Monday, July 24, 2023

Pro Se Litigants

This Blog entry will illustrate not only what a Pro Se litigant is, but will also tear apart those claiming to be sovereign or having a mythical strawman that acts in their stead. I will distinguish the difference between appearing Pro Se and In Propria Persona to make this point and end the above noted nonsense.

Some references in this Post are taken from trusted information off the Internet. Off course I created the memes that ridicule those practicing silly things. That being said, most assertions are mine based on observations and law study.

Thus, the purpose of this writing is to illustrate how the Rule of Law actually works so the dissidents stop with their meritless arguments. Like I have said, There is a right way to do things and a wrong way... It is best to do it right.


Kings & States
are considered
to be sovereign,
not individuals.

Pro Se and In Propria Persona
The Latin breakdown of terms makes it simply clear : the former accepts personal jurisdiction, the latter infers being able to challenge it.

Pro Se broken down in Latin basically means, To move forward or proceed as a litigant without the aid of an attorney or a lawyer as one's self...
  • Pro. Latin meaning: in front of, before, for, forward.
  • Se. Latin meaning: himself, one's self.

In Propria Persona broken down in Latin basically means, Moving forward as a litigant without the aid of an attorney or a lawyer as a particular "person"...
  • In Propria. Latin meaning: in their own.
  • Persona. Latin meaning: mask, character, personality.

This speaks to personal status or jurisdiction. Statutes are predicated to apply to certain "persons" or "things". This is grounded in what is referred to as private or special law. The term "person" is in relation to such law forms. In a sense, what "mask" is the man (or woman) wearing... is the "person" subject to it?

Simply stated, persona actually means mask... "In ancient Latin the word persona meant "mask." The word also can refer to a character played by an actor. While a persona is not considered a lie or a falsehood, its meaning implies that it is only part of the truth. Like all masks, there is "real" person beneath."

The mask may not apply to the man or woman in the realm of private and special law, but they are still persons. The question is: What "person" are they... In other words, Do they wear the mask for any particular statutory instance?

Other Relevant Factors
The "Law of Persons" is discussed in a book titled The Institutes of Roman Law by Rudolph Sohm. The book goes over in detail what the law industry toys with to maintain the gray area caused by the 14th Amendment legal system.

Pro Per can mean essentially the same and Pro Se. Latin construct is precise. Many don't understand the variance from the English... not even attorneys...
  • What does Pro Per and Pro Se mean? Pro Per and Pro Se are used interchangeably. They are both short for “propria persona”, which is Latin for “for oneself”. The terms Pro Per and Pro Se usually apply to a person who represents themselves in a lawsuit.
    ~Affordable Family Law
  • In personam, literally translating to “against the person”, refers to courts' power to adjudicate matters directed against a party. In personam jurisdiction is one of the two forms of personal jurisdiction with the other being in-rem jurisdiction. ~Cornell Law
In Rem is simply against one's property... of course such jurisdiction being against the "person". The mask principle still applies in the case of In Personam. And, the first definition watered down the Latin which perverts its meaning.

The Silent Army
As can be seen above, you can see the law industry likes to use words of specific nature "interchangeably". This is just one of the deceptions used to cover-up the deceit known by the Bar... being a private monopoly that I refer to as The Silent Army in my book, The Red Amendment. They maintain the 14th Amendment system put in place for the antagonists so they all get richer.

Another set of words they like to use interchangeably are attorney, lawyer, and counsel. All have a specific meaning. Current attorneys and lawyers were not around until the Bar Association was founded after "Reconstruction".

The point? In early constitutional development counsel was used, not those terms. Consequently, such terms weren't used thus counsel could simply be one of competence. And to keep the record straight, that assertion has nothing to do with the "Missing 13th Amendment" and titles of nobility... although a gaggle of Bar attorneys love to use Esquire behind their name illustrating nobility.

These agents of sophistry have setup the definitions in United States law to define people or legal entities as "whoever" to confuse the issues. Only those who study law can determine what the watered down terms actually mean.

Finally, there is actually a clause in the 14th Amendment that disallows those serving government to talk about the damage "Reconstruction" does. Section 3 of the amendment is what lawyers are using against Trump and his "Make America Great Again" campaign. Section 4 suppresses those serving government in going against the amendment's political rebellion.

Person Verses Thing
A little while back, I did a Post titled, One Being A Thing Too. To better understand this section, it would be best you review that particular writing.

Things are property. Persons are people (natural persons) or corporations (artificial persons). Corporations are actually things because they are property and they are birthed by the "State". Slaves were/are property, i.e., things.

The above holds true under the 14th Amendment system. Sohm noted in his book that the lawyers of the Roman Empire brought corporations under the "Law of Persons". The same thing was done under the 14th Amendment. Section 1 of the amendment states "all persons born or naturalized are citizens.".

This is just a sample of the perversion of these 14th Amendment insurgents. The Bar Association keeps the operation in full swing to the detriment of Americans.

Congress has defined corporations as citizens for certain instances. A citizen can vote... corporations cannot. There is a major political problem here, but no one discusses it except me. It is my contention that the "citizen" was brought down to the level of a legal entity or a corporation. These 14th Amendment citizens are the "slave", i.e., thing, noted in Section 4 of the amendment.

No. People aren't corporations. They are legal entities like corporations. Again, persons are people (natural persons) or corporations (artificial persons).

Although both legal entities are referred to as "persons", they're actually things. Per Section 4 of the amendment, as they are slaves is why the "public debt shall not be questioned". This stealthy, embedded formula allows for unlimited debt which causes inflation and also allows for a perpetual, higher debt ceiling.

To understand more about the average American national (n.) being a federal person, go over Part 6 and Part 7 of PAC's 14th Amendment presentation. Law reviews illustrate how the "person" language created corporate domination.

The Marriage License provides government Equity Jurisdiction.

Everyone Consents
There are a lot of people termed Sovereign Citizens that pull the "I don't consent" card. Well, that is going to be an automatic FAIL. A thing called the Social Contract pulls them into the system of federal-state statutory wizardry.

That established, there are two types of consent:
  • Explicit. Also sometimes referred to as express consent.
  • Implicit. Also sometimes referred to as implied or inferred consent.
To expand on implicit, the verb imply means “to indicate or suggest something without actually stating it.” The verb infer commonly means “to guess or use reasoning to come to a conclusion based on what has been suggested.”
As you can see from these definitions, imply and infer are often used in the same context. And that’s why they can be confused— because they’re often used at opposite ends of the same situation. When someone implies something (suggests it without saying it explicitly), you have to infer their meaning (conclude what they mean based on the hints that have been given).
There are a plethora of ways to consent implicitly, and also explicitly.

I have gone over this with people for 25 years. The federal citizenship is somewhat implicit, but not really. Everyone that votes as a U.S. citizen has an express consent. Others perhaps are considered to be of an implied consent as the 14th Amendment naturalizes everyone at birth. Voting is an act of rebellion. Those not voting are in bed with those who are as citizens... and on the dole.

Being on the dole is having a Social Security Number, getting a passport, signing any kind of government form, and so on and so forth. Judges will take silent notice of this and will walk over anyone that claims not to be a "citizen and national of the United States". This is the reason why so many "Sovereign Citizens" get railroaded. They've been had by Clowns Who Swindle.

Oh, one more thing here. People think government is a fiction. Have you ever seen a strawman in jail/prison? The person – man or woman – takes the punishment. Because that principle is nonsense, as shown herein.

Fictions – legal fictions – are presumptions made based on the lack of a perfect set of facts but there's a strong belief the item presumed can be proven true.

Government knows the status for those who believe that they are "sovereign". The Illuminati makes sure of that with its created sting operations put forth by the Anti-Defamation League and its Southern Poverty Law Center.

Great Scott My Son
The court case Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) effectively slammed the door on all persons, i.e., foreigners, with the exception of Anglos. The person created by the 14th Amendment gives all those people their Civil and Political Rights.

Although such lawful citizens were exempt – or more so immune – from it, slowly they took the doles sucking them into the Red Vortex that the amendment created. Soon every so-called American was tagged a political slave...

All such federal persons have constitutional liberty, not freedom. And like everything else the Luciferian Bunch accomplishes, it was Great!

Do you really know who you follow on the Internet?

Review Of The Subjects
Finalizing those "Subject to the jurisdiction thereof" under the 14th Amendment body politic, there are a few things to consider for subject/citizens... which are actually denizens of a foreign corporation. Why? Strictly, the United States of America is not a nation under the Law of Nations, the several states are.

See. I really did mean subjects. Not subject.

Yes, Sir. The chumps who dwindle have been taken by clowns who swindle which takes all persons qualified to have constitutional status deeper into the Red Vortex. It is sad for true Americans that people are the way they are.

Like Jurist/Judge Robert Bork said: "I don't think the Constitution is studied almost anywhere, including law schools. In law schools, what they study is what the court said about the Constitution. They study the opinions. They don't study the Constitution itself." Simply, reading case law is not knowing law. It is my position that the use of case law is a violation of Due Process.

As a matter of fact, there is this in support...
  • FEDERAL COMMON LAW: A concept intriguing to legal scholars,
    strictly speaking, a nonentity. —15 Am J2d Com L § 4
Common law is based on applications to the status quo public. Since the 14th Amendment and its Communist Association is voluntary for Anglos, there is a slim chance they may not be subject. After 150 years, a very slim chance.

There is one way out from under the Liberty of "Reconstruction" in order to take back true Freedom under the Constitution proper. I brought the remedy forward over 25 years ago, but the adversary with their Operatives and the incompetent types – i.e., Opportunists – have overshadowed the Godly mission.

All such types have kept people in the system dealing with costly appeals. They have bought into a belief that defense is better than a good offense. Moreover, the Operatives and Opportunists create their own governments – which really amounts to a Mickey Mouse Club – for United States persons, among other nonsense, that makes them believe they are free from government.

It is truly a sad state of public affairs... Pun intended.

I see his corpus is covered, but where is his mask?


The Summary
NO. There is no cestui que vie trust in your "all cap name" that is going to make you rich. Like I noted, U.S. citizens are slaves to the public debt. Like I've said before, people love America for its Marxist Materialism grounded in debt. The complexity of this RED Nightmare accelerated in the 1960's with added civil rights and immigration flooding the federal states with more foreigners.

Seriously. What makes you think that there is a pile of money for you to claim? Especially when you are in bed with a body politic of rebelling criminals.

The all caps is no doubt a style that references Private Roman Civil Law. It's kind of an ode to Roman letters, which were all caps. What is really sad is partaking of the dole system of Reconstruction's Communist Association...
  • Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum.
    He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage.
So, there is simply a quid pro quo present. Protection and benefits from the United States for one who fits a statutory definition thus wearing the mask. And as it is said, "Like all masks, there is "real" person (i.e., man) beneath."

And go ahead. Claim to be Sui Juris. You'll be assumed to know everything within this writing and also agree to being a citizen who is subject to all civil law.

To put a cherry on it— There is no cake and eat it too served-up by government.

Simply, proceeding Pro Se is acknowledging jurisdiction and entering court In Propria Persona gives rise to challenge the court's personal jurisdiction. However, most defendants will not have the lawful status to do so.

Now that the Insurgency/Rebellion is over 150 years old, there is little to no chance for defendants to get by the courts with nonsense in the future.


Learn More About Your Consent
The fact is, most people – or rather persons – could not pass the Title 5 USC litmus test or would fail the Duck Rule test which encompasses the Ashwander Rules that were set forth by the Supreme Court during the 1930's.


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, July 17, 2023

Those Political Labels

People Love Labels
In today's system of "Reconstruction", the Powers That Be have a series of politital labels THEY "developed" for people that allows them to self-categorize themselves. Most such sorts will like this post as I've posted two videos.

In the movie, Being There, Chance "the gardener" said, "I like to watch." To their demise, most people choose to watch videos over book study. Accordingly, the masses doing so will be simple sorts who don't know they can't walk on water.

Foreword To The Meat
Here are two videos representing compartmentalized people who are solidly in the Communist Association per the 14th Amendment governmental system...

Sovereign Citizen Court Fail - Woman In Common Law The Sovereign Citizen label is one that is used to trap people who go against the system. It is a term constructed to demonize those who are defiant. These types are more of a Conservative makeup, just being another label trap...

How To Live a Crap Life: The Deadly Sins Of Leftism by Andrew Klavan The above video was put out by the Daily Wire. It is run by the Synagogue of Satan, or members of the Luciferian Bunch. The Red Super Party will be formed by these types that will have "moralism" developed and also controlled by them, which of course will line their portfolios with their Mercantilism and Banking.

Understand. The Right and Left are both wrong... Now that the damage has been done the past 150 years, it is time to create a new political party that encompasses all the Gentiles, i.e., Goyim (animals or hu-mans).

The end game will be a totalitarian system of civil law under dictatorships.

Knowing a little about the absolute "Powers That Be"...


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, July 10, 2023

Sympathy for Simpletons

CAVEAT : This message is directed to those Not Assisting PAC.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.”  The actions of the bulk of Americans and their don't care attitude is unintelligible. We are at war. It's time for ridicule.

And please think about this in regard to the Woke-Awake circus...
It being a massive Problem-Reaction-Solution game for the animals
based on the Divide and Conquer two party political system...

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who
wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

People who are deceived – i.e., Simpletons – by Operatives and Opportunists continually fail to realize that a political line in the sand must be drawn. It is truly staggering the few souls who fail to read and share the Caveat to America.

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance
To start off here... I know last week was the 4th of July, but since most all Americans who could be living in The Republic, don't... Why even celebrate?

Little do Americans know, their Independence went from freedom to liberty over 150 years ago. Yes. The United States is still independent. But owing allegiance to the "United States" over your lawful state does have its RED privileges.

Sadly, people are in America for Marxist Materialism and debt, NOT Freedom. Living under The Red Amendment maintains this game of hidden slavery.

That said, hardly anyone viewed – let alone even shared – the Post of July 3rd this last week. Truly, it must be pretty hard dealing with life knowing you are that simple. Your country (countries for true Americans) is literally going to Hades in a Handbasket and you do nothing. Seriously. How sad is it to be you... Really?

About Being Willfully Ignorant
Something to think about in regard to inaction. This statement was made back in the late 1960's when the supreme court was more like the Supreme Court...

“The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance.” —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

Perhaps this video posted last week by Mark Dice will assist your mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, and utter benighted ignorance...

Yet another video I featured disappeared

Before comment is made on the presentation, understand that the Zionist faction uses all minorities to achieve their chaotic end. The Negro was used to install the current system and is being used today as a type of tool or cannon fodder. One objective is destroy Christians to achieve their Godless new world.

That said, what the video relates is genocide of the lawful American population. It is going against the Law of Nations and principles of natural law. You may be rest assured, What is transpiring has been orchestrated by the Synagogue of Satani.e. the Luciferian Bunch – in the name of profits of a select few.

To learn more about this, review the post titled Meet The Threat.

It appears I forgot to include "monopoly in the market of ideas."... Everyone with their own Web Page-Podcast who doesn't Share the PAC Message fits that. It creates self-inflicted divide and conquer. I hope you're getting paid well by the adversary for such idiocy... you may want to review my About The Chaos post.

Thus, those creating the most damage may be Opportunists, not Operatives.

YOU SEE. It's not about You. It's not about Me. It's all about Community.

Sadness Of Your Actions
This isn't about being a Bigot. This isn't about White Privilege. This is about the lawful bodies politic securing their constitutional rights taken over 150 years ago by the Luciferian Bunch. Sadly, their crafted Marxists uphold their own demise. All because those punishing themselves love their "Civil Rights" too much.

Right. Just do nothing. Sit back and enjoy what the bulk of American citizens do... Stay in bed with the "Pride" gang. Yeah, you'll need more of this...

Remaining in the same body politic maintains your indentured slavery. And, you should send this Post to Matt Walsh. Ask him to share it with his "Sweet Baby Gang" of "Conservatives". It's time to separate the men from the babies.

In other words, residing in the 14th Amendment body politic is for children of debt. Independence of The Republic should be the goal of the Discerning Soul. Relinquishment of the "national of the United States" status is key.

You Shall Share This Information
Yes, ball droppers deserve another chance. Now share last week's post.
And realize, if you fail to do so you will further lose your dignity and country.
It's way past time for men and women to not be slaves of elitists. Really. If you still fail to understand, please see my Importance Of Time post. Or stay the course, keep being entertained by videos put out by Dancing Monkeys.


[ Will ] I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? ~Galatians 4:16
Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis. He who does
not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.


"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, July 3, 2023

Conservative Con Job

A Transition That Took Over 150 Years

There are two types of Marxists in America: 1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are.

We are going to explore how much people are being conned by this political system. It is truly evil, seriously. For a lot of folks it's actually treasonous.

Baphomet is the Republicans antiChrist signature, although the graphic doesn't show it, the stars flipped in 2001 though. As you know, the Democrats seem to cover all else that is antiChrist. Yep. Politics in America are fun, and Godless. And correct. A wonderful testament to a Separation of Church and State.

The above meme I made some years ago. It was based on the observation of what was going on with the two parties in the new century (2000). The party graphics were taken from their respective websites. Of course, the crafted Conservatives (i.e., tools) are the "good guys" coming in to save the day.

As those who follow the PAC material know, I have been saying for some time now that the Democrats are being setup to be thrown under the bus.

You might say all this garbage is giving homage to the New Age.
It does, but it also shows us that America is run by Satanists.

Yes, sir. Political labels are like a box of chocolates...
You never know what you're going to get.

Finishing Touches On The New America
Understand Hegelian Dialectic – Problem-Reaction-Solution – is used to achieve the "New Age". An age not run on Christian based Common Law, but rather the Noahide Laws. All so-called Christians have been conned into the Judaistic scheme, i.e., millions of Deceived Souls lost in Talmud Land.

Accordingly – as it can be seen at this time – the Zionist faction is making its final move to take down their useful idiots, the liberal based Democrats. That's what's going down right now. See what your future holds, FOX Television gives us a clue about the Super RED Party coming to a voting booth near you...There is no doubt the set-up and final takeover has been finely orchestrated. I wrote about this system coming 25 years ago in The Red Amendment...

"By 2020 there will be a one world government."
—R. Kurzweil: Jew with Google, 1999

The wolves in sheep's clothing are on schedule with their world system. Them being allowed to meddle in United States' politics has assisted the progress. Posing as someone they aren't has been a world cancer for centuries.

Largely, as this takeover depends on true Americans to "Do What Thou Wilt, which includes the Luciferian Bunch "freeing the women", said Americans must abstain from the system designed to destroy the families of lawful means.

Now that the Christian family has been thrown into utter chaos, 'Conservative grooming organizations' – such as the online Prager University (PragerU) – are conditioning "Americans" to accept the coming totalitarian system. Of course, the founders are Jewish. Part of their modus operandi is hiding behind other minority groups as to protect their presence that allows them to meddle.

America Just Don't Get It
A substantial measure of the WOKE nonsense is to keep the world from understanding that all Planks of the Communist Manifesto and its dogma had been applied in American governance the past century. The extreme Liberalism we are seeing is to hide that fact, i.e., What Marxists? We fixed that problem.

And in case you didn't know, due to bad narratives– both men that developed the Communist Manifesto of 1848 – Karl Marx and Fredrick Engles – were Jews. Surprise! But we are told America is not Communist. Yeah, right.

The 'problem being fixed' is now in the making per Dog and Pony Show tactics. Rest assured that all Marxist damage done the past 150 years will remain intact. Only a Discerning Soul can detect the current chaos as being a distraction to cover-up what has been a stealthy, gradual transition to a Zionist America.

As assuredly the Jewish faction created the Woke-Awake circus of trickery, we must also note that during the FDR presidential reign, U.S. Ambassador, Henry Morgenthau – another Jew, had declared that “America is OUR Zion.”

Simply, THEY create Problems. Suckers have Reactions with gossip and fear over using intellect. THEY then have Solutions the sad Suckers gladly fall for. The method works out very well for the Elite's cults of power and greed.  It's bolstered by Reconstructions' 14th Amendment's "citizen" personage.

This means a couple of things, Americans ultimately aren't in control of their lives or countries – whatsoever – and they are just human resources and consumers serving a small percentage of elites who jerk them around.Oh, and there are no "White Hats". That is a Satanic fairy tale to make people do nothing. It's just another major sign of the Infant Problem. Right. Keep kicking the can down the road, you big babies. It's really up to YOU to fix this mess.

Lawfully Fixing The Problem
It could be said true Americans have gotten the government they deserve. It was over 2000 years in the making. And as history repeats itself– the Godly people must make a valiant effort to leave Egypt once again, proverbially speaking.

We aren't talking about "Jews" here... the Israelites are being referenced...

"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite
a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew."

—"A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac

Like I said, the cancer created by these Frauds has been going on for centuries.

Perhaps now you see why "White" people – Caucasian Evangelicals – are now being demonized and put down by the Synagogue of Satan and its minions. Those known as THEY need a new crop of slaves to line evil pockets...

I.E., The love of money is the root of all evil.

What was taken away with the "Civil War" must be taken back. Congress had left the provisions to do so for those souls with standing. Repent. Get busy...

 True Americans take back your de jure status– The Art of Lawful Status

AND sorts who take offense to these truths, Either the so-called "Jews" are behind this mess or they're the biggest useful idiots in world history. That aside, people who remain in this political system certainly deserve an idiot award.

Understand More About The Zionist Cash Cow
For your review or to learn more on the material related herein,
I have listed 4 relevant Blog Posts that encompass the subject matter...

AND to close...

Happy 4th of July... The foundational birth of The Republic, if you can keep it, as been said. Betting that few have lived in it for 150 years. Currently you have an insurgent Democracy running on perpetual debt caused by Foreigners.

Now you know. That's what so-called Conservatives are actually conserving.

Technically, they too are Liberals. They are of the same color, RED, but are the other side of a divide and conquer scheme that makes the rich much richer.


"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, June 26, 2023

Politics: The Ultimate Sin

Being Of The World
Over 200 years ago William Penn said it best, "Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants"... or by better, smarter objects, i.e., me gods.

To learn more and/or in review, go over this Post... True Americans At War

Also, for your enlightenment, please go over this Post... Us And They

Establishment Of The Emergency
The emergency called the 14th Amendment – The Red Amendment – was said to be an action by Congress to "free the slaves". After some time it was proven that reason was hogwash. The amendment's actual purpose was to expand powers to corporations and destroy the Anglo (White) Union.

The Supreme Court had established the "law" to back the action up with Dred Scott (60 U.S. 393). That case established the "legal" foundation to put forth the narrative to provide control and rights to the noted Foreigners. The amendment can be looked at as a test... a test for the Anglo States. In essence, the true Americans failed the test. Sadly they fell for the politics of the amendment.

It took about 100 years of legal manipulation to bring lawful Americans into the Federal States created by the amendment. Below is how 150 years of the noted failure operates today. Lawful Americans are jerked around by the courts due to being misled by a plethora of Operatives and Opportunists via bad narratives...

There are so many BAD narratives put forth for "Sovereign Citizens" to trap them. These problems have escalated the past 30 years... which will continue. Sadly, most people fail to listen and "do it themselves". Thus, they fall victim to the multitude of Operatives and Opportunists and their seditious folly.

People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) is the only law group that understands the proper law to correct the Marxist problem and how to lawfully operate.

To learn more, below are two Blog Posts that lay out the particulars...

Who do you owe your life to?

God or man?

You cannot serve
two masters.

The Federal States
Below are three more Blog Posts that go over the problems that includes the nature of the Federal States that replaced or basically usurped the lawful States of The Republic that housed lawful Americans for less than a hundred years...One could say : What is going on now with the Woke and Awake nonsense is another test. Guess what? Most people are failing that too. And Americans who believe that not voting is resisting this political system are very wrong. Not relinquishing the RED status and its benefits puts one in bed with the Liberal/Conservative rebellion under The RED Amendment.

The fact is, weak men who have sold their souls to the Luciferian Bunch have allowed this to happen. One of the major components is to let women rule over them and protect them. There is no accounting in understanding how much damage has been done to the thing referred to as the Western Culture.

At this point, who can be trusted? Get ready for a VERY RUDE awakening.

Understanding The End Game
Understand the reason why we are witnessing all the Global chaos at this time...


We produced this shirt some years ago, then the disinformation agents went wild offering bogus remedies, being traps maintaining the 14th Amendment operations. Let us know if you are interested in the item or being a distributor.

FRONT : Proud US Citizen Inside - I Went To The Darkside...
And all I got is no heritage, some stuff I think I own, and this lousy T-shirt

BACK : 14th Amendment Darkside Member -


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional