Monday, December 26, 2022

Endearing The AntiChrist

Keeping Dupes In The System
This last month I made a Post in my Blog titled... Clowns Who Swindle...

Earlier this week I had explained to a friend EXACTLY how such clowns – them being Operatives and Opportunists – keep their "victims" within the "gray area" by pushing/selling tainted information to them. Understand, the gray area is how this current system manages to stay in power over the American population.

Below I provide some legal writings of mine that illustrate how Americans remain on the Commercial Plantation. It appears that the adversary follows my lead and puts out bad information via their own Operatives. On the other hand, it actually could be incompetent Opportunists feeding the masses bad information in order to profit off them. They don't care about accurate, lawful remedies.

Simply, Americans have been being Marxized for the past 150 years, thus they are of that world. These clowns are misrepresenting my research and proper education. It keeps victims in that Marxist world honoring the antiChrist.

The Right Stuff
As you will see, the gray area is an issue PAC touches on in regard to status...

Below is the PAC Education page denoting our education program. It provides an overview on proper status and has been "publicly" available for years... There are two important papers that encompass the issues addressed... As I reference in those writings that I published long ago, maintaining a passport is a benefit or privilege held under the 14th Amendment system. Fact is, there are provisions for international travel during the Communist Insurgency...

Like lawful status, it is buried in the U.S. Code for Discerning Souls to know.

The Wrong Stuff
Actually, U.S. Passports play into the assertion of a de facto dual nationality under the amendment. Moreover, it is amplified by the swindlers not using the operational law to lawfully shed the "national of the United States" status.

Owing allegiance to the United States is a statutory stipulation of getting a U.S. Passport. That allegiance to the United States is the same as owing allegiance to the Antichrist system, or Satan. Most swindlers advise getting a passport.

Odd about that. It fits the modus operandi of disinformation. Simply, swindlers create controversy so their victims remain enveloped in "the system"... Oh – and lest we forget – many swindlers tell their victims they are sovereign. FALSE.

The "State" is sovereign via "the consent of the governed", not individuals.

These tactics create a perfect trap for government and the law industry to make money and maintain control. Furthermore, these misguided dissenters cost the Communist Association unsubstantiated burden in court costs, taxes, etc.

However, it does contribute to its cause by having a duped lot pay for a worthless hundred dollar passport... that doesn't and cannot represent a de jure status as claimed, but solidifies United States nationality on deceived takers.

The passport trap is part and parcel of the gray area game under "The Constitution, as written." I recently covered how this usurpation operates in the post, A Bifurcated Constitution. Know that convenience, such as passports, supports commercialism, or – as THEY call it – World Communism.

The Sad Truth
The truth of this matter is, those who have been conned by clowns will not be able to pass what I call the Duck Rule... being the Title 5 Litmus Test and also the Ashwander Rules... the pertinent rule created by Judge Brandeis being, "Those taking benefit of a statute cannot reach constitutional grounds."...

Meaning, people are stuck under the jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment and don't have access to immunity of original or de jure constitutional principles. Ultimately they will fail to have a desired de jure status and standing...

In other words, Defective claims/actions by clowns will keep their victims in the gray area while the law industry and the Communist Insurgency under The Red Amendment remains maintaining its stranglehold of power over America.

And like one PAC student says about defective process, "It may work until it doesn't." ...I.E., Don't count garbage wins before they're hatched. In other words, Incompetent courts and government workers will eventually get up to speed and ultimately failure will ensue, which will cause people to distrust the courts. See this noted principle covered in my post, No Ticky No Washy.

Sadly, these activities allow the gray area to keep doing its damage.
In other words, the New World Order marches on.

Selfishness Serves Evil
People's Awareness Coalition had established the status ground rules based on law years ago. It was open for Discerning Souls to absorb and join us.

Then, out of the blue, clowns who swindle show-up and destroy it. In sense, it is just Marxist Twaddle... Karl Marx said things would be upside-down. Mixing truth with off-based principles allows evil to flourish. Also, understand that evil thrives on gray area. Those who want to have their "cake and eat it too" serve the antiChrist. I went over the antiChrist system in, Now That's Progress.

I wrote about the "Movement" some years back... Oddly, this is when the clowns came out of the woodwork and the political circus went into overdrive...

Swindlers create controversy by questionable acts. They don't establish a lawful path. In regard, please share the following paper with people you care about...Those who enjoy walking with Satan (the adversary, the antiChrist), stay the course. As it has been said, People get the government they deserve.

People's Awareness Coalition (PAC). For a prosperous, upcoming new year.

To learn more about the gray area and more, view these pages...

Monday, December 19, 2022

A Bifurcated Constitution

The Two Constitutions
Americans fail to understand that there are two constitutional systems currently in place. This was engineered by what they refer to as "Reconstruction" during the period of the so-called "Civil War". It is said in that manner because it was not a civil war... it was a war between two factions having many nations.

Before the bifurcation, each state had its own civil law system. The federal government really did not have a system based on the "Law of Persons" until it created its own "States" that overlaid the several republic-states during its insurrection under "Reconstruction". Something few understand.

These new "States" of the "United States" have an extended civil law system that work in conjunction with the federal government. It is a system of private law that creates a Communist Association based on the "Law of Persons".

The "States" of the United States handle the "melting pot" which progressively destroyed the common law systems of the republic/states. This created a centralized system to provide authoritarian law on all Americans.

There Are Two

One FOR 
And OF The 
United States.

Some Particulars
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment mandates that the rulers under the new constitutional system must uphold the principles of the Constitution, pre and post the amendment. It also notes that there is to be no comfort to those in rebellion against the original system by the rulers under the amendment.

This system created a gray area that creates confusion that allows for selective prosecutions. It makes the government and law industry a lot of money.

The term "bifurcate" is defined as follows...
  • bi·fur·cate. divide into two branches or forks.

Some years back I wrote an article that outlines how this system works titled the Dual System of Law. You may download the article at the following address...

Beware the Clowns Who Swindle who tell people to stay away from the tutorial.

At times I say that the original Constitution is "The Constitution FOR the United States", and the altered Constitution post 14th Amendment is "The Constitution OF the United States". Sometimes you will hear judges refer to the latter as "The Constitution, as written". That is a sneaky way of referencing the duality or fraud of the document that is only known to those who are suppose to know.

As you know, most people refer to the Constitution as plainly "The Constitution". Those who don't openly acknowledge the bifurcation cannot be trusted.

Understand, that is a PAC Rule.

A Sad State
Beware those who push the "civil flag of peace". This is one of the ploys to keep people "within the jurisdiction" of the new constitutional system. Swindlers who utilize this use different tactics to sell suckers their grifts. It is one of the many methods of the Status Scam Circuit that plagues the movement.

The swindlers are there to keep people confused. They are considered "Gate Keepers" – or as I call them, "Maintainers" – because they are there to hide the new constitutional system from the masses and maintain it. These terms – and more – can be found defined in the Island Makers Lexicon...

The sad thing is, the "States" of the United States are to rule evil people while allowing "The Constitution" to continue in benefiting those who are evil.

Peace Is War
As the swindlers are made up of Operatives and Opportunists, the current system is built on Marxist doctrines. The quiet war is made up of a complex system of civil law. So the "civil flag of peace" is a come-on tool of the adversary to keep chumps subdued by the World of Marxist Twaddle. That Karl Marx – or the Synagogue of Satan – used the technique of inversion to fool victims.

After all, the Communist Manifesto was a declaration of war on all countries of the world to control their economies, which includes their human and natural resources. Simply, there is no "peace" under any "Marxist" doctrines.

So beware of those who are part of the Status Scam Circuit.

To Learn More
See these three posts to understand proper ways in addressing these matters...

On A Slippery Slope  •|•  One Nation Under Fraud  •|•  Use It or Lose It

The last one is the most important as it addresses those with lawful standing.

Join us in supporting The Ring project to get people PROPER education...

Monday, December 12, 2022

Those F-Words

Animals of Democracy
Yes, per law, the United States citizen is actually deemed an animal.
  • Understanding the Free Range Animals... View Meme
This was established under "Reconstruction" in progression of the God Pimp system. This status being related in the United States Code comes from the Justinian Code of the 6th Century. It's carried through by the Synagogue of Satan and practiced by the Jesuit Order of "The Church" to make it so.

In such respect, it could be said there is no Separation of Church and State, because the State is the Church. I say it anyway... in reality it is true because the government is a religion. But one has to know law to understand how this actually works. Sadly, the animals have been told– Law is for lawyers.

As I have related, William Penn said it best over 200 years ago, "People not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants." A most fitting quote. And another relevant, more recent quote by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

An intelligent person would hold those two statements as a basis in foundation of understanding. But the bulk of the population are spiritually void, so they don't... and don't care as happy animals on the commercial plantation.

I have gone over this religious problem in the following posts...

A Resident
Herd Of The
Foreigners, Freaks, and Frauds
Yes, those are the three main F-Words that explain the current condition.

You are correct, the actions of these people in exhibit are enough to make one cuss. For people who have a discerning soul, most days that is all there is left to do. To understand more, the below blog posts will assist you in visualizing the crux of the problem caused by the noted animals found in America...

Foreigners: You see, in relation to The Republic, everyone is considered a foreigner. There are only a select few with standing in law that are able to live under "Republican Freedom", others are stuck with what has been approved per so-called "civil rights" under the so-called "emergency" of the 14th Amendment.

For those paying attention, I call the "Emergency" a Communist Insurgency...

Freaks: Those who wish to "Do What Thou Wilt" – as a famous Satanist once said – gain such ability under the "civil rights" that the Federal Government and its "States" allow. Those who have lawful standing can live under "Republican Freedom" away from the sin nature of the freaks. The freaks are a wonderful device that allows the rich to keep getting richer off the folly of the freaks...

Frauds: There are a lot of Dancing Monkeys who choose to operate within the system in order to make large sums of money off Fruit from the Poisonous Tree caused by the Communist Insurgency. Correct. A lot of them have no choice as they do not have standing to operate otherwise. The lack of unity allows fraud of the system to assist them in making some bucks while the rich get richer...

Get Busy: It is past time for those who have standing to live under Republican Freedom while the Foreigners, Freaks, and Frauds pay for the national "public" debt compiled by those who become million-billionaires off the de facto debt.

But unfortunately, so-called "Americans" just LOVE their Marxism!

More To Review
For remedy, you should go over the below posts in their completeness.

Also a related topic, a tutorial on how stupid people are considered dangerous...

Of course, the smarter animals will dismiss all this because they are too smart to know they are not in control of their lives nor countries... So they will remain animals owned by those that they "think" are more stupid than they are.

Seriously. You have to laugh at the egos.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Your Political Idiocracy

Laughable Lemmings
For 150 years, Americans have been fed that the so-called "Civil War" was about freeing the slaves. Not at all... The truth is, negros are political tools used to implement and maintain Communism. The reconstruction of government was to pull all Americans into control of Congress to act as a "national government" for the One Nation Under Fraud created by the 14th Amendment.

Even the History Channel gets into narratives of deceit to maintain the fraudulent existence of the biggest lie in world history. These deceivers put up a page full of contradictory nonsense that can be seen within the 14th Amendment article on their website. False narratives like this were not common to the public until I released my book, The Red Amendment, back in 1999.

However, that page by the History Channel did admit that Reconstruction was achieved by military force... which is the main problem with what transpired...

"...but Congress required them to ratify the 13th and 14th Amendments as a condition of regaining representation in Congress, and the ongoing presence of the Union Army in the former Confederate states ensured their compliance."

Where is that prescribed in the Constitution? Military takeover is not.

Understand the force of war is approved in the Communist Manifesto though.
Graft and Corruption is the continuing modus operandi of Reconstruction.
I gave notice on this problem earlier this year, view the notice here.

False Narratives
Fraudulent operations such as the History Channel maintain the Red System and keep so-called Americans in The Red Vortex. The narrative noted above passes off the same nonsense as Thomas Woods, Jr., a Vatican shill and/or operative. My paper Historical Error is dedicated to him and his nonsense.

That being established, I will relate what each of the 4 main sections of how the 14th Amendment are presented by whimsical spin, and under that I will provide a short statement of what they actually mean and achieve...

Section 1) Said to give blacks their rights and provide due process of law.

This section does that but what is not talked about is the lawful states were politically disenfranchised and a dual citizenship was installed bringing all Americans into the control of Congress with special laws that apply to them. Also, the "States" under the 14th Amendment are not the lawful state/republics, but are states of the "United States" within the republic states under Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Section 2) Said to change the representation of the states. It does.

This section actually only allows voting if you participate "in rebellion". The rebellion may be tied to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. The language in this section fabricates those who vote into being criminals. This so the RED legislatures can pass law on whatever they feel like in violation of the Constitution. Civil Rights are tied to this nightmare. Of course that is part and parcel of the new "due process" in Section 1.

Section 3) Said to keep Civil War participants from participating in government.

That narrative is a total lie. Actually this section is a savings clause that prevents the "rulers" from being in insurrection and/or rebellion against the lawful system. The insurgents have to uphold the Constitution in its regular form but disallows voting criminals and United States citizens created under Section 1 access to constitutional principles. Understand constitutional provisions go on forever, people in the Civil War died a few years after. It could have been handled with implemented law.

Section 4) Said to say government will not pay Confederate states war debts.

Again, there are a lot of words that are ignored in this section by the false narratives. There are many things addressed in this section, like the slaves created by the 14th Amendment cannot claim damages for violation of constitutional rights, only "civil rights". Also that all debt created under the amendment is illegal and void, but not as long as Americans are enjoying Communism under the amendment. They will remain in perpetual bondage while they enjoy the Red Vortex.

Most "informative" narratives put out by those maintaining the Communist system tend to ignore rules of grammar – which includes the misrepresentation of words – in order to put their false spin on it to protect the elaborate fraud.

Simply, the criminal activity that was executed during the "Civil War" had to be turned around and put on the American population by their consent.

It is said, if you tell a lie long enough it becomes truth...
But not if the facts show otherwise and an operation of law overrides it.
It is truly amazing how people refuse to listen to the actual truth.

See my post, No Ticky No Washy, on how the ignorant masses are played.

True Narratives
What the overall language of the 14th Amendment does is save the Rulers from being held for treason. It also assigns the criminal activity to the new citizens created by Section 1 of the 14th Amendment for authoritarian rule.

This allows the whole lot to be controlled by legislation of Congress and its "new states" that are manufactured by Reconstruction under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. The lawful state citizenship held under Article IV, Section 4, being negated by the rebellious criminals created by the 14th Amendment.

As a matter of law, You cannot pack fake, fraudulent "States" by military force with a lot of foreigners and voting criminals and expect them to even begin to be considered lawful or constitutional. Fundamentally, per operation of law, they are wholly void of any constitutional power from their inception.

Learn more on this true narrative subject at my post, Folly of Foreigners.

Stop The Idiocy
The lawful bodies politic of the several states/republics are the lawful power as guaranteed a republican form of government. I discussed what people have true standing to fit this political power in my post, Use It or Lose It. Time is now short for political idiots to wake up. People have already wasted 25 years since I brought attention to this... But people rather follow Clowns Who Swindle.

This system operates in a gray area. Things are going to now tighten up...
Below, see my posts that go over the issues as being relevant...

How They Play Us  •|•  World of Marxist Twaddle  •|•  On A Slippery Slope

Monday, November 28, 2022

Clowns Who Swindle

The question is, Where do I start with this? Actually, it is pretty simple.

In my post, Importance of Time, I go over how timelines are critical on how things may work in many cases. Another factor that needs to be considered is, truth is pretty easy to establish. It's done with evidence. Fraud – on the other hand – generally takes a list of things to achieve effectively... Like deception, lies, words of art, misdirection, complexity, division, etc.

In that, when I got into "the movement" about 30 years ago, there were some things that didn't add up. It was easy to see that there were many angles being professed in reference to problems with government. There are a lot of people with a plethora of gripes and no solutions... with very few working together.

The plethora of Christian denominations are a perfect example of division.

Seeing these problems, I broke away from the crowd and found out why this was. In 1998 I established People's Awareness Coalition (PAC). Its foundation being grounded in my research and offered solutions to our problems. We were gaining momentum until the "adversary" started putting out "bad information", which was accelerated with the advent of the Internet and its social media.

In that regard, the main problem is people like to be entertained. What better way to maintain control is to put a production together in form of a circus.

The De facto Circus
The term de facto means, of fact. Perhaps not of right (de jure), but exists.
You know what a circus is: a cast of characters and animals performing acts.

The current governmental system is a usurpation. It is deemed de facto, not de jure or of right. Nonetheless, people insist on participating in the fraud.

To keep this circus train a rollin', the truth must be skewed. To keep the fraudulent governmental enterprise in power you need clowns. Clowns of a circus. There are many acts that run and/or maintain the circus...

Believe it. It is quite a balancing act.

A circus generally has a ring leader. In this case, it is a Synagogue of Satan (SoS) organization, the Anti Defamation League (ADL). This is a facet of the SoS that is visible. Another big SoS front is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The Coalition used to be on their "Hate List" but we were taken off some years ago... due to the rule of "Any advertising is good, even bad advertising (exposure)." Being off that list speaks volumes.

That "list" is the SoS method of protecting their One Nation Under Fraud. Of course PAC exposes what proper education they do not want publicly known. They can't have people looking at us, you know. It's bad for business.

To protect their profitable enterprise of worldly proportions, they came up with the Sovereign Citizen concept to demonize anyone threatening their enterprise. They must keep the masses in the Red Vortex. It should go without saying, they have their own operatives out there posing as "good guys"... that sadly some believe to be "white hats" saving the world. You have to do nothing. Right.

That noted, people fail to realize there have been extensive training programs to educate government judges, etc. These targeted programs teach them how to handle "subjects" displaying "anti-government" tendencies who are accordingly classified as "Sovereign Citizens". Those who are educated by clowns don't have a chance against this special training by the adversary.

To learn more about why people who challenge their system are a threat, go over my blog post, Meet The Threat. It will provide vivid insights.

Woke and Awake
Understand, controlled opposition is the key to success for THEY.

The "Woke" nonsense is no doubt a program of the SoS. It appeals to "Liberal" types. As you can see it is destroying businesses and being strongly attacked by Conservatives. Its purpose is to corral the masses into one Red Super Party of consent. This is referred to as the "Awake" crowd. Both programs are planned opposition to consolidate wealth in order to enrich a certain elite class.

PAC is – and always has been – of purpose to make people "Aware" of these progressive games of the SoS and also to teach proper law.

That said, what the so-called "Conservatives" are actually conserving is Communism. That is the political spectrum of controlled opposition. The Woke nonsense is distraction based Marxism via chaos. It's designed to hide and/or preserve the Damage Already Done the past 150 years.

Operatives and Opportunists
In the paper, Operatives and Opportunists, we, PAC, relate that there is no difference between the two because they both create the same damage. The damage mainly being division... but the tainted information these swindlers peddle leads to failure. The definition of a "swindler" is...
  • One who uses deception to deprive someone of money/possessions.
People knowingly advising people – for fee or free – through incompetent, false teachings are in one way or another depriving them of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is anything but honorable.

The bottom line is, someone who is incompetent – or just simply a plain operative – should not be advising others. The question is, Why are they?

That said, here is a sample article of the ADL's work exposing "Sovereign Citizen" clowns... such concept being established to set people up for failure...Under the concept of the end justifies the means, Be it known that the SoS will throw their own under the bus. So believe they have no problem sending out disinformation agents to muck things up for everyone looking for answers.

Questionable Clowns
Below are the three biggest clowns in the "Awake" circus that are perverting the nationality principle I researched and have been teaching for 25 years.

Know that all three have incorporated a lot of bad "movement philosophy" into their grifts. One might say they serve a delightful crap stew. I will point out a short list for each. That established, the three wearers of clown shoes are...

  • David Straight, a.k.a., Crooked Straight. His website "claims" a lot of things, i.e., He cannot prove anything... even with statutes in what he professes. He also lifted the State Nationals seal from PAC and uses it for his own purpose for profit. Seriously, who could trust someone who misappropriates property claiming it is his? Things as noted, smells like practices of an operative. Perhaps he is just a thief.

    Truly be aware of this guy.

  • Anna Von Reitzinger, and aliases, a.k.a., Fake Judge Anna. This woman is not a judge. Seriously. She has conned a lot of people into following her bogus system of government with common law courts... Can you say sedition? This fraud writes blathering bait papers that are nauseating. They can easily be debunked with law. And she proclaims she is a private attorney for the Pope.

    Wow! What a resume.

  • Roger Sayles, a.k.a., Sales Job Sayles. Claims people just need to be a "national". Of where, France? He also professes people need to be "nationals of the United States". I guess it depends what day it is as to which one it is. He also professes that once you do his "free process" that you can still collect Social Security, even though it applies to US citizens per statute. This guy is an epic fail.

    The guy doesn't even live in America.

Firstly, all of them have blind followers poisoning others. Not good. None of them are teaching status properly. They use come-ons to bait their victims... such as, they will be a "sovereign", or be "We the People", and there's a load of money put aside for you in a special account, among other falsehoods to get the unaware followers to buy into their swindle programs.

To add, all of them – and many others – advise people to get a "state national" passport by altering the passport form. Right. This will change the statutes that govern passports. Sigh. Also, you may want to check issued passports; they denote "nationality" = USofA... which actually represents a "national of the United States". But the victims who follow their lead don't use their Social Security Number. Simply hallarious. Victims still have the number.

That's right. Counsel of clowns.

Moreover, passports are for those who owe allegiance to the United States government for protection. Learn more at my post, Status Scam Circuit.

By the way, "State Nationals" is a PAC trademark. That title is based on the proper application of law, which these clowns are not teaching or portraying correctly. People who use the terminology are infringing on our material by misuse of false teachings and usage is misrepresentation. These kind of deceptive practices are also used by the usurpation government.

The question is: Why would these characters show up 10 to 15 years after I have been educating people about nationality and misrepresent it? All this will do is get people put in the Sovereign Citizen box, cause them to lose property, and get prosecuted... along with looking like a kooky sovereign citizen.

If you would, all you takers send us a postcard from prison.

Swindling Summary
You understand the main thrust of the World Communism program hasn't progressively existed for 150 years without operatives in the mix, Right?

So beware the Operatives and Opportunists who twist these issues around and feed you a heaping helping of crap stew... e.g., teaching people that they are a so-called "sovereign citizen" or a "sovereign"... the list of bad information goes on. Such types are there dishing out boob bait to trap all the dissident types or are they just plainly incompetent "experts" confusing/profiting off the ignorant masses. Understand, both of these types create the same damage.

Alignment with PAC assures you of not being entertained by those wearing clown shoes. To say it another way, you are either with PAC or you are flowing with the NWO – i.e., the New World Order – and helping it by benefiting its progress with assisting in division. This is a fact that harms everyone.

With the lack of unity, it's a lose-lose situation based on the principle of divide and conquer. The fact is, having the unaware that don't care and the awake who are taken by fakes allows the rich to keep getting richer with your property.

People's Awareness Coalition follows the Rule of Law.
We work with government provided remedies, not against them.

PAC Bottom Line & Unification - PAC Island Makers Project

•   Understanding the PAC Plan...
•   We Lose if We Fail to Unify as One...
•   Problem Factions: Island Makers Project...