Monday, February 5, 2024

The Burning Empire

The American Empire
It has been said that George Washington declared that New York was the Empire State. It is further said that Ben Franklin stated at the signing of the Constitution that, 'We have given you a Republic... if you can keep it.'

The Fascist
System under the
Constitution is
alive and well in
the Insurgent
based House of

Looking at these two factors, the question is: Was there ever a Republic?

Yes there was. It is a federal republic. It is still there, but no one is living in it. Most every American is living in the Democracy created under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. This was perfected by the so-called "Civil War" and its 14th Amendment. Like I've said, Americans are living in a foreign state.

Early Americans failed to realize fascism was always the goal. Such noted factors created a silent political rebellion. In that, the 14th Amendment was said to be an "emergency", but actually represents a Communist Insurgency. After a 150 years, most Americans will fight to preserve its ingrained Marxism.

Rome Burning
The Great Fire of Rome began on the 18th of July 64 AD. The fire began in the merchant shops around Rome's chariot stadium, Circus Maximus. After six days, the fire was brought under control, but before the damage could be assessed, the fire reignited and burned three days through July 23rd.
   —Wiki thoughts

Interesting. Jesus appeared. He was executed. Then the circus and merchants seemed to burn soon after. Seriously. Things that make you go, Hmmm. It definitely sounds like it was the ousting of the World Vagabonds...

Compassionately referred to as the Synagogue of Satan.

About six years later, their 2nd Temple was totally destroyed by the Romans. Where did the Sadducees who controlled the politics of Rome go: Did they really disappear, or go underground? It surely appears they are alive and well.

That noted, it is said Rome burned while Nero fiddled. It is said that is not true.

What is true though is our Republic philosophically burned long ago. This is due to those who are Lawful Americans fiddling around and not taking these silent wars serious. Sadly they love their Marxist Democracy way too much.

The Lawful Peoples have right of self-determination to take back the sovereign power of the several states. But they keep supporting the insurgent faction. These mock states must become commonwealths of a proper union.

History Repeats Itself
The "Reconstruction" of the American governmental system mimicked what happened to the Roman Empire. The vast difference is, the United States under the Constitution always provided for an Empire. The so-called "Civil War" totally squelched our Republican Freedom with Democracy. When I say "our" it is meant the Lawful American Peoples being forced into Marxist doctrine.

The House of Representatives Represents Fascism.

No, this neoRome is not burning. It is morphing into the planned world empire under a long-termed plan. No, our Creator-God is not a respecter of such persons that have been merged with the person entities of man.

This is what happened with "Reconstruction". The peoples of the lawful system were turned into foreign legal entities to be subdued by corporate mastery. The exact same thing happened to Americans that happened to the Romans.

Scripture tells us what a rebellious people suffer... That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD.
   —Isaiah 30:19

Once again, I evidence a very relevant Maxim of Law...
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere...
     It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.




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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 29, 2024

You Have Consented

Simple Lesson On Consent
Let's go over the 14th Amendment loop... or trap, if you will.
It's not called RECONSTRUCTION for nothing, you know.

The Dred Scott case created the need for Civil Rights for all FOREIGNERS... meaning: all the nonAnglos. Sadly the Anglos fell for the new system by taking the DOLES under the 14th Amendment citizenship, which includes voting. Such noted rights are federal based and are merged with the corporate personhood.

HENCE, the Anglos being tricked into Treason By Design by being in rebellion
to their de jure state governments per operations of the 14th Amendment. What they refer to as an "Emergency" in reality is actually a Communist Insurgency.

Vote Harder,

They use the voting thing as a trump card (no pun intended) to make the US citizen "subject to the jurisdiction". Everyone is looked at as rebel-slaves. Even nonvoters. The latest scam by the Red Faction is to have people get the benefit of a passport so they owe allegiance to the United States. Suckers eat it up: Hook, Line, and Sinker. Seriously, you really cannot make this stuff up.

This system under The Red Vortex operates in a legal gray area. This allows for selective prosecutions against the unaware under a Dual System of Law.

Applicable Political Actions
Like I have related many times : CONSENT = Voting-Doles-Silence.
Voting: Engaging in De Facto Politics.
Doles: US Citizen Benefits via Statutes.
Silence: Maintaining De Facto Nationality.

That is a formula and is structure of the Communist Manifesto and the rebellion it promotes. The associated Plank where "rebellion" is handled is Number 4. It was installed into the Constitution per Sections 1 and 2 of the 14th Amendment. Little do people know, all 5 Sections work together to create quiet wars.

Actions-Inactions and Maxims of Law
Executive Orders are evidence of the Dictatorship. The "United States Code" is a cesspool of de jure and de facto acts of CONgress. Code is exactly what it is... It needs to be deciphered. This government runs off policy, not true law...

Voting = Direct Consent by operation of law.
   This creates rebellion and is criminal per 14th Amendment language.
Doles = Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum.
        He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage.
Silence = Qui tacet consentire videtur.
           He who is silent appears to consent.
A lot of people who don't listen will be soon prosecuted. The whole Trump thing is a big Sting Operation. There are tons of people who stated they aren't United States citizens but are getting Social Security and other benefits... such as a passport... that applies to citizens and/or nationals of the United States.

The government is keeping records on them pursuant to Title 5. Based on committing perjury, they may be prosecuted under Title 18 USC Section 911...
"Whoever falsely and willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."
Signing documents noting they aren't US citizens (but actually are) is perjury. They may be ignored and/or the government will prosecute them for whatever it feels like (or is able to) under "Civil Disobedience" or their "Arrogant Anarchy" against their RED government. You are directed to the January 6 Sting.

Justice Black gave the Anglos a path to ward off their slavery under Republican Freedom of the Constitution; but sadly such lawful peoples have taken the lead of the Red Faction and seem to have chosen to remain slaves indefinitely.

Learn more about weapons for the ignorant, read How They Play Us.
And, understand the path is clear... PAC is for Discerning Souls.

The Shadow
Government Does Love Its

Deep State.

Do you have an issue or problem sharing this information? If you do
not share it, You openly CONSENT and agree with the rebellion(s).





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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 22, 2024

Your Foreign Status

Original Jurisdictions
In my Blog Post –The Insufferable – I went over how those of the Anglo bodies politic are in disavowment to their Republican form of Governments. They have opted to be in rebellion with the FOREIGNERS by Voting-Doles-Silence. By you taking advantage of the status of a 14th Amendment person has manufactured you to be a treasonous slave. How many ways does this have to be explained?

Slick operations of the 14th Amendment:
Simply, in a few words... Section 1) Creates the foreign status; Section 2) Denotes the rebellions and apportions insurgents; Section 3) Allows a dual system of law; Section 4) Perpetual debt and slave condition parameters; and, Section 5) Enforces Marxist policies by the Red Faction on beneficiaries.

In a nutshell: There is the constitutional formula on how Communism took over the Republican Forms of Government by rebellion of lawful/foreign people.

A 150 Year Reign.

They Refer To 
It As World

Communist Manifesto Fulfillment
Government Reconstruction and its installment of The Red Amendment created the installment of the Red Faction. The Synagogue of Satan promised things would be turned inside out and backwards. The so-called Civil War attained the forcible overthrow in violation of Article V of the Constitution. It then took over a century of the consent of the governed to destroy all existing social conditions.

The ruling class of Marx are those in government and their servants. They exist under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. These insurgents Rule the Red Masses as a national government for the rebels created by the 14th Amendment with its "States" being political subdivisions of the "United States"... not the true national governments under Article IV, Section 4, i.e., the several states.

Mind you, all of this was achieved on a foundation of force and deception. As the maxim of law goes, When the foundation fails, all fails. Be concerned, because the swindle is now being side-tracked with the creation of a Red Super Party. Thus, the consent of the governed and the Treason by Design will continue.

A goal of padding the pockets of a Corporate Elite has worked flawlessly.

Your Legal System
There are a lot of Maintainers keeping infants "within" the de facto sandbox. The masses who have lawful standing have perfected the Art of Fiddle-Fart. At this point, those Being Of The Remnant appears to be dwindling day by day.

Such lawful Americans love their Commie based Marxism way too much. Giving allegiance to the District of Columbia and its benefits does have its downfalls. This including the Debt Ceiling being elevated with its companion inflation.

The Bottom Line
FACT IS: So-called "America" is the most successful installation of Communism. The progressive nightmare won't end until people recognize PAC and our lawful restoration plan. At this point suckers are falling for every Red Trick there is.

One would think those being conned for the past 150 years would be upset and want to fix things. But yet they are content being further conned and befuddled.

I have said it before: This Red Insurgency is of purpose to serve and rule evil people. So beware the Multicultural Conservatism of the Red Super Party.

Take Heed. The
Time Is Currently
Being Amplified
For The Worship
Of False Gods.
Five Blog Posts To Review




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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 15, 2024

Numbing Of The Masses

Dumbing Down The Masses
A few years back Americans were threatened with "Internet 2". Well, that was done be giving everyone a Smart Phone and diluting the information available. A home computer is the best way to have proper access to the Internet.

These dumb, err, "Smart Phones" are geared for commerce. A major dumbing down of America... and the World. They are a distraction and all part and parcel of the New World Order. Soon people will not be able to find their own shadow.

Simply put: True Americans are dying off due to the addiction of convenience.

Is Making
People Numb
and Dumb.

Failure Of Understanding
Okay. The Internet and its Smart Phones are of the main purpose to run international commerce for this "New World Order". But there is the other measure THEY have to be concerned with. That is keeping the masses occupied with bread and circus so ultimate control is maintained.

Entertaining the masses is one thing thrown out to achieve this. But the other measure is keeping them busy with disinformation and distractions to maintain ignorance. It really isn't rocket science. Their measures are working well.

Social Media.

It's A Trap For
The Masses.

Wheat From The Tares
It is too bad people are refusing to come into the PAC Open Forum. They are not going to get this kind of education anywhere else. All there are on the Net are Operatives... and the Opportunists that copy and/or steal the Operatives information. I have been watching this problem for over 25 years.

It is a very DEAD end. Oh well. Boys will be boys. Where are the men?

Commercial Plantation Perfection
Americans fail to understand that the United States was crafted on the principle of plantations. The original colony-states were that of Charter of the Dutch West India Company of 1621. This enterprise formulated into the Empire it is today.

Little do most people understand that the World Vagabonds took over things secretly through the centuries to make it the commercial plantation that it is today. Unbeknownst to many, America is the Zion of these secret owners.

Learn more about the Vagabonds of the World and their Enterprise... Defeating The Commercial Plantation
Don't get me wrong. Commerce is wonderful. The thing is, a nation-country should keep all its profits and not be hindered by a swarm of covert middle-men.

Those not reading and sharing this series embrace their Marxism and the Communist onslaught against them... The Restoration Series in Four Parts...

Overview   •|•   Foreigners   •|•  Nationality   •|•  Provisional



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

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Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 8, 2024

Political War Games

What are Conservatives Conserving?
I have posed this question before, What are Conservatives' conserving?

The simple answer is: Communism.

Deep State
War Games

Dog & Pony
* Show *
Learn more with this Post I made on the topic about a year ago...

It must be understood that all de facto political parties – even Libertarians – are in the mix. All people who claim to be Woke or Awake are deeply involved in the rebellion. Being Aware with PAC is the only lawful way out of the Red Vortex...

“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead
of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts
in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

–Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx:
Synagogue of Satan member
After 150 years of "Reconstruction" you can bet there is a new basis of truth. Americans are experiencing a new historical experience. I think many would agree, it is not a good one. It will only get worse unless people engage.

Discerning The War Games
Government today is an insurgent system. The "Civil War" installed the 14th Amendment per force or war. This war was executed in breach of Article V of the Constitution. That is why people have to volunteer via Voting-Doles-Silence.

That force directive clearly comes from the Communist Manifesto of 1848. The facts fit because all Planks and much Dogma of the Manifesto had been applied in America the 100 years following the 'war between the states' in the 1860s...
"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They
openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible
overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes
tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have
nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
Some may think this is a bit off, but the Senate Report of the 93rd Congress November 19, 1973, bears reference to the above referenced overthrow...
"A majority of the people of the United States have lived all
of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and
governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in
varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by
states of national emergency... from, at least, the Civil
War in important ways shaped the present
phenomenon of a permanent state
of national emergency."

Wait, the admissions do not end there. Here is the Communist Rebellion noted...

NATIONAL EMERGENCY: A state of national crisis; a situation
demanding immediate and extraordinary national or federal action.
Congress has made little or no distinction between a "state
of national emergency" and a "state of war".
—Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., Deluxe

That is the war acknowledged against the Anglo Christians. THEY got them to join in the rebellions against the several states – and their republican forms of government – and they also brought in several "Foreigners" into the sheepfold to join in destroying them. Now they are one big Communist family under Article IV, Section 3, federal-states... A group that I refer to as the Communist Association.

The population – proletariats (working lower class) and bourgeoisie (monied middle class) – are melded into one class of rebels and controlled by the "ruling class" insurgents. All are subject to the Marxist Income tax of the "emergency".

Note that Marx said the middle class was the problem is his Communist sham. In other words, there was no issue with The Elite. This is prima facie evidence of a plot to consolidate the labors and property of all peoples of the world into the hands of the elite, rich class. Obviously, the scam has worked wonderfully.

Yes, many Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars are used against the lawful peoples. The means to an end: A melting pot society of "Communist Conservatives" that will be "Normalized" into a "Red Super Party" of "Human Resources" for profit.

Click images to enlarge
Creating The Treasonous Lot
The noted foreigners started pouring into America as the 48ers. 1848 was the start of the influx of those who were not Christians or true Christians that set-up destruction of the republic-states' custom and usage law. It and their common law began to be overtaken by Federal Civil Law via so-called "Reconstruction".

The "Civil War" was the Communist force. Mass Deception keeps it maintained. Which brings us to, It is not an "Emergency". It is a Communist Insurgency. This said "emergency" has nothing to do with God. It is has to do with One Nation Under Fraud as built by the AntiChrist. Communism is the blueprint for it.

As you know, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is in the news. That section mandates the insurgents uphold the Constitution in its fullness so they are not deemed insurgents. Rebels are political types not in office. The rebels in treason are Anglos. After all they are responsible for turning over the political power of their republic-states to the "United States" as assisted by rebel foreigners.

However this is done under a game of legal fictions operating in a gray area.
And also, in international law, a manifesto is a declaration of war. Once again, Christians are despised by those behind the Red Faction. Welcome to the War.

Simply, it boils down to the consent of the governed– Voting-Doles-Silence. Those factors turn any legal fictions into operations of law, thus facts.

Anglo types politically involved are traitors; however their Liberal minds don't care. They love the Marxist Twaddle they have been fed for the past 150 years. American's psyche has been totally Communized. No natural law of mind.

So there is your seditious World Communism as applied in America.
And simply put, that is why I refer to it as– Treason By Design.

Maintainer Shenanigans
The video seen below is a good example of a Maintainer following the Red Script. Perhaps unwitting but as it is said, "You shall know them by their fruits."

Mr. Reagan – Chris Kohls – proud "Conservative" lays out what 'may' happen...

Suggested War Games
To Maintain Established Rebellion
Or Rather,

The Conservatives always say, It's the Deep State!...or, It's the Democrats!
Kohl is a surname of vagabonds who came to America as 48ers.
So I ponder, 'Kohls'... Where did that "s" come from, Chris?

I remind people, the Synagogue of Satan is the entity that benefits most from the insurgency/rebellions under The Red Amendment as Maintainers...

Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation.
—Definition from The PAC Lexicon

Understand that the Luciferian Bunch are the ones maintaining this Red System of chaos. It is set-up by the Shadow Government of the Synagogue of Satan. Awareness of the cryto-adversaries is paramount in achieving Freedom.

More Admissions and Proof
If you want to understand where a lot of the flipping comes from in regard to the Communist Manifesto, read my white paper... Your Marxism. The directives are noted therein... and the government also notes it. They have stated that the Communist flip is a real thing. One has to pay attention and add it up...

"We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American Public believes is false."
–CIA Director Casey (1981)

This New World Order is formented within the New World, that being the United States of America. I trust and live by what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said...

"Nothing happens in politics by accident.
If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

Accordingly, FDR also related this about this government of chaos...

"They [who] seek to establish systems of government based
on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual
rulers... call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order."

You see, the New World Order is nothing new. It is made up of evil men from the old world who have run things behind the scenes for a very long time.

Simply put: If you aren't with PAC... you are walking with Satan... based on the fact, silence and division works in benefit of the adversary, i.e., the AntiChrist.

The lack of 
Unity is like 
doing nothing.
Know More and Get Active
There is one act that was put in place to achieve this chaos which also contains the remedy for lawful Americans. Those who join us in The Ring? and the PAC Open Forum know of it. Others will remain lost due to the Psyop Circus.

Time is getting short for those who have neglected their rights for bread and circus, and materialistic debt... A warning for those conned into treason...
  • Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
    Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
To understand more about why the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, intentionally– I might add... please go over these Five Posts of mine...

I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

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Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional