Monday, January 30, 2023

Restoration : Provisional

It's Not My Government. It's Not My Rebellion.

This series provides an overview on how Americans with lawful standing can reestablish their lawful status and nationality. It's Not My Government relates to the real or original constitutional system being the Federal Government for the republic-states of the Union. It's Not My Rebellion relates to the political nature of things and can be traced to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. Under Reconstruction, United States citizens are residing in de facto States in an adverse possession created under the Fourteenth Amendment.

In other words,
The United States was not to house
citizens, but act as the State of the Union.

Part Four Introduction
Those who fail to realize the importance of this Series on restoration will set a foundation for their future and their posterity. Those who have lawful standing and fail to take action will have chosen a course of an indentured slavery. Those choosing true freedom under God must throw-off electing their Red Keepers every few years who isssue Civil Rights... more...

To see the full text of this article, Please download the PDF for
the full version at the following link :

Bring It On Home... Join us in this Provisional Restoration!

Restoration Series PDF : OverviewForeigners Nationality Provisional


To learn more about the nature of this Series, see this Public Notice...

Monday, January 23, 2023

Restoration : Nationality

It's Not My Government. It's Not My Rebellion.

This series provides an overview on how Americans with lawful standing can reestablish their lawful status and nationality. It's Not My Government relates to the real or original constitutional system being the Federal Government for the republic-states of the Union. It's Not My Rebellion relates to the political nature of things and can be traced to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. Under Reconstruction, United States citizens are residing in de facto States in an adverse possession created under the Fourteenth Amendment.

In other words,
The United States represents a false
country & nation for rebelling foreigners.

Part Three Introduction
According to Emer de Vattel, an inhabitant is a person in a country not his own. One can venture that is fitting. In strict sense the "United States" is not a country nor is it a nation... more...

To see the full text of this article, Please download the PDF for
the full version at the following link :

Part 4 of this Series addresses Provisional Remedies.

Restoration Series PDF : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional


To learn more about the nature of this Series, see this Public Notice...

Monday, January 16, 2023

Restoration : Foreigners

It's Not My Government. It's Not My Rebellion.

This series provides an overview on how Americans with lawful standing can reestablish their lawful status and nationality. It's Not My Government relates to the real or original constitutional system being the Federal Government for the republic-states of the Union. It's Not My Rebellion relates to the political nature of things and can be traced to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. Under Reconstruction, United States citizens are residing in de facto States in an adverse possession created under the Fourteenth Amendment.

In other words,
The United States is the national
government of those in rebellion to the Republic.

Part Two Introduction
Sections 1 and 2 of the 14th Amendment create two fundamental types of foreigners in relation to the Republic. Both types are in rebellion. Both types "reside" in a "State" of the United States... an alternate jurisdiction. Both types enjoy civil rights and are deemed slaves. One type possesses lawful standing and is capable of living in The Republic... more...

To see the full text of this article, Please download the PDF for
the full version at the following link :

Part 3 of this Series looks at the principles of Rightful Nationality.

Restoration Series PDF : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional


To learn more about the nature of this Series, see this Public Notice...

Monday, January 9, 2023

Restoration : Overview

It's Not My Government. It's Not My Rebellion.

This series provides an overview on how Americans with lawful standing can reestablish their lawful status and nationality. It's Not My Government relates to the real or original constitutional system being the Federal Government for the republic-states of the Union. It's Not My Rebellion relates to the political nature of things and can be traced to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. Under Reconstruction, United States citizens are residing in de facto States in an adverse possession created under the Fourteenth Amendment.

In other words,
The purpose of the United States is to
serve the states... not their citizens who reject Marxism.

Part One Introduction
People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) and our "America's Road Home" trademark can be looked at as a true, "constitutional" version of "Make America Great Again". PAC's noted brand has been in use for well over 15 years. It is a focal component for restoration of republican principles for American's who possess constitutional, lawful standing... more...

To see the full text of this article, Please download the PDF for
the full version at the following link :

Part 2 of this Series will illustrate the Folly of Foreigners.

Restoration Series PDF : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional


To learn more about the nature of this Series, see this Public Notice...

Monday, January 2, 2023

The Unholy Trinity

Your Allegiance
It's a new year and most Americans will continue to worship the Unholy Trinity of the Secular Orderpictured below... Courtesy of the Synagogue of Satan.

That established, forward to review stuff and some good news...

Toward the end of this last year, I cleared-up who you should not be listening to. Such types order of business is tricking unsuspecting Americans to maintain their allegiance to the antiChrist system. Correct. They're very evil entities.

In case you missed it, the warning/post is... Endearing The AntiChrist.

An Emergency Government
It is ventured that not many know that an alternate governmental system was installed after the so-called "Civil War" as an emergency. This new system is run by the Rulers of Evil. As it relates, this system is to govern evil people.

And you thought the government was evil. If you are a true Christian, you know it is. Unfortunately – as far as this government goes – Jesus was progressively being removed. The final boot was when this new system went into effect.

In reference to this happening, I remind you that the Constitution is only the supreme law of the land, not the paramount law. The Paramount Law is that of God, the Creator. In that, understand THEY may not take dominion over the Paramount Sovereign of our existence. William Penn will add to this later.

And, another fun fact : the insurgent rulers under this "Reconstruction" expect, or rather demand, paramount allegiance to the United States over one's country.

That is the crux of why we see gold fringe on American flags. Understand there has been a quiet war going on. It is referred to as World Communism. Sorry my dear Comrades. Realize, I don't have an allegiance to the United States. Why?

  •  It's for rebelling commies. It's not My Government. It's Not My Rebellion.

Please go over these three posts to understand who is behind the madness...

Simply put, this governmental system serves and rules evil people.

The AntiChrist Is Doubling Down
Just before the end of the year those who worship the unholy trinity took a 1.7 trillion legal tender hit... courtesy of their national government agents, being Congress. Let's take a look at that through the eyes of Doug TenNapel.

This Doug guy resides in the occupied country of Arizona.
He seems to be a bit upset with the rulers that he politically supports...The best part of that omnibus bill is : Congress giving themselves millions of debt notes to protect themselves from what may be coming. Seems they can't resist pushing the envelope. Why do they? People fail to stop consenting...

By Voting • Taking State Doles • Remaining Silent

Learn more at PAC Perspectives :

Narratives of The AntiChrist
Yes, the natives may be getting more restless. You would think the rebels are tired of the works of Marx and other antiChrist antics of the Synagogue of Satan. But nooooo... Everyone keeps consenting with their full allegiance.

In 1875 – soon after the so-called "Civil War" – the Supreme Court had advised Americans as to their criminality caused by the 14th Amendment. The court flagrantly told America about the new domination the United States held...
"The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government... he owes allegiance to the two departments, so to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties." —U.S. v Cruikshank
There you have it. Such a form of government having "States" created by the United States, not republic-states under the Constitutional Republic.

The two departments are, 1) "States" – as just noted – and, 2) the department called Congress that issues legislation on Americans. All this is courtesy of the 14th Amendment– The Red Amendment. The penalties noted are being subject to the Marxist based legal system under dictates of the Communist Manifesto of 1848. The war ended private slavery while enacting a stealth public slavery.

You see... Black Lives Matter... to be used as tools so the Synagogue of Satan could enslave true Americans. Come on Doug. Get with the program, man!  Now go out enjoy your "civil rights" under the likes of Title 42 USC Section 1981.

I'm Just Shaking My Head
It is kinda humorous to see the slaves having to pay in advance for anarchist's witless aggression. After all, they consented to be ruled by THEY. Perhaps you should meet the threat ultimately behind this progressive escalation... say hello.

They should pay for their aggression. It's unconstitutional, e.g., Art. IV, Sec. 4
Better said, all American's will pay for their acts of anger, it's constitutional

Also, I find it interesting American's choose to be ruled by tyrants— You know, that self-important lot known as citizens of the United States. Namely one's who possess a lawful standing allowing them to be free of the Satanic enterprise.

Well, I suppose it all makes sense. Long ago William Penn did say...
"If we will not be governed by God, we must be ruled by tyrants."
Yeppers. Treasonous insurgents occupy my national government. And Godless sorts rebelling against the Republic are in adverse possession of my country.

If they would only stop listening to the government and media, in general. But govern • ment in Latin does mean, steer the mind. And media? Propaganda for profits. A platform for Operatives and Opportunists to confuse the masses.

And it does. That's why the so-called Movement is really a constipation... more.

But seriously, who cares if a bunch of unscrupulous sorts make a load of profit from the fruit of this poisonous tree— an emergency of THEY. The massive debt the circus creates puts Americans in a bigger, better, perpetual bondage.

Wait. Stop and think how much "money" is being made off "The Movement". I'm thinking the remedy is— All you Foreigners need to Vote Harder!... Suckers.

I'll just keep shaking my head until all these Foreigners get a clue.

Good News For Americans
The rest of this month I will be posting a four part series titled the Restoration Series. The series is a rundown on what true Americans are required to know in order to free themselves from this insanity called "Democracy".

Understand, this series needs to go viral because people are going to become more oppressed as THEY are taking American's deeper into the Red Vortex.

In regard to this good news, you should know where my fidelity is...Remember, God is always testing us... Discerning Souls will pass the test.

And again, take a look at the Restoration Series. It will truly save America.
All you Foreigners found in the occupied countries, have a very Red new year!

Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

    Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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Terms Used Herein
Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding the post...
  • True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
  • Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against The Republic.
  • Slaves means, slave found in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
  • Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
  • Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
Other words and phrases are self-evident or may be better understood
absorbing my blog and also studying material found at