Monday, October 14, 2024

Rebellious Red Politics

Treason By Design

Understand the Government of Consent post Civil War: Voting-Doles-Silence
Operations of law and common law principles bolster personal consent.

Now to get on with what this new "Consent of The Governed" sadly entails...
During the war period, a lawyer by the name of Lysander Spooner wrote a piece titled, No Treason. Its contents essentially argued that the Constitution had no authority to charge Southerners with treason as the United States government attempted. Courts upheld it, to a point. In retaliation, those who were behind the war fixed things. The 14th Amendment was put in place to continue war causing Anglos to be the treasonous lot. To this day, Americans are totally blind to the amendment's true intent and damage. It has been financially devastating.

This new "war" is a quiet one. Grasp this: Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Turning the political power of your country over to another power – in this case, the United States – is an act of rebellion, thus treason. The "State" you live in is a political one of the United States, and is not a republic-state of The Republic. I refer to these forced 14th Amendment States as Commercial Plantations.

Simply Put: This cabal was of purpose to make the rich much richer.
Ask any extremely rich Cabalist, err, Capitalist... He will tell you.

Reds In Rebellion

To achieve this system, the lawful peoples of the states had to be tricked into it. The 14th Amendment achieved Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto nicely...
  • Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels.
People moving around unconsciously from their countries of birth creates that condition along with contrived political manipulation. Birth rights are forfeited. In America, one moving from state to state fulfills that condition of Red emigration. Under this usurpation system of government, we have taxing agencies – such as the Internal Revenue Service – taking property absent a constitutional court.

Multiculturalism and equity is the nature of the Reconstruction government. Law has been replaced with a legal system and an alternative form of due process that sanctions the lawful ownership of property. A system of agencies controls the rebelling sorts who will remain in consensual bondage of orchestrated debt. Debt created by the Federal Reserve, a central bank prescribed by Karl Marx.

These dictates are all part and parcel of the One Nation Under Fraud created by 14th Amendment mandates. Of course, there is perpetual debt approved by the rebels per stealthy operations of law under Section 4 of this Red amendment.

In view of all these things, my reference to Red encompasses: Satan or Evil, Corruption, Debt, Sin, etc., are elements readily found in Communist doctrines.
Consenting To Destruction

Coming in November of 2024, the United States will witness the biggest number of "resident" Americans in its history conned into being consenting slaves. Being under a system of authoritarian based civil law has never been so inviting... Consent to this destruction of America is required, which law would overpower. If you fail to understand what the above notations lawfully entail, you probably will not understand why things are the way they are. Most people ignore that truth... being, THEY plan one world citizenship and religion under dictatorships.

Most Americans have bought into legal Immigrants good. Illegal Immigrants bad. In short, Legal Immigrants are required so they too can be controlled under the Marxist-Socialist system. This recent influx of Illegal Immigrants is payback and of purpose to destroy true Christianity. This attack by the Red Faction is to help build World Communism and destroy Anglo culture for the New World Order. A system of equity is mandated over the collective rights of such culture.

Your understanding of The Red Amendment is paramount.
To ignore that (my) book is a grievous error.

Constitutional Criminality

    "The Communists are further reproached with desiring
    to abolish countries and nationality."
    —Communist Manifesto, 1848
The 14th Amendment of the Constitution creates the Commie criminals. Section 1 of the amendment forms the Commie entities, which are legally referred to as Denizen persons. Section 2 of the amendment provides for their representation in Congress, and also delineates their rebellion. Both those sections illustrate their Red existence in the State or jurisdiction as being inherent to this system.

There are two sets of persons in rebellion: 1) Anglos (Whites) who have lawful standing to inhabit The Republic; and, 2) The masses of Foreigners who have occupied America since the so-called Civil War and its "Reconstruction" took affect. The former being in treason against their lawful state governments. The latter are oppressors who bear the criminal activity of rebellion on those who are lawful. You decide which criminals are worse. Both achieve the same goal. By principles of law and operations of law, both are constructive criminals. Such fabrications cause an incomprehensible Genocide of the Anglo culture. The only ones who are not criminals are those abstaining who have lawful nationalities.

These operations of law provide the government and its courts to keep those engaging in Voting-Doles-Silence fully enslaved... the 13th Amendment being a safety net notwithstanding, all players are sucked deeper into the Red Vortex.
Seriously, I ask: What is your country and/or nationality? If you said: The United States of America for either, your intellect has been abolished by Red Rhetoric of a bunch of Communists. Sad but unfortunately true. Enjoy your consent.

Communistic Enforcement

In sense, Civil Rights are a soft form of (or is) totalitarianism. It is the legislative body imposing (or forcing) its will on the "body politic" destroying a people's right to self-governance (and their customs and usages, and the common law).

Let us evidence the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran-Walter Act). This immigration and nationality act sustained the national origins quota system established by the Immigration Act of 1924, reinforcing a questionable means of immigrant selection. It progressed the policies of the "United States". A corrupt judiciary maintains this Red political system for a Shadow Government. Enumerated incompetent-seditious bar members facilitate this Red destruction. These "lawyers" are the silent Red army enforcing Communistic doctrines. This is a secret legal weapon of the Satanists who maintain the Red System.

And, don't be too concerned about the Rulers committing treason. They are only insurgents observing a savings clause strangely built into Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Treason is for the rebelling Anglos into Voting, Doles, and Silence. And, don't be too concerned about being prosecuted for any forms of sedition, etc.. Those in control just use it as a device to oppress the rebelling electorate. Also, to prosecute them for matters such as "January 6th" for seditious actions against "their" government. That is the nature of this Red Dual System of Law.

Rest assured, all those involved in this takeover would never want the deceived masses to know about this evil... Hangings for treason – like abolitionist John Brown experienced – might just pick up where they left off over 150 years ago.
The Ultimate Remedy

They call this political opus an Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.
You can bet the Cabalists behind this are laughing all the way to the bank.

The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.
Lawful Americans must be separated from the Reds, i.e., Marxists.
In the interim, there is personal remedy for this Red Slavery.

To Learn more, Read these 4 Blog Posts...
REALIZE: Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

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Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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