Monday, November 11, 2024

Sods in Satan's Sandbox

The Story Of Consent

Let me tell you a little story about consent : Voting-Doles-Silence. These are the simple rules tying one to servitude of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

The common law tells us people who do not want to understand law will suffer the consequences. As being learned in law myself, I concur. Aside that, people tend to ignore the Duck Rule. It applies to the 3 Point Construct noted above.

What we are dealing with is an abominable Catch-22 by THEY...
  • A dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.
Call what you see herein tough love, if you like. Americans have kicked the can down the road for 150 years to get themselves sucked into this Red Vortex, now being a Catch-22. I can only call a spade, a spade. Sadly, people do not listen. They see and hear what they want; and worse, won't admit to being deceived.

The long and short of this is, Americans are consenting to be political criminals. Oh, you didn't know? The current "States" are not republic-states of the Union. They are imposters of the "United States". These 'fake states' house foreigners. The fabricated Foreigners are Denizens of the United States, i.e., United States citizens, not citizens of The Republic, i.e., or citizens per the Law of Nations.

So. We hear a lot of Americans say, This is a Republic, not a Democracy.
My inquisition in regard is, So. Seriously. What is your point?
Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.
Hegelian Dialectic At Work

Understand, the so-called "Democracy" is built on a Problem-Reaction-Solution platform... Problems are intentionally created. The duped masses then react to the problems. Those who control things offer a solution to the applied scheme.

In the case of Reconstruction, Problem: Slaves don't have rights. Reaction: Civil War. Solution: A federal citizenship. Of course, this is just the "official" narrative. It actually set the foundation for communistic based principles to be enacted.

The word "Reconstruction" is a description that was given to the new American government post "Civil War" (so-called). It created a new political system with a dual system of law. People think they live under the original Constitution... thus causing total confusion. In essence it is fraud; however, people are consenting.

On November 5th we sadly witnessed the largest amount of people voting in a Presidential election. That was no accident. What I have been explaining worked beautifully. A duped electorate had openly rebelled – pursuant to Section 2 of the 14th Amendment – against the "Constitution proper" in benightedness. Uh, right. Progressives changed the rules, Americans are rebelling days prior to that date. Only a Special Master would know the games the Insurgent Democracy plays.

Those people seeking remedies on things involving a constitutional question will lack standing like never seen before. Sadly, many of these cases will fail and the daft litigants seeking constitutional mandates will lose their battles. They will not even know what hit them. The Communist Association will reign supreme via its debased politicians and its debased judiciary. But really : Who is debased?

The issue of voting is somewhat moot, as most every American is on the dole... which puts one in Satan's Sandbox or will categorize them as A Red. Is it any wonder why the Republicans' color is "Red". It is really a predestined thing. A concerted effort executed to keep people in this system indefinitely. Of course, such persons having a citizen and national of the United States designation...This well-kept secret of Red Politicians and their Judiciary is used against the public. The electorate thinks they are under the Constitution proper, but are not. Such types are under control of the federal government, thus lack freedom. A slave status is created which reduces an American to the servitude of liberty.
People Ignore 
The Obvious 
Evil Signs.

Inversion: A 
Satanic Ploy.
So, don't believe the "Democracy" is in trouble... It is doing just fine. Now, on the other hand, The Republic... well, Americans rather be politically jerked around...

"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

The Criminality

The political system under so-called "Democracy" was created by the Radical Republicans... being a divide and conquer measure with two parties. The last 50 years were to strengthen the destruction of True Americans and natural law. The Woke circus was instituted to get more people to rebel; it was inevitable it would be taken down being a major Hegelian Dialectic project. The damage that has been done the last 150 years will remain with little or no question. The survival of the Democrats by the onslaught of the Red Super Party is yet to be seen.

What we are dealing with here is not opinion. It is fact and law. Operations found in the Constitution. The matter of being –Set Up– tricks one into being a slave. Most people do not want to understand the problem. They just follow the flock. Sheep of the flock parrot things like, "Immigrants are okay, as long as they are legal."... this being approval of the rules encompassing World Communism.

Now, let's get a little old country. After all, a law people do not care about is the common law... The foundational law America was built on. Here are a couple of English words or terms that express the true nature of the sorry situation. Due to people ignoring the truth, you are reminded I am still on a Ridicule Rampage...
  • SOD, n. (British, English) An offensive word for a person, especially
    a man, that you are annoyed with or think is unpleasant. —source
  • BEARERS, n. (English criminal law) Such as bear down or
    oppress others; maintainers. —source
I defined what upholds this criminal activity in the PAC Lexicon, and it is...
•  Maintainers
Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (or profit) interest as motivation. —PAC Lexicon
It is quite offensive having brethren participate in a system that is bearing down on your absolute constitutional rights. They are responsible for massive amounts of public debt and the inflation such debt imposes; not to mention other factors.

Without doubt, it is unpleasant and oppressing. Right. What to do about this?

Rebellion Penalties

The public is cunningly programmed and are then pitted against each other in a slick game of 'right' and 'wrong'. Accordingly, only to be conquered and utilized as "resources" in order for a select few elites to make substantial profits. This is actually a Marxist ploy – or that of Communistic value – of dividing classes so an elite few will benefit per the Ruling Class via Capitalism. Right. Odd about that.

To achieve this, true Americans were setup to rebel against their lawful states...This set-up creates a quiet war that allows the Executive Department to write all those Executive Orders... which is actually a dictator or war based function. This phenomenon caused by the built-in rebellions of the infamous 14th Amendment. That is correct. The Synagogue of Satan despised True Americans that much to orchestrate this. A means to justify the ends of World Communism of THEY. It is just a facade to rebuild The Empire lost during the time of our Redeemer. The Roman republic saw a similar destruction when transforming into an empire.

Remember the 3 Consent Factors of : Voting-Doles-Silence. Such legal factors suck Americans into the Emergency, being a Communist Insurgency. This newly formed "federal citizenship" is considered to be a dual citizenship... Of course its state citizenship is of the United States, and is not that of The Republic...

"The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily
submitted himself to such a form of government... he owes allegiance to
the two departments, so to speak, and within their respective spheres
must pay the penalties."
—U.S. v Cruikshank, circa 1876

Those Responsible

You see, there are two types of Marxists in America: 1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are. That being said, a two party political system actually does not exist. Debased Marxists do– some less debased than others. The more debased type Marxists just took a monumental hit from the Zionists. The Democrats-Liberals were given enough rope to hang themselves.

Bait set and devoured... Now they will be ruled by the New World Order religion along with all others that fell for the devised "CONSENT" that just transpired. A less deviant Marxist will fair out much better than those who disobeyed God, i.e., or those who failed to use some common sense or abide by the common law.

People should be asking themselves: What criminal activity am I involved in to hold me in involuntary servitude?... Something that is actually protected by the 13th Amendment. It's all about consent. And, it is not really all that complicated. It's only complicated for the Sods who choose to remain ignorant and deceived, which surely includes those who believe that they are so-called Conservative.

Of course, Americans have kicked the can down the road and basked in Marxist Materialism were forced into a Catch-22 situation... all as deviously planned... such plan insidiously executed by the Synagogue of Satan and its minions.
The herein noted formula is a major tool used to deny standing in most cases. But the average United States citizen loves their Marxism and the comfort of the Communist Association, therefore is willing to waive constitutional solutions.

This political contrivance has been utilized to destroy the Anglo Christians. It is enforced via courtesy of the Black Robes... such being the Judiciary. One might refer to them as Satan's minions... protecting Marxist doctrines over true law...
More On Treasonous Consent

Some years ago I wrote some white papers that go through the legal particulars in some detail. The contents would be considered Special Master level...
• Historical Error... Download PDF   • Criminal Ignorance... Download PDF
Do not expect anyone from the Bar Association or those participating in the de facto system as Rulers to bring this information forward. It would jeopardize the ungodly sums of money and/or profits they make off the rebelling electorate.
Prefer The 

They Just 
Enjoy The 
Seriously. Don't discount those who rule you and their ability to jerk you around. There are many secrets aside the rebellion built into the 14th Amendment. And please do not let these facts keep you from voting harder. Believe it. The lesser of two Zionist evils awaits to rule rebelling "Americans" another 150 years.

And don't think you're not a Seditious Sod, your opinion really doesn't matter...
Testis nemo in sua causa esse potest.
No one can be a witness in his own cause.
One thing is for sure : This election will show us how corrupt things are. Here is a Post on what is in store for all the Consenting Sods... Enjoy The Final Stage.
The Ultimate Remedy

In fact, True Americans do not have to be party to the Communist Association. The Rump Congress had allowed such Americans to remove themselves from it. This would be the nature of being under aspects of Republican Freedom.

The idiocy of Anarchy doesn't defeat consent variants of: Voting-Doles-Silence. Securing lawful nationality or proper status is key to personal freedoms. To aid in such lawful status, The Ultimate LawSuit  must be initiated to enforce the right. True Americans must be separated from the Reds, i.e., the Marxist faction.

Those of the popular vote and dole recipients will remain political slaves to those of the Communist Association that was put into its operation 150+ years ago. The fact is, your fate is still in control of the Red Faction and Its Judiciary.

Again, think about all these things while you enjoy your Civil Rights and Liberal attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, women ruling you, etc.

In Closing : I request that those choosing to remain Silent Sods to not shoot the messenger. If I were to remain silent would be tantamount to me being a liar...
Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis.
He who does not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.
That being said, those who assist People's Awareness Coalition in exposing this secret formula of slavery would lose their treasonous unpleasantness. Thus...
REALIZE: Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins
And Wise People stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Terms Used Herein
Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding the post...
  • True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
  • Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against The Republic.
  • Slave means, slave as found in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
  • Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
  • Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
  • Zionists means, THEY and the traitors who politically work with them.
Other words and phrases are self-evident or may be better understood
absorbing my Blog and also studying material found at


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 4, 2024

Hierarchy of Natural Law

As we have been witnessing lately, there has been a major upheaval introduced into world societies. Understand, it is actually nothing new. It is just another layer of icing on the proverbial cake... Perversion started over 150 years ago.

The abomination of the American Union has been slowly accomplished by the Synagogue of Satan. Such entity has always had the goal of dominating world commerce and also controlling all profits from the venture. To that end, creating Human Resources out of the world population was mandatory. A just slavery. A slavery for True Americans falling to a de facto government grounded in greed... Turning such Americans into profitable commodities as if Natural Resources.

The Discerning Soul may better understand the content of this important article.
To see the evil of what has transpired requires an open mind and cynicism.
An Empire of Greed
While reading through this piece, please understand Satan in Hebrew simply means "adversary". The most notorious adversary of God – our Creator – would simply be greedy men. That set forth, I had just defined such entity above. It and its minions are our – America and the world's – clandestine adversary... being Zionists. Destroying God's Law to reach their end goal is of no consequence. To this end, Communism had been designed and invoked the past 150+ years.

The Union State was created to represent a Federal Republic– not be a national government that civilly controls state citizens of the newly formed federation.

The pseudo-national government of Red created by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and the progressive destruction of The Republic structure is certain. Add to that other reconstructive amendments – such as the one that destroyed how Congressional Senators are chosen, the 17th – had created more damage. These perversions are due to "reconstruction" of government in the 1860's.

In view of these matters, any references to Red encompasses: Satan or Evil, Corruption, Debt, Sin, etc., are elements readily found in Communist doctrines. Certainly not what we should be witnessing within "One Nation Under God".

CONSIDER how sick this 'One Nation Under Fraud' per Reconstruction truly is.
Realize that "Democracy" is evil and why Democrats cheat to maintain it.

Destroyed American Foundation
The common law that America was built on had a natural hierarchy. Marxism set out to destroy that hierarchy. The destruction of the family was a primary goal by what is referred to as the Synagogue of Satan. Moreover, being in addition, in Christian Pinto's documentary, "The Hidden Faith Of The Founding Fathers", it was disclosed that the "Illuminati" set out to "Free The Women". Section 2 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution uses the word "male" to give rise to future meddling with the Christian customs and usages that the American Union was founded and built on. Such meddling being initiated by the 19th Amendment.
Seems To 
Repeat Itself.
That being said, the man is to be head of the natural family unit. This came from principles of natural law and then was adopted into custom and usage law. Most every society recognizes this natural hierarchy. Moreover, in law, children born out of wedlock are considered bastards and are deemed 'Wards of The State'. A simple rule of law that creates a presumption – also called a legal fiction – that select citizens may be illegitimate, thus clandestine property of government.

So, what does this actually tell us about women being rulers in government? As the hierarchy in government should follow the natural structure of the family unit is one reason we see America in turmoil. Lawful political bodies would follow this natural progression of operation. Such perversion is a directive of Satan. Know the Synagogue of Satan understands the natural makeup of females. This has nothing to do with intelligence of women, but rather them being Marxized.

As you hopefully know, Karl Marx was the primary designer of Communism.

Constitutional Breaches
Understand, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to destruction of the lawful Union. The political system that was created under "Reconstruction" is built on several noted perversions. It is fact that the existing "States" are actually political "States" of the United States. They are not constitutional republic-states of the Union under the Law of Nations. Fact is, the establishment of this system was done by fraud and force in violation of Article V of the Constitution.

That being said – as I have strongly related – many more unnatural issues are involved. Sadly, contrived "U.S. citizens" have Consented to these constitutional breaches. This infiltration was of evil design and intended to destroy Christians. And even more so, spoil the natural cultural structure America was founded on.

The bottom line is : Participation in this abomination would be deemed treason. Treason or criminal operations of law is actually built into the 14th Amendment as a caveat. Only a criminal act of rebellion could breach the true law. Oddly enough, Rebellion was conveniently built into the noted infamous amendment. The operation of criminal behavior is found in Section 2 of that amendment.

Nonetheless, Americans do support this unnatural political system. A formula implemented by the Red Faction to keep Lawful Americans from the limitations of the Constitution proper. Truly a devious technique of Satan. A method that makes the Electorate criminals, while the Rulers get a free pass. This is simply an artifice to make True Americans clandestine property (slaves) of government. The Judiciary uses this operation of law disallowing "rebels" to prevail in court. Courts deem certain matters to be political questions and deny jurisdiction.

The rebel does not have standing to access the Constitution proper. He enjoys the privileges of Liberty, not immunities as provided by Republican Freedom.

So, think about these things while you are enjoying your Civil Rights and Liberal attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, women ruling you, etc.

Finality or Rectification
Before you get upset at these truths, understand we are truly at a crossroad.

The progressive destruction of the Anglo Union began with allowing The 48ers to immigrate into America. This infusion contained an abundance of Synagogue of Satan members. Due to their actions, this illegitimate presence had allowed gradual erosion of the Christian family. A methodical plan converting women into economic commodities along with all fabricated Foreigners of Reconstruction.

That said – now that a lot of readers may be a bit upset – has anyone noticed things have really gone to Hell since women got involved in politics? Since that time, Marxist Materialism and Debt has gone off the charts. Is it any coincidence all this coincides with the U.S. currency being taken off the gold standard?
Women as
Zionist Tools,

Ideal Bad
Zionist Tools,
Not Good.
That noted, are you enjoying the inflation based on the Public "National" Debt? Good Zionists, or Bad Zionists matters not. Zionists are responsible for all this.

Everyone is reminded the "adversary" knows exactly what 'buttons to push' to benefit a Satanic or antiChrist agenda to be accomplished. Karl Marx knew. So perhaps it would be wise to consider why things have digressed as they have.

I reiterate, to fully comprehend the evil of this Red political system, choosing a President to Rule you based on "a woman's right to choose" is part of societal demoralization. It is part and parcel of "Democracy", not a godly body politic.

What we are experiencing is a final resting place for One World Order that has been in the works for about 2000 years. One could say the Red political choice under this current insurgent political system is considered a lesser of two evils. Whatever the outcome is, there will still be much inflicted damage to repair. But understand this : the Zionists are protecting the cash cow, America– their Zion.

This all factual, lands of the "States" are in adverse possession; consequently, much executed under Reconstruction is perhaps void ab initio; hence all actions accomplished under this abhorrent system are up to a strict review of The Law.

So, which will it be... Zionists, or not to Zionists. That is the question.
It is way past time to determine who should be held in treason.
The Ultimate Remedy

This Political Opus by THEY is an Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.

The most important question is: Will there be true peace under our Creator, or totalitarian peace of the Red Faction and its deceptive Marxist Socialism?

Those of the popular vote and dole recipients will remain in political slavery to those of the Communist Association put into its quiet operation 150+ years ago. Fact is, your fate will still be in control of the Red Faction and Its Judiciary.

The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.
All True Americans should be separated from the Reds, i.e., Marxists.
In the interim, there is personal remedy for this Red abomination.

REALIZE: Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins
And Wise People stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Terms Used Herein
Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding the post...
  • True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
  • Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against The Republic.
  • Slavery means, slave found in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
  • Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
  • Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
  • Zionists means, THEY and the traitors who politically work with them.
Other words and phrases are self-evident or may be better understood
absorbing my Blog and also studying material found at


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 28, 2024

Experience Simple Truths

150 Years of False Narratives
It's way past time to acknowledge some truth.
"In the cases of which the 14th Amendment was applied in the
first fifty years after its adoption, less than one half of one percent invoked it in protection of the Negro race, and more than fifty percent asked that
its benefits be extended to corporations."
–Justice Hugo Black
The Shadow Government
I have discussed how the Shadow Government operates in the recent past. Such system is driven by Luciferian types and Traitors. But the masses seem to pass on dealing with the problem through division for unconscionable reasons. As now can be seen, things are going as planned... as I evidenced in The Red Amendment 25 years ago. The Synagogue of Satan and friends are hard at it..
Yes. It is very sad. The masses have no idea what is going on... It has been in the works for at least 150 years. They think all this chaos is due to bad actors in government... Correct. Those Democrats and Whacky Wokes are the problem. Understand this chaos has been orchestrated by the Shadow Government. The Democrats have been set-up and are being taken down... as was planned.

The Dog and Pony Show is currently being swallowed-up by the Red masses. America has been a slave plantation for over 150 years. It has fed the world elite to bring about world control through the manipulation and rape of their labors. Americans fruits have been funneled out to create the New World Order using Communist doctrines. At this time in world history, its players are hiding behind its creation to maintain popular political power. Essentially, a private enterprise using corporations and the funding (profits) that has been taken by pilfered fruits of that poisonous tree. All in a blatant violation of the Law of Nations being built on a foundation of force. Truly an act of genocide against the Anglo people.

It's all good though. The Red Super Party is coming along nicely.
Totalitarianism may also be on its way unless we push back.

The Simple Truth
What is being related here is, the true purpose of "Reconstruction" of 1868 was to expand power of corporations and not provide the "slaves their rights". That ploy was just a sales tool to sell the deal so the system could be implemented.
Have Gone

Still Are.
An extended or hybrid "Law of Persons" was given to corporations via Civil Law to expand their powers. This in turn destroyed the Anglo based bodies politic of the "states" and their Common Law base. The causation was authoritarianism. As we are seeing at this time and space, this was a stairstep to totalitarianism.

This in turn imposed a silent slavery on all Americans by offering "Civil Rights". Anglos were then brought down to the foreign entity status as all minorities and corporations. An odd status that also altered their republic-state governments.

Simply put : The scheme of Communism has been very good for Capitalism. A plot to make the rich, richer. As a general rule, World Communism is evidenced by the manipulation of commerce and business suits. Who understands this?

To Summarize : This cabal is of design to put profits into the hands of a few.
Such elites continue to make profits off the "national debt" you're liable for.

Particulars Of Democracy
Recently, I have heard a lot of people saying that what we have in place is an oligarchy. Here is a paper I wrote over 25 years ago – with updates – on how it works. Simply, another prime example of people taking my work and not giving People's Awareness Coalition credit for it. Ergo : Division and wasted time...If you check the footnotes, a lot of references came from a home encyclopedia. When I wrote that particular white paper 25 years ago, I did not have the luxury of access to the Internet. But other limited references were available to me back in the 1990's. I was blessed to be around other studious patriots. Unfortunately, most them have passed on or have been diminished by Dancing Monkeys on the Internet and its Social Media. A failed poison that egoists see as beneficial.

What we are looking at now is : Having the de facto system maintain itself as an Empire, or America further digressing into a third world multicultural nightmare. We can no longer ignore what is happening under this Insurgent Democracy. Of course, existing under The Republic would be best... And a select few can.
Adore The 

We of PAC 
Do Not.
Democracy Maintains Rebellion
We must look at who primarily funds the Democrats : Rich, debased people do. Over a billion dollars spent on ads to elect "Their President". And where does this money come from? Entertainment and big corporate types, such as Apple.

Here is a sample of what Democrats do to remain in power...
This should speak volumes. Sad. In sense, Americans are funding their demise by paying these people to be entertained... i.e., the money Americans pay these debased people is used against them. The problem is – like I have related in the past about Good Zionists-Bad Zionists – the Zionists will remain in control no matter who wins. This is a hidden faction that must be taken into consideration. These debased people must be taken into consideration, and pay dearly.

Pursuant to what some call the "Great Awakening" – which I refer to as the ebb and flow of the NWO (New World Order) – we see some 'adjustments' being made. The Trump campaign made a smart move by having Donald Trump take an interview on the Joe Rogan Experience. I recommend that you absorb some reality of the lesser of two evils in the latest round of De Facto Red Politics...
Highlights of Trump on JRE      The Full 3 Hour Interview
Those in power are there due to the masses and their emotions and foolishness. That is the essence of so-called Democracy. A republican form of government is not built on that. A godly body politic was the foundation that is built on God, our Creator, and not the equity of a few... the formula that empowers Democrats. In that, Kamala Harris being worse than evil does not make for a godly America.

To conclude, to fully comprehend the evil of this Red political system, choosing a President to Rule you based on "a woman's right to choose" evidences societal demoralization. It is part and parcel of "Democracy", not a godly body politic. A sample of how sick this One Nation Under Fraud per Reconstruction truly is.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.
The Ultimate Remedy
What people seek is living in The Republic, not the Democracy.
We see that a justice of the Supreme Court said it best...

"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

In that, understand our stolen fruits have been used to make the world elite richer along with industrializing other countries of the world the past 150 years. All today's millionaires are making money off government debt caused by a private money system. An undue burden and perpetual PUBLIC bondage.

The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.
Lawful Americans must be separated from the Reds, i.e., the Marxist faction.
Taking on lawful nationality or status is key to personal freedoms.

Those of the popular vote and dole recipients will remain debt slaves to those of the Communist Association that has been in operation for over 150 years.

So. Is truth surfacing, or will the masses remain in the Red Vortex?

Posts To Understand A Bit More...
REALIZE: Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.

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Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!

Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Lesser Of Two Evils

Good Zionists-Bad Zionists
I have said for some time that the Democrats-Liberals were being thrown under the bus. It started with the Clinton appointment in the 90's. In the nature of Good Cop-Bad Cop, what we are witnessing now is: Good Zionists-Bad Zionists

The Zionist faction is a melding of those of the Synagogue of Satan and those who would be considered to be all people of a nonIsraeli denomination. I refer to those working together as one being Team Lucifer, i.e., Luciferians.
The main principle of the Israelites is that they did away with gods many and went to one true God, our Creator. The Zionist faction has Christians practicing an erroneous, false religion under stealth and manipulative dictates. The Vatican fronts the scheme along with encompassing other religions that will "Coexist".

I covered the history of the falsities in a white paper titled, Liberalism is Statism. If you study this Blog you will understand Liberalism and Democracy are one. Note THEY have referred to the political takeover under fraud as Progressive.

There have been authors that have referred to what has transpired in America the last 150 years as Conspiracy and Treason. Without question, the elements are there. However, another issue must be brought to the table, which is this...
  • genocide, noun. The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. —source: Merriam-Webster
All three of those matters need to be addressed soon. The nature of the criminal disenfranchisement of Lawful Americans needs to be understood to understand. Such Americans being the Anglos... and not to be confused with the vagabonds known as the Synagogue of Satan who had denounced their (our) Redeemer.

Useful Idiots and Genocide
I have been telling people for some time that it doesn't matter what religion you are or are not... Government is your religion. I went over some of the particulars in my Post titled, The Unholy Trinity. Yeah. It's an ancient Roman-Jewish thing. Karl Marx had said... "History repeats itself, First as tragedy, Second as farce." Right. Those "people" getting even for those responsible for having their 2nd Temple destroyed has been a monumental task. Keep enjoying the farce!

Of The New
World Order
These destroyers of peoples wandered around the world for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. By the way, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago, 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44


Grasp The
Jesuit Pope
Has Claimed
One World
Alas, the masses don't understand that the upcoming Red Super Party is the end game of this manipulative religion. Progressively, in the last several years, a dialectic plan – Problem-Reaction-Solution – has been utilized to demonize the Democrats to funnel 'conformists' into New Age–Neo-Conservative politics.

Of course, the transition started long ago and may be traced to Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans started the chaos. It is well documented and can be tied to the Illuminati and the Zionist faction and upheld by the Jesuit Order.

  —Copy from this part taken from, Being Of The Remnant

Again, for your edification– Zionist based factions makeup Team Lucifer. For a more detailed explanation of what is transpiring, please read this Blog Post... A Lesser Of Two Evils Examined
Below, the Luciferian Bunch having some fun at the traditional Al Smith Dinner. Jim Gaffigan makes mention the host Cardinal references picking one of the two choices for President is a lesser of two evils. Which is lesser, he questioned...
A Brutal
By Trump.

Yep. You'll
Have That.
Perhaps that reference to a lesser of two evils had to do with what William Penn once said, "Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants."...or Satanists, in this modern world. That would tie to a reference of those not living under a Republican Form of Government as guaranteed by the Constitution...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
That dictum was expressed by Supreme Court Justice Black in the late 1960's. And please realize, republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party, a Marxist faction. Such factors noted, perhaps why being under the rule of either presidential candidate would be a lesser of two evils. Keeping that in mind, we must not forget the Divine Right of Kings had been overlaid with a State System of Rulers not so long ago... Know– The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.

In short, being of this political system is consenting to be ruled by evil.
"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil

Overcoming Deception Of Evil
One thing to understand is, the Vatican went through "Reformation" in the 1530's, and the Government went through "Reconstruction" in the 1860's. At that time Conservatives and Liberals had developed. The Pope went full Luciferian under the Jesuit Order this Millennium, thus completing a progressive sequence. The reconstruction of government combined with the infamous 14th Amendment of the Constitution allowed for Marxist principles to progressively be snuck in.

For those people who have noticed, the Liberals – or the Democrats – are under fire and being "owned" by the Conservatives. A purposeful Red political game to protect the success of the Synagogue of Satan the past 2000 years. Understand the main players are going no where. Their meddling wrath will continue.
Have Gone

Still Are.
Simply put: Beware the political shenanigans now being exercised.

Ladies and Gentleman, the Democrats give you Kamala Harris. A foreseen win for the Red Faction. As it has been said, It's great when a plan comes together...
  • "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Democrats – being Bad Zionists – have been setup to be thrown under the bus for sometime now. Right. Welcome to the Red Super Party, comrade. This whole WOKE nonsense is planned opposition via Hegelian Dialectic. In part, its purpose is to facilitate business manipulation so the Zionist faction can better monopolize things after the damage has been accomplished. I wonder if Kamala Harris knows she is being used as a tool, i.e., useful idiot? Most Liberals appear to be clueless... ummm, let me restate that: Most people are totally clueless.

You see, the Bad Zionists and the circus of Cultural Marxism will soon fade into the sunset. They have served their chaotic purpose. Now only useful principles of Marxism shall remain to control the human resources for the profits of a few. This is the nature of the Luciferian Political System of the Synagogue of Satan.

The Finality Or Rectification
What we are experiencing is a final resting place for One World Order that has been in the works for about 2000 years. One could say the Red political choice under this current insurgent political system is considered a lesser of two evils. Whatever the outcome is, still there will be much inflicted damage to repair. But understand this, the Zionists are protecting the cash cow, America– their Zion.

The most important question is: Will there be true peace under our Creator, or totalitarian peace of the Red Faction and its deceptive Marxist Socialism?

Wanton damages to de jure peoples are insurmountable and must be rectified. Lawful Americans must be separated from the Marxists, i.e., the Zionist faction. The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.

REALIZE: Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
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Monday, October 14, 2024

Rebellious Red Politics

Treason By Design

Understand the Government of Consent post Civil War: Voting-Doles-Silence
Operations of law and common law principles bolster personal consent.

Now to get on with what this new "Consent of The Governed" sadly entails...
During the war period, a lawyer by the name of Lysander Spooner wrote a piece titled, No Treason. Its contents essentially argued that the Constitution had no authority to charge Southerners with treason as the United States government attempted. Courts upheld it, to a point. In retaliation, those who were behind the war fixed things. The 14th Amendment was put in place to continue war causing Anglos to be the treasonous lot. To this day, Americans are totally blind to the amendment's true intent and damage. It has been financially devastating.

This new "war" is a quiet one. Grasp this: Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Turning the political power of your country over to another power – in this case, the United States – is an act of rebellion, thus treason. The "State" you live in is a political one of the United States, and is not a republic-state of The Republic. I refer to these forced 14th Amendment States as Commercial Plantations.

Simply Put: This cabal was of purpose to make the rich much richer.
Ask any extremely rich Cabalist, err, Capitalist... He will tell you.

Reds In Rebellion

To achieve this system, the lawful peoples of the states had to be tricked into it. The 14th Amendment achieved Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto nicely...
  • Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels.
People moving around unconsciously from their countries of birth creates that condition along with contrived political manipulation. Birth rights are forfeited. In America, one moving from state to state fulfills that condition of Red emigration. Under this usurpation system of government, we have taxing agencies – such as the Internal Revenue Service – taking property absent a constitutional court.

Multiculturalism and equity is the nature of the Reconstruction government. Law has been replaced with a legal system and an alternative form of due process that sanctions the lawful ownership of property. A system of agencies controls the rebelling sorts who will remain in consensual bondage of orchestrated debt. Debt created by the Federal Reserve, a central bank prescribed by Karl Marx.

These dictates are all part and parcel of the One Nation Under Fraud created by 14th Amendment mandates. Of course, there is perpetual debt approved by the rebels per stealthy operations of law under Section 4 of this Red amendment.

In view of all these things, my reference to Red encompasses: Satan or Evil, Corruption, Debt, Sin, etc., are elements readily found in Communist doctrines.
Consenting To Destruction

Coming in November of 2024, the United States will witness the biggest number of "resident" Americans in its history conned into being consenting slaves. Being under a system of authoritarian based civil law has never been so inviting... Consent to this destruction of America is required, which law would overpower. If you fail to understand what the above notations lawfully entail, you probably will not understand why things are the way they are. Most people ignore that truth... being, THEY plan one world citizenship and religion under dictatorships.

Most Americans have bought into legal Immigrants good. Illegal Immigrants bad. In short, Legal Immigrants are required so they too can be controlled under the Marxist-Socialist system. This recent influx of Illegal Immigrants is payback and of purpose to destroy true Christianity. This attack by the Red Faction is to help build World Communism and destroy Anglo culture for the New World Order. A system of equity is mandated over the collective rights of such culture.

Your understanding of The Red Amendment is paramount.
To ignore that (my) book is a grievous error.

Constitutional Criminality

    "The Communists are further reproached with desiring
    to abolish countries and nationality."
    —Communist Manifesto, 1848
The 14th Amendment of the Constitution creates the Commie criminals. Section 1 of the amendment forms the Commie entities, which are legally referred to as Denizen persons. Section 2 of the amendment provides for their representation in Congress, and also delineates their rebellion. Both those sections illustrate their Red existence in the State or jurisdiction as being inherent to this system.

There are two sets of persons in rebellion: 1) Anglos (Whites) who have lawful standing to inhabit The Republic; and, 2) The masses of Foreigners who have occupied America since the so-called Civil War and its "Reconstruction" took affect. The former being in treason against their lawful state governments. The latter are oppressors who bear the criminal activity of rebellion on those who are lawful. You decide which criminals are worse. Both achieve the same goal. By principles of law and operations of law, both are constructive criminals. Such fabrications cause an incomprehensible Genocide of the Anglo culture. The only ones who are not criminals are those abstaining who have lawful nationalities.

These operations of law provide the government and its courts to keep those engaging in Voting-Doles-Silence fully enslaved... the 13th Amendment being a safety net notwithstanding, all players are sucked deeper into the Red Vortex.
Seriously, I ask: What is your country and/or nationality? If you said: The United States of America for either, your intellect has been abolished by Red Rhetoric of a bunch of Communists. Sad but unfortunately true. Enjoy your consent.

Communistic Enforcement

In sense, Civil Rights are a soft form of (or is) totalitarianism. It is the legislative body imposing (or forcing) its will on the "body politic" destroying a people's right to self-governance (and their customs and usages, and the common law).

Let us evidence the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran-Walter Act). This immigration and nationality act sustained the national origins quota system established by the Immigration Act of 1924, reinforcing a questionable means of immigrant selection. It progressed the policies of the "United States". A corrupt judiciary maintains this Red political system for a Shadow Government. Enumerated incompetent-seditious bar members facilitate this Red destruction. These "lawyers" are the silent Red army enforcing Communistic doctrines. This is a secret legal weapon of the Satanists who maintain the Red System.

And, don't be too concerned about the Rulers committing treason. They are only insurgents observing a savings clause strangely built into Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Treason is for the rebelling Anglos into: Voting, Doles, and Silence. And, don't be too concerned about being prosecuted for any forms of sedition, etc.. Those in control just use it as a device to oppress the rebelling electorate. Also, to prosecute them for matters such as "January 6th" for seditious actions against "their" government. That is the nature of this Red Dual System of Law.

Rest assured, all those involved in this takeover would never want the deceived masses to know about this evil... Hangings for treason – like abolitionist John Brown experienced – might just pick up where they left off over 150 years ago.
The Ultimate Remedy

They call this political opus an Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.
You can bet the Cabalists behind this are laughing all the way to the bank.

The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.
Lawful Americans must be separated from the Reds, i.e., Marxists.
In the interim, there is personal remedy for this Red Slavery.

To Learn more, Read these 4 Blog Posts...
REALIZE: Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional