Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Slowly I Turned

A Very Slow Burn
My Blog Post today is a summary post for your review. It covers the past 250 years it took to destroy the Christian base of America... Being Anglo-Saxon.
I will be referencing past Blogs to keep this Post short. I would like to dedicate this post to a good researcher friend... She knows who she is, by this alone...

A comedic short from the 3 Stooges sets the pace for what's to come...
Red Comedy
Of Sorts
Slowly I turned: to realize how the Lawful Union was turned into a secular profit machine to put us all into perpetual bondage. And, there has been much blood spilled to achieve it. Keep in mind, their domination is always a work in progress. It took THEY some time to get their final plan together to make it a RED ordeal. To silently conquer a people takes patience, planning, and extreme evilness.

Three Progressive Stages
There are three main stages used to set up RED America: Stage 1) Setup the enterprise The United States of America by using the Original 13 Colony/States (1760's); Stage 2) Turn the several States into one Federal body politic using a civil war and the slave issue as a device to execute it (1860's); and, Stage 3) Put the finishing touches on the plan by bringing all Americans deep into their Red Vortex by creating a credit system to fulfill Marxist Materialism (1960's).

Approximate dates are used to give us a 250 year timeline.

The Luciferians had achieved conditioning Anglo-Saxon America in the first two stages. The third stage was of purpose to put the final nails in the coffin. During the last stage THEY were solidifying what was needed to be accomplished, ultimately that being destroying the true Christian family, empowering women to consent to being economic slaves, and homogenizing races and religions.

The primary damage has already been done.
The last 50 years evil has led America into temptation.
What America is facing now is just being jerked around by evil.

First Stage Plan
The First Stage relates to who I work for. It is on the level to what the Christians of the 13 Original Colony/States believed their faith was grounded in. In a sense, these states were created under the Divine Right of Kings. They knew God, our Creator, is the reason why their government existed. You can review my post, Who I Work For, to better understand what the faith involved.

That faith was the primary thing needed to be destroyed. The tools who setup the progressive takeover can be reviewed at my post, Birth of The Illuminati, and also the post, The Luciferian Bunch. This setup the Masonic order to be able to come in and set up camp to assist in bringing in the progressive two staged State religious schemes of god pimps to govern United States citizens.

Second Stage Plan
The second stage setup control for the God Pimps to achieve the progressive takeover. Review, Your Red State, to see how the Constitution was bifurcated to accommodate the One Nation Under Fraud. Furthermore, please review my two posts titled, Us and They, and, The Judeo-Christian, to better understand how this slow burn gradually took out the Union built on Anglo-Saxon Christianity.

Particulars of the second stage can be gone over in, How They Play Us, and also, The Great Inversion. Those two posts will provide you some fundamental details so you better understand how THEY achieved the RED takeover.

Third Stage Plan
Like I have related above – and in my other blogs and writings, THEY are now building their RED Army to cover-up America was Marxized during the second Stage. The Third Stage implemented the second type of god pimp to achieve their end. This stage also took care of putting the finishing touches on their devious takeover. Simply, THEY are driving the final nails in the coffin.

Fraud schemes are used such as neo-Marxism as a trick to make Americans think Marxists are taking over. Sadly, THEY had already accomplished what was desired. What we have been witnessing with all this loony-tune activity as of late is political theater to cover-up that America has already been Communized.

Sadly, Americans don't realize that all Planks and much of the dogma of the Communist Manifesto is applied in America. That is how you can tell if a country is Communist or not. Not by what intellectuals like Jordan Peterson and Noam Chomsky say— or the government, schools, and media, for that matter.

Get The Ring and Marxist Twaddle booklets to learn more.

Building A Red Army
The Red Army are the Conservatives. Know that Communists are sneaky.

FOX News gives us a sample of how the Liberals (and Democrats) were setup to be taken down. A Hegelian Dialectic that had been going on the second two stages. Here is a sample... MSNBC anchor makes startling admission... Orchestrated things of political theater sure are startling. Imagine all the people in government and media being frauds and liars. It's easy if you try.
See my post, The Great Inversion, to learn more.

Content Summary
For a shorter method to review the above contents, see the post, Now That's Progress, to see a rundown on how the progress was accomplished. It contains a lot of the above noted posts so you don't need to go through those listed above. But it always is good to go over things more than once.

And remember, the term Satan is just a reference to "adversary". I have been thinking for years, "Who is the number one adversary of God, our Creator?

The answer: Man. The evil ones who deny there is higher power than them.

One of our people had recently said that he looked at the translative history of the word "Satan" and found that relation to being an adversary. There are other imps and demons attached to the term Satan, Biblically. But our plight deals with man and greed. I would say to you my assessment of the Bible is what allowed me to free myself from this Godless system—They Always Warn Us.
There is still freedom for us, a justice of the Supreme Court said it best...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, supersttion, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

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