Monday, September 9, 2024

DeFacto Politics of Red

The Duck Rule
There are a lot of people who are thinking change is coming but fail to look at the law. I have been advising Americans for over 25 years on how things work. That is, how things operate under what I refer to as, The Red Amendment : This amendment engineers Lawful Americans to be in rebellion or treason against their lawful "national" governments. Also, Foreigners are in rebellion with them. If one does not have "standing" to address what they think or may consider to be unlawful or "unconstitutional", they will lose the battle. It's all in a simple rule...The simple principle encompassing this matter is Consent. Consent. Consent.

Simply put: Criminals have painted the American landscape for over 150 years. The color has been a Socialistic-Commie Red and is getting even redder.

Hopium Of The Masses
Those who have followed my material understand that the world is controlled by a new form of Sadducees... A sect that covertly controlled the Roman Empire. The sad truth is, the old sect is the new sect. Nothing new under the sun, as it is said. You see, the same faction that controlled Rome went underground and it took about 2000 years to reestablish their control. This time it is world-wide.

That being said, there are a lot of people waiting to be saved. End times of the Bible is actually the end of the Age (Pisces), which happened in the year 2000... accordingly to the Luciferians. The trickery is to get the unknowing to participate in the Red Super Party. True life happens for The Deceived when they are dead. The sad fact is, they are being treated as dead legal entities to be manipulated, used, and controlled during their religious earthly presence by the Sadducees, or if you prefer, the Zionists. To this faction, one's life on earth is that of a slave.

I would remind people, It doesn't really matter what you think. It matters what THEY think... as being the ones who are in political control– by your Consent.


By Your
A Lesson In Rhyme And Verse
I say loud, Americans are selfish and proud. So I say: Why must it be this way? Sadly, children of Zion vote in hope to save the day. But little do they know the plan is to plunder what they own, also limit their pay. The madness won't end as egoists are pros– So deeper into the Red Vortex all you will go. Because this system de facto has politics of Marx, ignorant types must remain in the dark; so we must apply a bleeding heart rule– Liberals be Tools and Conservatives are Fools... hence, why the world is insane; so such facts surely remain. And one must confess, simple persons blirt out things, like– "Well, that's progress" –thus are easily made. Me in resolve, aptly I say– Well you, just keep being played.

Perhaps you remember this, Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

Melius est recurrere quam malo currere...

It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

Lawful Americans should apply constitutional Immunity, Immunity, Immunity.
But as it is known, Marxist Materialism is a hard habit to break.
And understand, your captors surely know that fact.

A cure for this is The Ultimate LawSuit. Politics must be turned on its head.


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Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, September 2, 2024

Fraudulent Foreigners

In review of last week, for over two decades I have been advising Americans on the disgusting amount of Operatives and Opportunists scattered about creating division. Division is the adversary's biggest asset and 'it' knows it. The crux of their activity creates extensive damage due to fraudulent politics. A legal fraud they are a consenting party to and are paid or tricked into openly promoting...
  • fraud·u·lent, adjective.
    Obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception.
It is way past time to expose this criminal activity by turning politics on its head. The action is constitutional and there are statutory provisions to address it.
Complicit Foreigners
When the United States of America was originally founded under the Articles of Confederation, this union was based on the Law of Nations, under the principles of natural law. This premise followed through to the Constitution for the United States. However, said Constitution seemingly formed a new entity. In sense, the several "united states" that had formed the federation government became a rogue, political monster: the "United States". See, the 'Shadow Government' had complications with the several republic-states claiming their sovereignty; thus the United States' 14th Amendment was installed to create ITS own "citizens".

Under Sections 1 and 2 of the amendment, foreign persons are developed. The citizens of the amendment are foreign to the several republic-states. Section 1 creates the unnatural persons. Section 2 disenfranchises the lawful citizens. To do this an 'operation of law' was built into the amendment to create rebels while also making them criminals. Of course, there is no mention of this publicly. And, it should go without saying, but therein lies a 150 year old cherished fraud.

This Marxist based formula secretly operates on Americans – specifically Lawful Americans – to destroy their inherent freedoms held under the Constitution. This formula of Red also allowed several foreign types to rebel along side the noted lawful citizens. Yes, the formula creates silent wars. The implementation of The Red Amendment had created a treasonous lot out of Lawful Americans...Right. There is absence of good faith by the Rulers admitting to this Red game. But fraud is not really fraud if you willingly participate in it and remain silent. To add – strictly speaking – it is not constitutional to be a "citizen and national of the United States". Being 'one of those' you choose to be ruled by the Red Faction.
A fitting maxim of law...
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere = It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.
Shadow Government Trickery
As the system was laid out over 200 years ago, The Consent of The Governed looms over government. A reference from The Red Amendment (Footnote 138)...
  • OPPRESSION. The act of oppressing; arbitrary and cruel exercise of power: “There can be no really pervasive system of oppression... without the consent of the oppressed.” (F.R. Kennedy)
     –American Heritage Dictionary
Realize, those who CONSENT to the fraud partake in : Voting-Doles-Silence.

Needless to say, there is a maxim of law that THEY use to their advantage...
Qui vult decipi, decipiatur = Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.
At this juncture, there are millions of Americans falling for the coming Red Super Party. Its makeup will still be of Marx with adjustments made. Deceived sorts fail to realize American Communism (Redism) has an ebb and flow... At any given point – depending on the awareness of the public – adjustments are needed from time to time. For example, not taxing "tips" based on Marxist Income Tax.

Yes, a half truth is tantamount to a lie. Simply, that is the nature of rouge politics.

And take note, those of the Shadow Government do like to flaunt their control...
"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger— New World Order proponent, Zionist-Jew

The Masses 
Love Being 

We Don't. 
The Only Cure For Redism
Since people failed to listen, the only fix for this is to implement The Ultimate LawSuit. It must be accomplished by Discerning Souls– being a certain breed of people who understand they are not "We the People" and have the ultimate goal of Freedom... not the Luciferian Liberty of a stealthy Shadow Government.

The true national governments of Lawful Americans must be brought forth.
All people (persons) found in America must be accounted for properly.

Simply know: There is the Woke-Awake Circus and Constitutional Immunities.
People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) is about the latter. Not Red Politics.


Read These To Get Up To Speed...


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 26, 2024

We The Chumps

Confusion of those seeking answers from the ills of this governmental system must come to an end. I have been advising Americans for the past two decades, there are way too many Operatives and Opportunists out there. Division is the adversary's biggest asset. And the adversary knows this. It is sad the plethora of United States citizens who are seeking personal attention on the Internet don't understand that. They fail to realize the eternal damage they are inflicting.

There is only one way to effectively address and fix this problem.
And dealing with status quo politics is not the answer.

A Big Mistake
There are a lot of people that refer to themselves as "We The People". This is a delusional mistake. Since the founding of the Constitution there has been an effort to lift people (citizens) off the land to be ruled by Rulers–being of the state and federal governments. The nature of the "Census" created an adverse legal fiction based on such operation; being inhabitants of the "states" were counted, not citizens. Many presumptions take place due to the system's vagueness.

It was established under the Law of Nations that inhabitants were people in a country not their own. These sorts are also referred to as aliens. Of course such noted matter was not a fact and those in control had to fix the problem. It was accomplished with the 14th Amendment... which created a Red Body Politic.

Accordingly, aliens are lawful people. Others are foreigners. Well, a select group are lawful. All "Lawful Americans" were disenfranchised by the criminal activity of rebellion established by the amendment. Really, it could be said the concept of owning nothing and being happy has been a truism for over 200 years.

World Communism put a totally new spin on international law.
The consent of the governed has never been so dismal.

The Red Rebellion
There is no need to go over the criminal activity again. I have done that in this Blog and with my writings for the past 25 years. Those who refuse to listen are destine to remain in the Red Vortex... which means being in bondage or bond slaves. Of course those lawful types are on the verge of doing more damage in November. It appears they really can't help themselves. They continually buy into the Marxist Twaddle that is force-fed to them by the Red Faction.

Americans need to understand those people they believe to be their servants are fundamentally the 'Servants' of their 'Rulers'. With implementation of The Red Amendment, that fact has worsened. Please understand the delusion...

Can't Help 
The Only Cure For Redism
Since people failed to listen, the only fix for this is to implement The Ultimate LawSuit. It must be accomplished by Discerning Souls– being a certain breed of people who understand they are not "We the People" and have the ultimate goal of Freedom... not Luciferian Liberty of a stealthy Shadow Government.

The true national governments of Lawful Americans must be exposed.
All people found in America must be accounted for properly.

Simply know: There is the Woke-Awake Circus and Constitutional Immunities.
People's Awareness Coalition is about the latter. Not Red Politics.


Read These To Get Up To Speed...


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 19, 2024

Pick Your Sedition

Dual Systems of Deception
Some time ago I wrote a paper titled The Dual System of Law. The crux of the writing was to show the bifucation of the Constitution (as written) under the 14th Amendment. The paper itself is one of the most popular writings I have done and only second to Treason by Design. That being a fact even though there has been fraud (judge) types in the Freedom Movement that have advised people to stay away from it. Of course, that tactic fails to work on Discerning Souls.

Seriously. Americans fail to understand what that 'pretty gold finge' around the American Union flags is about. Besides those I work with, who actually knows about the quiet wars that have been going on for well over 150 years?

So today I will cover which sedition most people (Lawful Americans) favor. Such sedition being treason against their proper, "de jure" state government.

To Rebel or Not To Rebel
Exactly. That is the question. The bulk of "Americans" rather rebel. In my Blog Post titled, "Flanked by Criminals", I went over the two types of rebels. I might also add, the rebellion is tied to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto... Wherein the plank relates, The confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Little do people understand that the Constitution proper has been overlaid with an alternative system of (administrative) law. This system serves the "rebels" in these quiet wars. Luciferian Liberty has replaced Freedom under our Creator.

Sections 1 and 2 of the 14th Amendment fabricate an unconstitutional political situation. Those who buy into Communism might argue that it is constitutional. But such types would also support peace by force... Like Karl Marx laid out in the Communist Manifesto. The Red Amendment is a perfect Marxist device. It is over 150 years in its stealthy, deceptive operation. They are in the process of perfecting the damage it created. Most all "Americans" will continue to play...
Karl Marx once said, "Socialism leads to Communism."  The Social Security Number is Socialist, i.e., where the government controls your affairs. Communism is simply the control of a nation's economy.

America is living Marx's perfect world.

Satisfied Seditionists
There are plenty of people who are clueless about how Communism works and what its mechanics are. For example, The Quartering is hosted by a new age business man by the name of Jeremy. In practice, he loves criticizing Liberals while making money off the melting pot created by Communism. In standard fashion, he has almost 2 million followers on YouTube that buy into the division factor via entertainment. Sadly, Americans truly love Dancing Monkeys.

Observe the noted practice that fuels the Communist based economic system...
So, Google is bad but the money paid to him by YouTube is good. They are one in the same. Little does Jeremy know, the "Woke" program has a purpose of destroying the current business structure so only a select few may monoplize everything. Yes, this is a gradual process and will take some time. Making big money off social media will eventually come to an end. But in the meantime, average Americans will keep paying the operating expenses of the Communist based system so a few elite may reach the end goal of pilfering all profits.

Remember, You will own nothing and be happy... on the human hamster wheel.

Like Justice Black of the Supreme Court noted, the greedy people who insist on monopolizing business will never see Republican Freedom. And those with the wherewithall will craftly make the masses they make profits off of pay for their operating expenses. This is effectively done through Congress using special law that applies to all the rebels. The income tax is part of that special law.

Right. Communism has been very good for Capitalism. Those who are in free enterprise (small business) will always be subdued by the Capitalist system. To the greedy types, race, color, and creed matters not... Profits are paramount. Sorts like Jeremy follow that rule. But like the lemmings that support him, he is just another lemming that is sucked into the Red Vortex of those who crafted this system. Someone who is in sedition against true freedom... all by design.
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." —Henry David Thoreau, American naturalist
Understanding Your Sedition
Who has heard the expression, Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Well, in the political system under the 14th Amendment, Lawful Americans are damned as they are in rebellion against their lawful state governments. If they go against that system in any way, they are also damned. Truly a double damnation. A very nice setup for the Marxist faction that operates in a gray area of legalese.

In sense, those who don't rebel are actually damned by those that do. Again, I illustrated their 'criminal activity' in the Blog Post, "Flanked by Criminals". So being double damned also applies to their seditious actions. Seriously. Thanks a lot. A perfect example of, Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. But if you don't remove yourself from their politics, you are in bed with the criminals. And the good people are stuck with the actions and non-actions of those in rebellion.

The suckers who got caught up in the January 6th Sting – among other acts of anarchy and civil disobedence – will continue to be prosecuted for going against the laws of their government. Correct. Being punished for their seditious acts against their national government: The United States and its Red States.

Those who choose Constitutional Freedom must realize they are in sedition against their de jure government(s). They must end their rebellious ways. I say, let the Corporations and Foreigners pay for the Marxist-Capitalist system.

So, tell me. Which sedition is your favorite? Perhaps it is both.
If so, please send us a card from prison.

What A Conundrum. What's A Marxist To Do?

REALIZE... Wise people stand with PAC and its Alliance. That's what they do.
The Unaware
Don't Care.

And the
Rich Get Richer.


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 12, 2024

They Will Be Successful

So Far They Are Very Successful
I remind people of what George Bush, Sr., said back in the early 1990's about the New World Order. Their objective was stated with complete confidence...
"When we are successful, and we will be..."
This success being due to the fact people won't come to the realization that ultimately they are the problem. Of course, they have had "help" with that. Ignorance comes from controlled education and dirty media sources.

Yes, even FOX is dirty. A clever glyph to trap the Conservative mindset. Believe it. That corporate name had not been chosen because it sounded good...
  • Sly as a fox (as) sly as a fox: Exceptionally clever, cunning, or shrewd, especially in devious or underhanded ways. —TheFreeDictionary
Understand. Entertainment is the way people – the masses – are controlled. The bulk of people have fallen for the Dancing Monkeys of the media circus... which especially includes de facto political types found on social media platforms. Distractions through entertainment is the key weapon of bondage.

Indeed. Misdirection and falsehoods are great devices. Using your hands and toes, I bet you cannot count all the treasonous bastards and useful idiots responsible for the rape of the American Union the past 150+ years.

Inversion Is The Key
Below noted is the program that assists the rich get much, much richer. This 150 year old blueprint and its undetected imposed elements messes with people's natural mode of operation via a plethora of adversarial head games...

"There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience."
–Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx : Synagogue of Satan member

"We will know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American Public believes is false."

CIA Director Casey, 1981

As you can hopefully see, those two statements work nicely together. A sample of overt and covert Communist tactics. These head games have been going on for over 150 years. Today, we are seeing a pinnacle as we speak, so to speak.

As far as American politics are concerned, what may be derived from that is, Communism is an operating system for Capitalism. What most people fail to understand is that Capitalism is not Free Enterprise. The latter is what would be a business model that operates under aspects of the Law of Nations without the Communist blueprint or mechanism. The former being a plot assembled by the Shadow Government that fulfills the needs of the New World Order to dominate under its World Communism via international law crafted by law industry tools.

Simply put, Capitalism is a program for a select few to make a bulk of the profits. Communism is the blueprint that consolidates wealth into their greedy hands.

Make no mistake. They have been very successful with this venture.
Abe Lincoln
Had Rejected
Red Fourteenth

By Force,
Pure Evil
The Political War Games
One should find it very odd that historians, educators, politicans, etc., have not mentioned how Red America is. Fact is, all Planks of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma was complete in the United States over 50 years ago.

I have been warning people about the dangers of this game for 25 years and what needed to be accomplished. I address the issues in a Caveat to America I made some time ago. Like most of what I have laid out, it has gone ignored...
The Infamous
Synagogue of
Satan Playing
Political War
Realize, that if people fail to take heed of that Caveat, there is a tipping point here. There needs to be action to make sure the Constitution stays intact and is executed properly. There is a remedy the Rump Congress has left us to address this problem, but it must be exercised under PAC's direction for protection.
Per The 14th
It's a Crime
To Vote.
Separating From The Dead Reds
A requirement of freedom is to be in the world, and not off it (as a system entity). Participation in politics is a primary consent factor : Voting-Doles-Silence.

There are two Political Factions: 1) The De facto political system set-up under the 14th Amendment; and 2) Those who are of a true De jure political character working together to separate the two jurisdictions. The first faction envelopes chaos. Participation in the "Insurgent Democracy" causes reckless division. Those jurisdictions are Marxists and Free Men and Women, respectively.
 —Taken from : Marxist Monkeys

Another fact is, The Union was setup under the principles of Emmerich de Vattel on the foundation of natural law. For 25 years now, the PAC Mission has been about reestablishing that principle with baby steps. The two most important things to note are: our goals haven't wavered in over 25 years. Damn the distractions– The two defined political factions must be separated into appropriate jurisdictions to assure Justice for the Lawful Citizens.

Those jurisdictions are Marxists and Free Men and Women.
Simply put, PAC and its Alliance strive for the latter.
 —Taken from : So Many Questions
You are reminded that those "Lawful Citizens" have been disenfranchised in lieu of the Communist Rebellion as orchstrated by The Red Amendment. The 14th Amendment and its Denizens – and other legal entities – are of a De facto Red Political System. What is transpiring at this time is its solidification. This system is not of the Constitution proper and has been in silent works for over 150 years. People with standing must come forward and take action to Preserve Lawful Americans' Heritage as established by Select, Godly Founding Fathers.

Understand, the failure to work with PAC will allow the program to succeed. The coming Red Super Party will make it so. Its ongoing bondage is for certain...At this time it is being referred to as the "UniParty". It is noted in the US Code as a Totalitarian Party. No matter what you call it, know it is simply Commmunist...Right. Liberty by the consent of the governed – being noted in the Declaration of Independence – has never looked so good. Give thanks to the Luciferians.
REALIZE... Wise people stand with PAC and its Alliance. That's what they do.



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional