I posted this content at the end of last month, being titled: 'We The Chumps'.It seemed to go unnoticed or ignored; therefore, I am reposting the content with an understanding the silent war of World Communism we are in cannot be won without proper education. In that, realize the Walking Dead don't have standing.
To gain some insights, Please Review These 3 Posts...And remember, No real man would consent to a woman ruling over him. We need to bring back Statesmen and thwart this Vulgar, Red Takeover.Now, on to the review of the Post from the end of August...
Confusion of those seeking answers from the ills of this governmental system must come to an end. I have been advising Americans for the past two decades, there are way too many Operatives and Opportunists out there. Division is the adversary's biggest asset. And the adversary knows this. It is sad the plethora of United States citizens who are seeking personal attention on the Internet don't understand that. They fail to realize the eternal damage they are inflicting.There is only one way to effectively address and fix this problem.
And dealing with status quo politics is not the answer.
A Big MistakeAnd dealing with status quo politics is not the answer.
There are a lot of people that refer to themselves as "We The People". This is a delusional mistake. Since the founding of the Constitution there has been an effort to lift people (citizens) off the land to be ruled by Rulers– being of the state and federal governments. The nature of the "Census" created an adverse legal fiction based on such operation; being inhabitants of the "states" were counted, not citizens. Many presumptions take place due to the system's vagueness.It was established under the Law of Nations that inhabitants were people in a country not their own. These sorts are also referred to as aliens. Of course such noted matter was not a fact and those in control had to fix the problem. It was accomplished with the 14th Amendment... which created a Red Body Politic.Accordingly, aliens are lawful people. Others are foreigners. Well, a select group are lawful. All "Lawful Americans" were disenfranchised by the criminal activity of rebellion established by the amendment. Really, it could be said the concept of owning nothing and being happy has been a truism for over 200 years.World Communism put a totally new spin on international law.
The Consent of The Governed has never been so dismal.
The Red RebellionThe Consent of The Governed has never been so dismal.
There is no need to go over the criminal activity again. I have done that in this Blog and with my writings for the past 25 years. Those who refuse to listen are destine to remain in the Red Vortex... which means being in bondage or bond slaves. Of course those lawful types are on the verge of doing more damage in November. It appears they really can't help themselves. They continually buy into the Marxist Twaddle that is force-fed to them by the Red Faction.Americans need to understand those people they believe to be their servants are fundamentally the 'Servants' of their 'Rulers'. With implementation of The Red Amendment, that fact has worsened. Please understand the delusion...
- These Are Your Servants... A PAC White Paper on PDF
Seriously. They Can't Help Themselves. |
Since people failed to listen, the only fix for this is to implement The Ultimate LawSuit. It must be accomplished by Discerning Souls– being a certain breed of people who understand they are not "We the People" and have the ultimate goal of Freedom... not Luciferian Liberty of a stealthy Shadow Government.The true national governments of Lawful Americans must be exposed.
All people found in America must be accounted for properly.
Simply know: There is the Woke-Awake Circus and Constitutional Immunities.All people found in America must be accounted for properly.
People's Awareness Coalition is about the latter. Not Red Politics.
Read These To Get Up To Speed...
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series- Marxist Twaddle... https://pacinlaw.us/twaddle
- Join us in Godly Evolution... https://pacinlaw.us/ring
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Restoration Series Blog : Overview • Foreigners • Nationality • Provisional
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