Monday, March 11, 2024

State of The Union

In A Terrible Condition
Recently, the so-called "President" of the United States gave the "State of the Union" address. I know, it was a real spectacle. Something sane people would not be proud of. Really. So-called Americans should be truly embarrassed.

The word "state" can indicate or relate status or condition. The word can also mean another jurisdiction or government. So really, which is it... An address by the Ruler of the Union or the condition it is in? Perhaps it encompasses both.

That aside, the condition of the Union is a joke. Know it is all a dog and pony show. A play or an act to hide things that are planned. And sadly, the American people fall for it. Anyway, this report is dismal. A sad orchestrated condition. All have their eyes on what direction this "One Nation Under Fraud" is going.

True State Of The Nation
In my Post, The Burning Empire, I related how the Synagogue of Satan (SoS) was ousted out of Rome which caused the SoS to go underground. Now we see the game of Good Zionist-Bad Zionist with Trump and Biden. Quite a circus act. The State of the Union seems to dive deeper and deeper into the Red Vortex every year. It truly is a sad show for the world to see. Obviously planned.

To reiterate, in strict sense the Union – internally – isn't a nation nor a country. Under a Communist based doctrine, it is wished people believe that it is.
Karl Marx said at one time, "History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce." Right, the Synagogue of Satan conquering the world through the United States sure has been a farce. Too bad Americans don't see this farce. Sadly, payback for what was done to the SoS over 2000 years ago sure is a bitch.

Just where is Christ our Redeemer when you really need Him? Why has all this happened again to America? Perhaps people must clean-up the mess this time. Unfortunately, they were warned in Scripture and let it happen.

Just a thought... You so-called Christians.

Deploy The Dancing Monkeys
To pull-off the Good Zionist-Bad Zionist operations, plenty of distractions and circus needs to be implemented. With entertainment, what could go wrong? Correct. Damage that has already been done over the last 150 years must be preserved. And World Communism carries on as planned... with the lawful and foreign Red Conservatives falling for it... hook, line, and sinker.

Because the Damage is Done and main goals have already been achieved, the Super Red Party can be nicely marched in as planned. Time now to just laugh. The Liberal-Democrats play the fool with distractions of Cultural Marxism.
It seems Mark Dice sure seems to get away with a lot on Synagogue of Satan run YouTube. I call he is one of the top disclosure agents to usher in finalization of the New World Order. World Domination must be done in fairness, you know. Being ruled by the Synagogue of Satan must be by consent, after all.

And the big difference between myself and those such as Mark Dice, I provide a remedy and he has you keep consenting to a system that is inherently evil.

Yes. The tools of Esau-Edom are paid well and are unfortunately plentiful. Oh, and please don't construe that Zionism is a good thing. It's not. But further know and understand it has been constitutional via the consent of the governed.

Are Suckered
In So Badly.

Some Homework For Discerning Souls
Here are some past Posts that address some of the intricacies of the plan...



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–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil

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