-Awake dog and pony show to cover-up that America had already been Communized the past 150 years? Hey, don't worry. Your normalization is in the works for a permanent position in the final resting place of World Communism. You will own nothing and be happy; which includes not having lawful possession of land your people occupy!

What are Conservatives Conserving?
I have been asking myself for some time, What are Conservatives' conserving?
The simple answer is : World Communism. Right. Vote Harder!... Criminals.

Sad. And You
Wonder What
Do Conserve:
See, the intended damage has already been done under The Red Amendment.
It has all been by consent of a de facto, rebellious state the past 150 years. A perpetual union under a progressive state of being One Nation Under Fraud. Soon to be, One World without God... all by the consent of the governed.

And most importantly, the Article IV, Section 3, States lack standing to secede. The Lawful Bodies Politic have to initiate any change to the perpetual union. Actually, in constitutional reality the "Emergency" shall remain perpetual. Because those in rebellion elect to be ruled by tyrants, not our Creator.

That is to say, ruled by man (666) and not governed by God —William Penn.

Remember the 3 Elements of your Consent: Voting-Doles-Silence.
The maxim THEY use against those with Satanic minds...

• Qui vult decipi, decipiatur...
     Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

Some Extra Knowledge For Discerning Souls...
Review this most important post : Meet The Maintainers
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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