Monday, March 3, 2025

This Is What Happens

They Shall Not Be Questioned
Americans cry, " The Constitution ! " ...but are clueless it had been Communized.

This treasonous usurpation is a wicked play with many actors involved. A cast of players Karl Marx and the richest elite would be proud of... and no doubt are. This amendment has allowed them to nicely line their financial portfolios with profits over the past 150 years. The "Rulers" of Marx have too greatly benefited.

Accordingly, those of the law industry – and the masses who wear rose colored glasses – have been directed to cherish Section 1 of the "game changing" 14th Amendment. Sadly, they ignore the damage carried out by its other sections.
Found in the text of Section 4 of the amendment we see "the public debt shall not be questioned."  The Rump Congress of YOUR "national government"  you consent to is allowed to spend as much money as it wants. The "debt ceiling" is unlimited. Right. The "Full Faith and Credit of the United States" clause found in the Constitution proper took on a new meaning. American souls are "gold". That is to say, they are Human Resources and Consumer profit machines. They are the new "red" check and balance (sic) of the Federal Reserve's perpetual debt.

This diabolical amendment of 1868 was used to create a dual system of law and destroy the Lawful Citizens who had their rights held under the Law of Nations. I covered the debt issues in this Blog in the past. Please review these Posts...
Behold The Warnings
I have warned people over the years how this works and what was coming in my book— The Red Amendment... But people opted to kick the can down the road. Enjoying Marxist Materialism is more important than perpetual slavery.

Below are two things I noted in two sections of the work. In that we see content from The Red Amendment. One early on and the other being in summary...   De Jure Does Not Pay Debt
In other words, as long as America is enjoying Communism,
 it will stay in perpetual bondage— "it" meaning Americans.

The Congress needs its "Credit Card" taken away. It’s evidently clear that these brainless criminals do not understand that Money does not Grow on Trees. And, it is apparent that they have no idea Who They Are or What They Are Doing. And as a matter of law, anyone that supports these people under this current system is party to the criminal activity:

  He who ratifies a bad action is considered as having ordered it.  [ end clip ]

Although that is from the 2016 Edition, the content is found in the 2000 Edition. Keep in mind, those two notations are a small portion of these two sections.

Remember, these are the rules of ratification : Voting - Doles - Silence.

Results of Pushing Back
Here is what happens when you push back. Congress now understands about the "Credit Card" debt. I might add, I posted the above in the Post of 02.17.25, titled— Information Junkies. Thusly, House Speaker – Mike Johnson – states on 02.20.25 : the "Public Debt" must be paid, forget getting free "debt" money.
They Listen 
To The Jurist.

Appears To.
Dark MAGA 
Likes Mars,
& Venus.

Resistance Is Futile
Those in the Red Vortex will remain in the Red Vortex. Like I have related for some time, Americans will enjoy bondage as long as they enjoy Communism. I have been warning about the dangers of this Red Game for 25 years and what needed to be accomplished. I address the issues in a Caveat to America I made some time ago. Like most of what I have laid out, it has gone ignored...That being noted, there is one major factor people are overlooking. Those who have gotten wealthy the past 150 years have achieved it by appropriating the labors off Americans through this Communist Based System. A system that is fundamentally unconstitutional and under force of Communist doctrines. Such labors have been used not only to line the pockets of the richest of the elite, but also to industrialize other countries through World Communism. Victims should question if this criminal transfer of wealth has been lawful and truly transferred.

Fact is, until recently nothing has been addressed in order to fix the problem of the central bank that Karl Marx told us is instrumental to Communism. The debt ceiling will continue upwards under Section 4 of the 14th Amendment. A perfect mechanism used to enslave America with debt while the rich get much richer. It is my position that political lip service will be given, but nothing will change. For some time I have related, until Lawful Americans own their countries – and thus their "states" – and create a federal government, bondage and pain sustains.

To be free of the bondage of this system, understand the Red Vortex.
Check to see how much YOU owe per the Debt Clock, click here.

The Synagogue of Satan Minions
The PsyOp Circus of Red that we are plagued with is a collection of minions working conjointly as the Luciferian Bunch : adversaries of Our Creator, God.

The "Synagogue of Satan" has been instrumental in subduing the masses by different methods. This of purpose to install and maintain the various schemes. Right. Either they are behind all this chaos we have experienced, or they are the biggest useful idiots in world history. We can let them choose which it is.
Those who attempt to denounce warriors who are exposing the Synagogue of Satan are operatives of evil. Of course such types cannot be trusted. Evil is of Team Lucifer and their players who are aptly referred to as the "Red Faction".
Get Busy With Us
People's Awareness Coalition is two pronged: We offer a personal remedy, and we advise those with standing how to get their sovereign states back... which is also two pronged with PAC and the PAC Alliance. We are about lawful offense under the Rule of Law. Being involved with PAC provides protection for all.
Don't Like the Truth?
Big Boy Panties.
Wear a Pair.
There needs to be an Evolution in truth and knowledge, not a Revolution that puts us back into the hands of the Adversary. The Ring provides that Evolution. Truly, People's Awareness Coalition under the PAC Alliance is the Solution.

It should be good to know that we have not changed our position and remedy in 25 years. Copycats come and go but we're still here... Waiting for good people.

Noting what Daniel Webster cautioned Americans about over 150 years ago... Justice Black of the Supreme Court cautioned Anglos about their issues back in the late 1960's... The state of the Union is in very poor condition, because...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
—Justice Black of the Supreme Court, circa 1967
Judicially Exposing The Red Game
The hype of the 2024 Election was to cause record amounts of "Americans" to further act in rebellion against the Constitution proper to maintain their slavery.

Politics must be turned on its head. A solution for this is The Ultimate LawSuit.
It is time The Reds fade away... Godly, Lawful Americans must pave the way.
Such Americans must be personally separated from the Reds in Rebellion.
There are congressional provisions to address this separation... more...

Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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