Monday, March 10, 2025

A Matter of Trust

Those who read the content of this Post should take away one important thing. That being: If you run across anyone who does not acknowledge a Dual System of Law  that is installed in America, He or She Is Not To Be Trusted. Period!

This caveat comes from the standpoint of the maxim of law which relates: "If the foundation fails, all fails."  People are governed by law. The Constitution is the foundational law that governs the secular world in America. Anyone that fails to understand these vital principles is dangerous to your well-being... and others. This especially holds true for those who practice in the legal profession:
Multitudo imperitorum perdit curiam.
A multitude of ignorant practitioners destroys a court.
Creating A Red Faction
Americans cry, " The Constitution ! " ...but are clueless it had been Communized.

I really enjoy saying it that way. Right. In the 1860's, the American governmental system went unconstitutional, or de facto... meaning the opposite of de jure, or of "proper right". To accommodate this situation of "Reconstruction", Congress went Rump. Such condition "of fact" or de facto state is defined as follows...
rump, noun. 1. The upper rounded part of the hindquarters of a quadruped mammal. BUTTOCKS. 2. A small or inferior remnant or offshoot. Merriam-Webster
Correct. Millions of ignorant buttocks have been voting for an inferior offshoot of what Congress once was. Voters keep seating and replenishing – what I refer to as – the "National Legislature" of their "Communist Association". In reality, the United States is the government of the state-republics. But for these rebellious sorts it is a civil government : they are ITS citizens, or more aptly ITS denizens.
Detecting Communists
If we take a look at the Preamble of the Constitution, we will see that "We The People" created a constitution for the united states. In those words there are two language factors: First) "the people" are considered "the rulers"; and, Second) the syntax infers "united" is an adjective. These are two important foundational principles where people mutilate a lot of matters. Of course, some grammarians will say that "United States" may relate a noun phrase, and in this case it may. It is known the term "United States" is of a purposeful deception. The failure of not knowing grammar and associated factors is a fatal mistake... especially when it comes to constitutional law. As far as "the people" issue goes, most people fail to understand what noun "the" is referring to, and it's not peasants. In this case, just who are these men "the people"... Agents for who? Thinking "the people" are the bodies politic is a huge fatal flaw. Again, certain factors must be known.

A common thread in "Communism" is the centralization factor. The fact is, Karl Marx used centralization principles in the Communist Manifesto of 1848. The 14th Amendment of 1868 brought "the citizens" of the "several States" into the jurisdiction of the United States as a centralized body politic. The operations of the amendment killed the citizens of the republic-states and they were replaced with faux citizens of the United States. Add to this the Communist Manifesto's destruction of countries and nationalities directive, Prest-O Change-O: you have a bunch of Communists ready to be controlled by totalitarian based civil law.

Simply put: Those who believe they are "We The People" are the noted ignorant buttocks that consent to be slaves under this Red System, i.e., Communists.
There Are Two

One FOR 
And OF The 
United States.
The Bifurcated Constitution
It is important to realize these alternate "Rulers" of the "States" are of the United States, and not of the "sovereign" republic-states. Yes. They are imposters; and the Red Rulers like to refer to America as a country and nation... internally. One should contemplate the President provides to us a "State of the Union" address, not a "State of the Nation" address. But alas, now it is a nation of Communists.

To get to the point of becoming One Nation Under Fraud a change had to be made. We see the government that was the property of the "several States" get hijacked and seemingly become its own entity: sovereign over its creators. But there are two main references that illustrate how there are two constitutional systems present at once. Both have a couple different references that we may be directed to. Both of these amendments are considered to be Reconstruction Amendments: One) The 13th Amendment; and, Two) The 14th Amendment. The language found in the two references illustrates there are two systems...

It is seen in the former as, the Constitution is "FOR" the United States, the latter as, the Constitution is "OF" the United States. This "language flip" illustrates an inversion of where sovereign power emits. The other system references may be found within the principles of "Due Process" of the real or proper constitutional system and the faux "due process" under the 14th Amendment and its "legal system". Both systems hold separate and different privileges and immunities.

The language of the 13th Amendment relates: subject to THEIR jurisdiction. The 14th Amendment infers: subject to ITS jurisdiction. The "State" in Section 1 of the 14th Amendment IS NOT a republic-state, but rather a "State" that was created by the "United States". Lawful citizens of the republic-states are dead, and so are their "states". The new state governments are of the "United States". Hence, the Section 1 "persons" reside in the "States" are of the United States and within ITS jurisdiction. Such "persons" are afforded "rights" by the "faux state rulers". Such rulers listed in Section 2 of the 14th Amendment. You know, the ones ignorant buttocks vote for in rebellion against the Constitution proper.

In addition, the use of "their" and "its" possessors clears-up any confusion about the power directive being of the "united states" or the "United States". The main question is: Whom or What owns the Federal Government and the Constitution and where does the document (compact) derive its power. Surely not itself.

Say. Perhaps the Constitution is owned by some shady characters– a Shadow Government. Well, that would never happen. Americans are too smart for that. I do say that in jest. They fall for most anything the Shadow Government pulls. In a prime example: Believing the "Deep State" is real... not a Setup-PsyOp based on Hegelian Dialectics to be exposed and taken down. Yep. An ultimate display of gullibility sucking them deeper into the Red Vortex via the Red Super Party.

One thing is for certain, the entity that is referred to as the "United States" is now sovereign over the so-called "several States"... that are sovereign nations. In legal sense, the term "several States" and "several Nations" mean the same thing. They are lawful entities "represented in Congress" under the Constitution proper. Such "countries" occupied – meaning literally occupied – by denizens of a faux national government. Again, these "denizens" – aptly criminals – are the ignorant buttocks voting in rebellion under operations of a Red Amendment.

Let the "Justices" deal with that conflict of law and genocide of these Nations caused by the United States' uni-nationality prescribed by Communism.

The Communist State
Now to go over the conditions or the state of how these manipulations work in their deception. Here, perhaps it is best to let Karl Marx – front man-author of Communism – explain how his blueprint developed in 1848 operates...
    "There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience."—Karl Marx: Synagogue of Satan member
Besides this instant discussion, that drivel should clear-up a lot of things for you.

Okay, please realize the term "state" is ambiguous. Ultimately it means status or condition. In a sample usage, state can mean: a government of a country, union, people, etc., or be a specific jurisdiction, e.g., What is your state?  California. its status: a possession of the United States. What is your country?  California. its status: a republic. Currently, it depends on one's status or nationality to allow a matter of law to pertain; moreover, how the State (government) of California is to handle it. As explained, the "Denizens of D.C." are residing in a "State" of the United States, being a rogue political jurisdiction. The lawful citizens who live in a republic-state jurisdiction – like the country of California  the Communists  have hijacked – are the lawful land owners–sovereigns. In regard to how these "two type persons" are handled, refer to due process and privileges and immunities.

So, when you see the term "state" used in law, understand that you may have to plug one or more things into it to pin it down or clarify its usage. After all, you might hate your government but may not want to hate your nation. And in regard to the condition of your current governmental system of the Union: all Planks of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma has been applied. You can hate that. Oh, let me add this neat thought regarding this Satanic wizardry...
"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger— New World Order proponent, Zionist-Jew
Five Parts Of Red Doom
Now do you see how this dual system works?  The language the denizens are trained to use – or their ignorance of law – causes them to hang themselves. This being in addition to their actions and inactions of : Voting - Doles - Silence.

There are 5 Sections to the 14th Amendment. Oddly, the law industry is taught what Section 1 is all about. The other 4 sections are a mystery and go ignored. Those higher-up on the pyramid of the "Great Seal" of the "United States" have been illuminated. They and their minions know about these controlling factors. These creatures pass down usable secrets through their secret societies. No. I lack the luxury of that privy education. My knowledge is that of a higher power.

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment creates the United States citizens (denizens) and the de facto faux States. And Section 2 decides how these legal entities of the United States are represented based on their participation in rebellion.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment relates to us a dual jurisdiction. I see it being the "Two Hat Principle". In precept, this section of the amendment is a savings clause that allows the "Rump Rulers" to play both sides of the proverbial fence. This section allows them to participate in this "insurgent system" and enforces them to uphold the "Constitution" in its fullness. It saves them from treason and allows them to treat "rebel citizens" as being enemies of The Republic. The ruler condition embraces the "Judiciary"; this duality situation allows jerking people around with jurisdictional issues, standing, etc. It also allows for selective and special prosecutions. Indeed, it all makes gobs of "money" for the law industry. It really depends on you and your actions that determines what hat government wears. Sadly, about 99 percent of the time the Commie Hat will be in fashion.

And about Gobs of Money, Section 4 of the amendment... Forget about it. And Section 5 allows Red Legislative Force by the Rumps on the Masses of Asses who wear rose colored glasses waiting for God to fix a dilemma they created.

I remind you, this governmental system is to serve and rule evil people.

A Concerning Summary
A query: Who did "We The People" create the Constitution for– Was it for the several States, and did this "More Perfect Union" fine-tune a private enterprise?

Anyway, thanks, Mr. Lincoln and Company. Overriding the Constitution proper takes artful red political newspeak to subdue the credulous Denizens. On March 4th, President Trump did a stellar job soothing souls of the Red Body Politic... It is truly comical they think they live in a Republic, not under this "Democracy". One should keep in mind these word games are found throughout the makeup of the constitutional system. That is why there are simply plain attorneys, and there are highly paid lawyers. And also why PAC is for the Discerning Soul.
You Wonder 
What's Wrong?

Vote For  
More On The Criminal Fraud
Because there is a lack of good faith reference of this scheme publicly, it is a deception or fraud. See more about this in my Post—Ruled by Forked Tongues. This latter system is the one of a default nature and its purpose is to rule the Communist Association. More on that here—A Communist Association.

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Get Busy With Us
People's Awareness Coalition is two pronged: We offer a personal remedy, and we advise those with standing how to get their sovereign states back... which is also two pronged with PAC and the PAC Alliance. We are about lawful offense under the Rule of Law. Being involved with PAC provides protection for all.

There needs to be an Evolution in truth and knowledge, not a Revolution that puts us back into the hands of the Adversary. The Ring provides that Evolution. Truly, People's Awareness Coalition under the PAC Alliance is the Solution.

It should be good to know that we have not changed our position and remedy in 25 years. Copycats come and go but we're still here... Waiting for good people.

Noting what Daniel Webster cautioned Americans about over 150 years ago... Justice Black of the Supreme Court cautioned Anglos about their issues back in the late 1960's... The state of the Union is in very poor condition, because...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
—Justice Black of the Supreme Court, circa 1967
Judicially Exposing The Red Game
The hype of the 2024 Election was to cause record amounts of "Americans" to further act in rebellion against the Constitution proper to maintain their slavery.

Politics must be turned on its head. A solution for this is The Ultimate LawSuit.
It is time The Reds fade away... Godly, Lawful Americans must pave the way.
Such Americans must be personally separated from the Reds in Rebellion.
There are congressional provisions to address this separation... more...

Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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