Monday, January 1, 2024

Discovering The Treason

It Is
A Crime
To Vote.

Who Knows
That Secret?

I Evidence a Very Relevant Maxim of Law...
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere...
     It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

You Can't Make This Stuff Up
John F. Kennedy had Warned America about the takeover that was to take the [U]nited States of America into its final resting place. That final resting place was to be the finishing touches on the Totalitarian Police States that were to be run under Dictatorships. You may see the last steps of the cabal in my Post– One Party Coming. It illustrates the continuing Consent of Treason by the Anglos via the Rebellions by them and other Foreigners of the Communist Association.

Of course those "rebellions" can be found in the Communist Manifesto, Plank 4. The rule of law that enacts them is found in Section 2 of the 14th Amendment. Several operations of law maintain the system, mainly: Voting-Doles-Silence.

Buried In The

And Treason.
Further, we find this directive in the Communist Manifesto... "The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality." Per the United States Code, all republic-states' nationalities are lumped into one United States nationality, which transpires under Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. Of course, particulars are enforced by congressional legislation under Section 5. As we know, America is referred to as a country, but constitutionally it is not. It is a union of countries. It is a "country" for international purposes of commerce.

Consolidation of countries and nationalities is a stair-step by the Synagogue of Satan to control all commerce under World Government. THEY are not done yet. See PAC Perspectives to understand more on this genocide for profit...

Simply stated, in regard to the maxim of law above: It is best to be in the world, not of it. Politically, that is to say : It is better to recede than proceed in evil.

Americans must understand the true nature of the Luciferian Bunch.
It should be understood that THEY cherish their chattel cattle.
And, lest we not forget that the Synagogue of Satan truly
despises the Anglo Christians enough to set this up.

Honestly. How Deep is Your Consent?

Play The Game.

That's How You Are Enslaved.

The Woke-Awake Circus
Unbeknownst to many, what has been going on for sometime is a substantial program of Hegelian Dialectic (Problem-Reaction-Solution) is being played. It is working very well. Most people have no idea about anything and just see total chaos. The Red masses are about themselves and being controlled as egoists.

The past many years, THEY  have been creating a Red Super Party made up of so-called Conservatives. So-called Neo-Marxism is being used to take the Red masses who exist in an Article IV, Section 3, "State" deeper into the Red Vortex. Social media – namely Twitter (X) – is a massive tool of distraction. The free speech provided to the RED masses for free to trap the self-important users.

Discernung Souls must remember this: "Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people." The People's Awareness Coalition has our own platform that helps keep our members isolated from the distractions of the world. We discuss ideas to "repopulate" The Republic.

PAC has a plan grounded in the rule of law. Within that rule of law they set aside remedy that allows us to reestablish the lawful identities of Lawful Americans.

The deceived should move on from the planned opposition and get Aware, stop being Woke and Awake. The deceived need to leave the PsyOp Circus behind...

Seriously. There is nothing new under the sun. All United States citizens to the Colosseum. It's time for your bread and circuses so the Empire may march on. This so the Anglo bodies politic can be genocided by the New World Order.

Ignorance of Law Is No Excuse
Simply. Understanding law is how I found out what has transpired over the past 150 years... and beyond. Of course, a bit of Divine Intervention assisted.

I realized the problems by watching people fail in court. Patriot types had told me, "Read more case law." So I did. I found out where the principles came from that the Black Robed Priests used as a foundation, I also read the Constitution after my law study. I soon realized: Why do I have to listen to these guys?

Seriously. Who needs a middle-man, i.e., A god pimp?

That brings us to my Number 1 Rule on how to study law: Don't read case law. Case law of the status quo violates due process for all lawful Americans. Case law is grounded in statutory construction and basically ignores common law.

Jurist/Judge Robert Bork had related the problem to the world:
"I don't think the Constitution is studied almost anywhere, including law schools. In law schools, what they study is what the court said about the Constitution. They study the opinions. They don't study the Constitution itself."
You see, that is how the system controls things: Law Schools teach the system to law students, not proper constitutional law. Simply put: The Game is Rigged. The law industry is taught what to think to run the Communist Association.

Knowing Law Provides Vision
In regard to the above noted – along with stopping listening to others – is how I put together that lawful Americans were set-up to commit treason to the lawful or de jure system. It was all about equity and enslaving the masses so an elite few could control all profits for themselves. They refer to it as an "Emergency". I call it a Communist Insurgency... because that's what it is. Sorry, not sorry. A fact.

The lawful Americans were set-up to commit this treason against their lawful governments (acting in rebellion) along with the Foreigners, being all nonAnglos. Participants in government in this de facto system must uphold the de jure principles of the Constitution or they too are in treason. They apply private law mandates on "United States persons" who are in the Communist Association.

A directive found in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment mandates upholding the Constitution in its entirety by the "insurgents". Those participants are Insurgents because the 14th Amendment was installed by force in violation of Article V of the Constitution. Those "federal citizens" voting, taking doles as citizens and nationals of the United States, and remaining silent are deemed rebels under the criminality caused by the amendment. What I call the Silent Army – known as the Bar Association – keeps these quiet wars going. It lines the pockets of the elites and those benefiting through doles, corporations, government jobs, etc.

Communism. What a perfect formula for theft. It operates in a "gray area" so those ignorant of the law are bilked out of their property by the highly ignorant attorneys that monopolize the law industry. The mechanism THEY utilize is... Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Bondage. Bondage breeds Despair.

That realized, here is another favorite maxim of law that I fancy...
Multitudo imperitorum perdit curiam.
A multitude of ignorant practitioners destroys a court.

The Future For America
Our vision for the future of PAC – the Coalition – is to change the PAC acronym from being "People's Awareness Coalition" to "Politically Analogous Countries".

This can happen if the Americans with standing are willing to take their countries back from the Zionists who run this cabal of evil. This must be done lawfully by The Plebs – being Anglos that the Union was stolen from – under their Right of Self-Determination. This to bring the countries of the [U]nited States of America into being lawful commonwealths under a proper federal republic.

Until that day comes, the Communist Association must stay in place under the aspects of The Red Amendment – being the 14th Amendment – to handle the rebels' privileges that feeds the Marxism that they know and love and live for. Only Discerning Souls will throw-off the Marxist system to live under Freedom.

Until that day we pray comes sooner than later...
The Coalition (PAC) remains the only LAWFUL PAC: Political Action Committee.

Americans Live In A Fantasy World.

A Real Magical

The 1st Year Anniversary
Having established that, it has been a year this month since I laid out the Restoration Series along with its introduction The Unholy Trinity. Along with that I also wrote The Art of Lawful Status that is a must read for lawful Americans.

In addition, the remedy has been around for 25 years... as I have related it. But people just kept kicking the can down the road for whatever puzzling reasons.

It is ventured that they are waiting for their Communist based Totalitarian Dictatorships where they'll own nothing and be happy. Very strange.


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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