Monday, August 22, 2022

Fascism To Feudalism

Reconstruction Law
Americans fail to understand the political system along with the law changed after "Reconstruction". The Union went from a common law system held under Anglo Saxon customs within most states to a federal system of civil law. This rebellion of RED was so the elite could better profit off multiculturalism.

Voting in The Rebellions
To achieve this system, the lawful peoples of the states had to be tricked into it. The 14th Amendment achieved Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto nicely...
  • Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels.

This alteration allowed for a default agency system to take property over common law systems of operation in an equity default situation. This is done under what is referred to as color of law. It is highly unconstitutional.

What The Future Holds
Fundamentally, the United States has been fascist since the implementation of the Constitution. Slowly things have been settling into a final resting place that will become a world feudal system. To learn more, read my article... For more details on how people have been duped, read these 3 Blog Posts... People haven't listened to me for going on 25 years. Will they ever?
It is way over due for the lawful peoples to take back their law.