Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Legal Person

English, Law, and More
Probably the biggest mistake people make about law is, there are specific meanings of words for law that may not represent the same thing in generic English. The word "person" is the primary one. Without question, this is the most misunderstood legal term of all. It represents many "person" types and generally applies to private law... meaning there is some nexus where someone agrees to be of that "persona". These private based associations are under constitutional and international law. Generally their association is under statutes.

This law form is referred to as the Law of Persons. Its roots come from the Roman Civil Law. American law is steeped in such law. Sadly, many Operatives and Opportunists misrepresent this law form to confuse people. The main issue is calling this persona a "straw man". This is no doubt a sting operation to have people lose their legal battles... and make them look like dummies.

The 14th Amendment closed the gap on this. Due to the "person" created under Section 1 of the Amendment, it is presumed that an American is subject to every statute known to state and federal law. There is only one true remedy to fix this problem. PAC is the only group executing it under the "proper" rule of law.

See my Construct of Consent post for more on consent.

Know Your Personage

•   The Duck Rule :

•   Status Particulars :

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