Monday, October 21, 2024

The Lesser Of Two Evils

Good Zionists-Bad Zionists
I have said for some time that the Democrats-Liberals were being thrown under the bus. It started with the Clinton appointment in the 90's. In the nature of Good Cop-Bad Cop, what we are witnessing now is: Good Zionists-Bad Zionists

The Zionist faction is a melding of those of the Synagogue of Satan and those who would be considered to be all people of a nonIsraeli denomination. I refer to those working together as one being Team Lucifer, i.e., Luciferians.
The main principle of the Israelites is that they did away with gods many and went to one true God, our Creator. The Zionist faction has Christians practicing an erroneous, false religion under stealth and manipulative dictates. The Vatican fronts the scheme along with encompassing other religions that will "Coexist".

I covered the history of the falsities in a white paper titled, Liberalism is Statism. If you study this Blog you will understand Liberalism and Democracy are one. Note THEY have referred to the political takeover under fraud as Progressive.

There have been authors that have referred to what has transpired in America the last 150 years as Conspiracy and Treason. Without question, the elements are there. However, another issue must be brought to the table, which is this...
  • genocide, noun. The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. —source: Merriam-Webster
All three of those matters need to be addressed soon. The nature of the criminal disenfranchisement of Lawful Americans needs to be understood to understand. Such Americans being the Anglos... and not to be confused with the vagabonds known as the Synagogue of Satan who had denounced their (our) Redeemer.

Useful Idiots and Genocide
I have been telling people for some time that it doesn't matter what religion you are or are not... Government is your religion. I went over some of the particulars in my Post titled, The Unholy Trinity. Yeah. It's an ancient Roman-Jewish thing. Karl Marx had said... "History repeats itself, First as tragedy, Second as farce." Right. Those "people" getting even for those responsible for having their 2nd Temple destroyed has been a monumental task. Keep enjoying the farce!

Of The New
World Order
These destroyers of peoples wandered around the world for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. By the way, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago, 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44


Grasp The
Jesuit Pope
Has Claimed
One World
Alas, the masses don't understand that the upcoming Red Super Party is the end game of this manipulative religion. Progressively, in the last several years, a dialectic plan – Problem-Reaction-Solution – has been utilized to demonize the Democrats to funnel 'conformists' into New Age–Neo-Conservative politics.

Of course, the transition started long ago and may be traced to Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans started the chaos. It is well documented and can be tied to the Illuminati and the Zionist faction and upheld by the Jesuit Order.

  —Copy from this part taken from, Being Of The Remnant

Again, for your edification– Zionist based factions makeup Team Lucifer. For a more detailed explanation of what is transpiring, please read this Blog Post... A Lesser Of Two Evils Examined
Below, the Luciferian Bunch having some fun at the traditional Al Smith Dinner. Jim Gaffigan makes mention the host Cardinal references picking one of the two choices for President is a lesser of two evils. Which is lesser, he questioned...
A Brutal
By Trump.

Yep. You'll
Have That.
Perhaps that reference to a lesser of two evils had to do with what William Penn once said, "Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants."...or Satanists, in this modern world. That would tie to a reference of those not living under a Republican Form of Government as guaranteed by the Constitution...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
That dictum was expressed by Supreme Court Justice Black in the late 1960's. And please realize, republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party, a Marxist faction. Such factors noted, perhaps why being under the rule of either presidential candidate would be a lesser of two evils. Keeping that in mind, we must not forget the Divine Right of Kings had been overlaid with a State System of Rulers not so long ago... Know– The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.

In short, being of this political system is consenting to be ruled by evil.
"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil

Overcoming Deception Of Evil
One thing to understand is, the Vatican weny through "Reformation" in the 1530's, and the Government went through "Reconstruction" in the 1860's. At that time Conservatives and Liberals had developed. The Pope went full Luciferian under the Jesuit Order this Millennium, thus completing a progressive sequence. The reconstruction of government combined with the infamous 14th Amendment of the Constitution allowed for Marxist principles to progressively be snuck in.

For those people who have noticed, the Liberals – or the Democrats – are under fire and being "owned" by the Conservatives. A purposeful Red political game to protect the success of the Synagogue of Satan the past 2000 years. Understand the main players are going no where. Their meddling wrath will continue.
Have Gone

Still Are.
Simply put: Beware the political shenanigans now being exercised.

Ladies and Gentleman, the Democrats give you Kamala Harris. A foreseen win for the Red Faction. As it has been said, It's great when a plan comes together...
  • "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Democrats – being Bad Zionists – have been setup to be thrown under the bus for sometime now. Right. Welcome to the Red Super Party, comrade. This whole WOKE nonsense is planned opposition via Hegelian Dialectic. In part, its purpose is to facilitate business manipulation so the Zionist faction can better monopolize things after the damage has been accomplished. I wonder if Kamala Harris knows she is being used as a tool, i.e., useful idiot? Most Liberals appear to be clueless... ummm, let me restate that, most people are totally clueless.

You see, the Bad Zionists and the circus of Cultural Marxism will soon fade into the sunset. They have served their chaotic purpose. Now only useful principles of Marxism shall remain to control the human resources for the profits of a few. This is the nature of the Luciderian Political System of the Synagogue of Satan.

The Finality Or Rectification
What we are experiencing is a final resting place for One World Order that has been in the works for about 2000 years. One could say the Red political choice under this current insurgent political system is considered a lesser of two evils. Whatever the outcome is, still there will be much inflicted damage to repair. But understand this, the Zionists are protecting the cash cow, America– their Zion.

The most important question is: Will there be true peace under our Creator, or totalitarian peace of the Red Faction and its deceptive Marxist Socialism?

Wanton damages to de jure peoples are insurmountable and must be rectified. Lawful Americans must be separated from the Marxists, i.e., the Zionist faction. The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.

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