Monday, December 4, 2023

Federal Civil Law

From : PAC - The Bottom Line
There are some major issues in regard to people seeking remedy to their instant problems. It may be observed that people seem to follow others over using their own thought process or critical thinking in their decisions. As a result this may lead to disappointment in many ways for the follower.
Those people wanting to solve their problems must ask themselves, What Do I Want? Am I looking for a quick fix for the problems I have; or, am I interested in changing the future for myself, my family and their posterity? The People’s Awareness Coalition is about the latter choice, not quick fixes. The Coalition has isolated a baby-step to back-out of our problems: The 14th Amendment.

The Damage Is Done
Things have pretty much been completed. It had been accomplished the past 150 years under the two parties with one face, being: The Republicans and The Democrats. The vehicle was The Red Amendment. Seriously. What do you think the Executive Orders are about? The one Red Super Party is coming... with loving consent, no less. The Hegelian Dialectic plan they used the last 50, err, or 150 years has worked just brilliantly. The boot of oppression will appear kinder and gentler. All 'punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind' per "civil rights"...That list is from Title 42 of the United States Code... It being the Socialist-World Communism based title of the noted code.

True Societal Law
The Common Law was adopted by most states in the Union. However, in order for the state and federal governments to be able to "Rule" under the Fourteenth Amendment governmental system, the Common Law had to be suppressed so Americans would fail at being self-governing. Accordingly, see this...
With References to the Civil and Other Systems of Foreign Law
That is the Introduction from the Chief Law Dictionary that the courts had referenced prior to The War Between The States (i.e., the so-called “Civil War”). So, what does that introduction imply? The telling key words are as follows...
“With References to the Civil & Other Systems of Foreign Law”
In regard to grammatical structure – and secret factors of law – it is telling us that the Common Law was the primary law of the republic-states. Simply, the Roman Civil Law was considered a foreign law form. Nonetheless, the latter law form is what now dominates America... Thanks to the 14th Amendment and ITS citizens who are in occupation of “our” countries. –From Liberty Is Not Freedom

The Federal Civil Law
What "Reconstruction" allowed is a massive scheme of "federal civil law". What was created was the combining of corporations and people– i.e., lawful citizens and foreigners brought under the Law of Persons under the United States Code. Prior to that there was "federal law" constructed pursuant to the inherent aspects of the constitutional nature of international law per the federation of nations.

The Civil Flag
of Peace is just
simply Boob-Bait.

In line with the above notations, It is ventured you didn't know there are actually two types of peace... One) Under God, our Creator: "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" –Romans 5:1; and, Two) That being of Satan, or man: "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."

Of course, the latter peace is that of Synagogue of Satan member, Karl Marx.

So Will It Be God Or Satan
Slowly cooked froggy has been so inviting and tasty.
So, the real question is: Are you going to let things get worse?

You see... It has
always been a secular order
under Satan.

Perhaps it is time you understand what Marxist Twaddle is all about...
and even better yet, understand the need for PAC Warriors...




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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 27, 2023

Perpetual Civil War

Real Civil Wars and A False One
In July this year I went over what the "Next Civil War" should look like... Now let's look at the perpetual civil wars that have been going on for 150+ years.

By the way, the so-called "Civil War" wasn't a civil war... it was an international war between two factions: the "North" and the "South". At times, the Supreme Court refers to it as "The War Between the States". Of course, historians have different names for it. But understand, the Confederates were NOT rebels...

Read this essay – You Have Been Warned – to understand why, Open PDF.
Also read – Treason by Design – to understand the real civil wars, Open PDF.
You know that
Hollywood and the
Synagogue of Satan
sustain the scheme

Civil Law Imposes Communism
In sense, Civil Rights are a soft form of (or is) totalitarianism. It is the legislative body imposing (or forcing) its will on the "body politic" destroying a people's right to self governance (and their customs and usages, and the common law).

Let me evidence the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran-Walter Act). This immigration and nationality act sustained the national origins quota system established by the Immigration Act of 1924, reinforcing a questionable means of immigrant selection. It progressed the policies of the United States.

Such actions are plain Genocide of Anglo culture.

Of course, SIR
Steven Spielberg
glorified this clown
in his Lincoln

Experts Keeping the Scheme Alive
Of course these people totally missed the things I have brought up about the 14th Amendment... But "experts" are why things are a mess...

But as the Discerning Soul understands, "experts" are told or paid what to think. How do you think that this usurpation governmental system has remained in operation for 150+ years? And Americans are more blind to it than ever.

Pardon me, let me clarify: Lawful Americans are blind to it.

The Paramount Sovereign
I have brought up in the past the "United States" does not represent Christianity. In that, it has supreme power under the Constitution, not paramount. Like I have related, the Constitution, as written, Serves and Rules evil people.

The Rulers of Evil govern the former types as those who refer to themselves as Christians and other Foreigners rebelling allowing such rulers to serve the latter in the Red Folly. That should answer any questions as to why things are a mess. And, that is correct... It simply boils down to the "Consent of the Governed."

Our Creator, God, is the Paramount Sovereign. Not the Rulers of Evil.

Please Learn Some More
Aside understanding that the Civil Flag of Peace is a con that Clowns Who Swindle use to sucker-in Americans to their Disinformation and Sting Programs, please go over the following to learn more details about unknown truths...




Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

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Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 20, 2023

A Grand Old Party

What Republicans Gave Us
I have said in the past that there are two types of Marxists in America:

     1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are.

That noted, some copy found in–Your Marxism–I wrote some years back...
Americans are seeing problems.
Not only here, but worldwide.
It is called: World Communism.

Yes, Progressives and Liberals may agree they’re Marxists, but so are Conservatives. The sad truth is the past 150 years of what is called so-called “progress” is actually grounded in Marxism.

Here, let Karl Marx – front man/author of Communism – tell you per his blueprint developed in 1848...

“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”
   –Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx:
      Synagogue of Satan member

Americans accept words thrown at them without investigation. In that, the truth is Americans believe they aren’t Communists because someone told them they weren’t. But the fact is every Plank of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma is found in American governance.

Do you now understand? The plot was “PROGRESSIVE”. And as the word “liber” means “free” in Latin, there is a lot of people FREE to do what they choose, including a LIBERAL amount of sinning. [end clip]

Right. Understand. It's a PROGRESSIVE thing.

Totalitarianism, Communism, and Dictators... Oh My!
Here is just what may be coming under the RED politics everyone is loving. The last 150 years it has been the Two Parties with One Face. The following is found in the United States Code... I brought it to people's attention 25 years ago...

• Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(37). Definitions.
The term “totalitarian party” means an organization that advocates the establishment in the United States [via the "Civil War"] of a totalitarian dictatorship or totalitarianism. The terms totalitarian dictatorship” and “totalitarianism” mean and refer to [civil law] systems of government not representative in fact [actually representing corporations], characterized by:
A) The existence of a single political party, organized on a dictatorial basis, with so close an identity between such party and its policies and the governmental policies of the country in which it exists, that the party and government constitute an indistinguishable unit, and
B) The forcible suppression of opposition to such party.
• Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(40). Definitions.
The term “world communism” means a revolutionary movement, the purpose of which is to establish eventually a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in any or all the countries of the world through the medium of an internationally coordinated Communist political movement.
What has been going on recently is a dog and pony show to cover-up what has progressively been going on for the past 150 years... and beyond. THEY are now building a Red Super Party that will dominate the American landscape.

The Cultural Marxism we are seeing now is a stunt to keep people from understanding the true mechanics of Communism. In sense, the true damage has already been done. All under the noses of all knowing Americans.

Like I have said, THEY get to kill and deceive us but there can be no "force" used against them. Only intelligence and unity may be used. So, where is it?

Yeah. Understand. It's a PROGRESSIVE thing.

A Grand Old Plot
Some copy found in–PAC-Bottom Line–that I also wrote some years back...

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur...
    Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

It can be surmised that the adversary had created the “sovereign individual”. This way the people of the self-centered variety are kept out of the way. This is a wonderful plan so that the adversary may maintain control of the countries they have taken over.

The way to overcome this: UNITY. [end clip]
Seriously. Do you see it now? It's a PROGRESSIVE thing...

Done under Divide and Conquer. At this point it is hard to tell which is worse: The Operatives or the Opportunists... that both come in great numbers.

That being in review, aside people passing around my first post–Ramblings Of The Jurist–taking first spot overall... The most popular post at this time is... You really should share that and this post with friends and family. For one good reason, People's Awareness Coalition exposed this problem over 25 years ago and we are the only ones that have the remedy for what needs to be accomplished... and done correctly. Accordingly, remember...



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Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 13, 2023

Time For Old Change

Time To Slip Backwards
History shows us that the last 100 years has had it dictators. Fascist-Communist types seem to be the flavor. The problem is, America was the first one to place the "Rulers" of the New World Order systems in place. As the image above illustrates, we went from Lincoln to Obama. But, the United States started off with rulers. Another matter most fail to understand is that Americans believe that they are "the people", which is delusional. Well, it is time for a real change.

There needs to be an Evolution. Revolutions take us back to the same place that was there before a revolt. The same hidden controllers are in place after the dust settles. As it is here in America – and throughout the world – everyone is sliding deeper into the Red Vortex. Yes. Americans sure love their Marxism.

Having those things in mind, my readers have chosen a good illustration of their understanding this week. Aside this last week's being most popular – which they generally are – below I provide the other four below that you should review if you missed them. The Red Vortex being the oldest people are centering on...

Aside America, i.e., the "United States", being fascist from its inception, since the so-called Civil War we have seen a soft dictatorship under the governments. And, people wonder where the "Executive Orders" come from. Yes, it is time for God, our Creator, to rule us again. Please join us in the Godly Evolution.

Please start sharing The Ring project with others on the Internet, and locally.


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

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Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 6, 2023

But I Repeat Myself

Nothing New Under The Sun
I – we – are now working on moving things forward. Like a man by the name of Richard Kelly Hoskins was asked if he was going to write another book by a supporter one day. His response was, "I have said all there is to be said."

After I wrote the original version of The Red Amendment, I happened upon a series of books by Richard Kelly Hoskins. His writings greatly expanded my understanding of how the plot of World Communism works and how it is necessary to destroy what was once a great union of states.

I recommend that you get some deeper insights to the problems we face and your true heritage through the writings of Richard Kelly Hoskins.

That noted, I basically have the same story... Not much else to say, I have said it all. It's time to get busy. I know the remedy they've allowed for us to address it.

Like last week, I suggest you go over what I had related, which is go over the Posts I did for the month of October. If you are at all interested in saving The Republic, you should entertain doing so. I am listing the 5 Posts below...

Or you can get all of them on the same page. Use this link and go from the bottom-up to see all October Posts at once... Click Here for that option...

Godspeed, for Americans with standing.

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” ―Mark Twain


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional