Monday, May 27, 2024

Rule of Law Shrugged

Some Housekeeping and Facts
•  FIRSTLY, the title of this Post explained: Shrugged is defined as to raise one's shoulders slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference.

In that, it is unfortunate that most people could care less about law, as that is where remedy is. Things could get fixed fairly quickly if people put effort into it. Others believe they can take advantage of de facto special laws and not be party to the current political system. Such is truly egotistically delusional.

That is exactly why there are immemorial law maxims such as these...
• In propria causa nemo judex. No one can be judge in his own cause.
• Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.
• Facta sunt potentiora verbis. Facts are more powerful than words.

If you are a bit confused, go through the Duck Rule here... PAC Alliance

America Is A Mess 
Due To People's 
Don't Care 

...And Operatives 
And Opportunists.
A lot of 'patriots' talk a good story about what they believe, but ignore the three political issues of consent. We will look at those herein below. There is only one way to be free from the Red Vortex. You will find most talkers just shrug it off; wherefore going through life being the "person" they believe they are not.

•  SECONDLY, I would like to thank Ayn Rand for the title. Her influence on Americans' attitude for being self-centered and greedy is unsurpassed. And her being involved with the Rothchilds has surely been beneficial bringing America to its final stage of destruction. Her work Atlas Shrugged was monumental. Damages gave impetus to go into countermeasures against her actions...

The New World Order has a plethora of operatives to achieve its goals and maintain its progress. The created ‘Red Vortex’ has sucked in many people to act in a self-centered manner causing division in the movement. The egoist mind of this Ayn Rand was one of the Synagogue of Satan members who brought that mindset into America in the 1960s. Of course, she is loved by those that are ‘all about themselves’. As the opportunist divides people, less operatives are required by the cabal making them a great asset. Operatives and opportunists paint a picture of why America is a mess, “My religion is just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added.” —Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan
Read 'Operatives and Opportunists' for more details...
    —From: The Ring Project

•  FINALLY, the difference here: People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) is in opposition to Rand. The purpose of Rand was to destroy America's industry and bring on Globalism. We are here to reverse that destruction with law. The Rule of Law can be used legally to achieve this. Understand the crux of this Post relates to exposing the Red Faction using applicable law to prevail.

And, Anarchy and Civil Disobedience... is strictly for foolish types.

Feel The 

The Rule of Law
Our remedy is in the Rule of Law. The Republic is there. No one is living in it. There are many reasons for that, and I have gone through a lot of them in this Blog... and the past 25+ years. That understood, a favorite maxim of law...
Multitudo imperitorum perdit curiam.
A multitude of ignorant practitioners destroys a court.

In totality, the American Bar Association is filled with tools that maintain a totalitarian system. This system has been in the works the past 200+ years. Its earmark was the time period after President Kennedy was assassinated...

Of course, the main players of this evil have been at it for thousands of years. THEY truly know how to make the rich, richer... and have the poor stay on a human hamster wheel. The Capitalist-Communist conjob has worked well. Eventually the "Chosen Ones" will own/control everything... Worldwide.

The Luciferian Bunch and that Karl Marx are to take credit for it.

Dual System of Law
Our primary objective is to have America understand about the Dual System of Law. The Constitution has been bifurcated. At this time the rulers in power play both sides of the fence. This keeps the unknowing to keep being pillaged. Those who ignore it cannot be trusted. Those who dismiss it may be held in treason.

This Emergency called Reconstruction sure causes some real conflicts of law.
The one that troubles me most is the genocide of the lawful bodies politic.

You Wonder 
What's Wrong?

Actually You 
Consent To It.

Applicable Political Actions
I have related many times : CONSENT = Voting-Doles-Silence.
•  Voting: Engaging in De Facto Politics.
•  Doles: U.S. Citizen Benefits via Statutes.
•  Silence: Maintaining De Facto Nationality.

That is a formula and is structure of the Communist Manifesto and the rebellion it promotes. The associated Plank where "rebellion" is handled is Number 4. It was installed into the Constitution per Sections 1 and 2 of the 14th Amendment. Little do people know, its 5 Sections work together to create quiet wars. For 150 years, the Rump Congress and their hideous behavior caused grave damage.

Actions-Inactions and Maxims of Law
Executive Orders are evidence of Dictatorship. The "United States Code" is a cesspool of de jure and de facto acts of CON-gress. Code says exactly what it is... It needs to be deciphered. This government runs off policy, not true law...
Voting = Direct Consent by operation of law.
        This creates rebellion and is criminal per 14th Amendment operations.
Doles = Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum.
        He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage.
Silence = Qui tacet consentire videtur.
           He who is silent appears to consent.
Lawful Americans have Shrugged The Republic for over 150 years.
Simply, Universalism, Slothfulness, and a Bleeding Heart begets slavery.

A lot of such types believe they are off the grid, but surely not off the legal grid. Moreover, who are these 'rulers'? Are they too 'nationals of the United States'? Are they exempt from the 'criminal activity' induced by the "Emergency"?

Saving The Republic
This system was slowly created by an elite few of the Old World Order under the Synagogue of Satan. Such system of slavery provided a neo-Helenistic society that is owned, controlled, and profited from. True Americans grandfathered in must repopulate the republic-states and create de jure economic societies.

Once again, those wanting to Restore the Republic are questionable... because it is still there. Those who have the standing to live in it need to repopulate it. That being the primary goal of People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) for 25 years.

It is High Time you understand what Marxist Twaddle is all about... and better yet, to understand the need for PAC Warriors– also read these 3 Blog Posts...

Dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam moriuntur means...
The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.




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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Denizens of D.C.

The Nature of The U.S. Denizen
Here is a graphic I put together back in the early 2000's. It represents the fictional transportation of Lawful Americans from their republic-state to the foreign state of Washington D.C.. They then are installed into a "foreign state" created by Congress under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. This in defiance to an Article IV, Section 4, state government. Therein they then reside among a host of other Foreigners that have filtered in post 14th Amendment.
The denizen principle comes from Latin. The word denizen comes from the Latin deintus, which means "from within". Deintus is derived from the Late Latin words de-, meaning "from", and intus, meaning "within", e.g., "Within the State".

The United States citizen is foreign to the republic-state and resides there as a foreigner. This status brings them under federal civil law. An example of this is the Internal Revenue Service. Which ultimately means: internal to this special jurisdiction. A citizen and national of the United States is purely a denizen. A thing (not a lawful person) that is governed by private international law.

Denizen Discussed in The Red Amendment
I went over this term in my book, The Red Amendment. Unless you understand law, you may not see conflicts this creates. Here is what that section entails... Resident
This brings us to the other language in this phrase, which is the word “resident” (i.e., reside). The term implies that an American who lives in a state really does not have a factual "national domicile"... but is rather a resident. The term resident is in relation to alien status, i.e., a foreigner or an inhabitant. Emer de Vattel established in his Law of Nations [a blueprint for international law] that a resident is as follows:
  • Residents (or inhabitants), as distinguished from citizens, are
    aliens permitted to take up permanent abode in the country.
This fundamentally states that an American that is "a resident" or an inhabitant within the State is not a true, lawful citizen, but a bastardized version. That is to say: it is a person that belongs to a whole different nation or political system or country. Moreover, in actuality the American people are being treated as if they are legal entities. If you would reference the United States Code you would see that a corporation [given birth by the State] is also considered a citizen of a State. This presents prima facie evidence that people are not truly citizens, but something very different. It would appear that a federal person (i.e., a United States citizen) has a presumed (or actual) commercial domicile (or citizenship) in the District of Columbia; but this really depends on what legal issue is addressed. Denizen
Applying the language of Vattel, stating that an inhabitant (resident) is not the same thing as a citizen, or a member of a nation (i.e., national of a ‘state’), we then come up with denizen. Such a person is one that is granted certain rights by a sovereign. Under the Fourteenth Amendment one should understand that is what a citizen of the United States is: he is considered a Denizen. If we look at a definition that is pre-Civil War, we find the following:  
  • DENIZEN: English law. An alien born, who has obtained, ex donatione legis, letters patent to make him an English subject. He is intermediate between a natural born subject and an alien. He may take lands by purchase or devise, which an alien cannot, but he is incapable of taking by inheritance.

    In the United States there is no such civil condition.
Note, before the Civil War there was no such civil condition in the United States. However, now there is such a status. Look at the definition from Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition Deluxe:
  • DENIZEN: American law. A dweller; a stranger admitted to certain rights in a foreign country or as one who lives habitually in a country but is not a native born citizen.
Is that not interesting?... After the War Between the States and after the implementation of the infamous amendment (The 14th), strangely there is NOW such a civil condition. One word: Reconstruction.

American Heritage Dictionary defines a dweller as: To live as a resident; reside. To be a native born citizen one has to be born in a country. We know that the "citizenship" that is implemented by the 14th Amendment causes an American to be a "resident" of the state. In other words: he is not domiciled in the country, per se. Therefore, a citizen of the United States is a foreigner in any country he lives in; under the principles of the law of nations, he is not truly considered a national of his country of birth. The United States has granted special citizenship which allows one to dwell in the State created by the 14th Amendment; further it allows such a citizen to participate in ITS body politic de facto. As it is unnatural, in order to participate in such body politic a man born in one of the countries of America must be naturalized into it. // End TRA Content //

True Definition of A Sovereign Citizen
We can now expand on that law. Accordingly, we now may define what a true, lawful citizen is, or clarify the constitutional definition of "Sovereign Citizen"...
  • A person – not a thing – that is of Anglo (White) origin who would qualify as a member of the Union or "The Republic" as defined per federal immigration laws of the Constitution pre14th Amendment. Such a qualified person provided the "collective sovereignty" of each free state that is guaranteed a "Republican Form of Government" – pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution – therefore providing each "state" or jurisdiction to maintain its own system of Civil and Common Law.
Right. The Synagogue of Satan set up a program to demonize the "Sovereign Citizen" for reasons. I wrote about this in a white paper some time ago and covered other important matters in regard to this insurgent government... Please make sure you read that piece, and take the above to heart. It is paramount to the heritage of all Lawful Americans that are being genocided.

A Simple Summary
One should now understand why the Commercial Plantation must be perpetual. The Denizen has no right of inheritance. You figure the implications here. Of course, only Lawful Americans hold such right and it is grandfathered in.

Abolition of inheritance is a mandate of Communism. Inheritance is bad for the economy. Taxing it is the best THEY can do without complete exposure. Understand all real property is grounded in adverse possession.

Another Thing To Ponder
As a bonus, here is a man who was instrumental in attempting to get our true law brought forward in the 1990's. Of course, his work was destroyed by the looming Shadow Government... As mine too has been buried by the Reds.

Please meet the late John Quade...

John Was
Correct On A
Lot, However Misjudged The
Political Issues Of

He Is

Don't let good patriots get buried again by those of the Synagogue of Satan. It is happening right under your noses with the incoming Red Super Party.



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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, May 13, 2024

Shame On The Clergy

A Few Opening Words
When I founded People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) back in 1998, I set out to prove to Americans that the United States is Communist. The content herein is a brief look at how that was accomplished. There are many elements to bring it to its stealthy fruition. Perhaps, now after 25 years people are finally seeing it.

The same faction behind this nightmare is the same faction that controlled and destroyed Rome. Yes. History sadly repeats itself. It seems people are blind to that. Surely we now know why Satan rules the earth... Thanks to the clergy.

Godspeed to Lawful Americans with Standing that choose to unite with us in the republics and exit the evil of the Red Vortex. It is the only path to true freedom.

Time Is Overdue
The time has come to look deeply into the depths of religion in America. That is the religion you believe you practice. Within this Blog, I had laid out government is your true religion. You must realize that World Communism has achieved a lot to keep you inline with its Marxist Materialism... That being simply, Judaism.

Clergy Are

Religious Hush Money
I also set forth in my book, The Red Amendment, and in this Blog, that during the 1960's government gave all religions a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. This allows the government to control the speech of all religions in the United States.

Are Catching
On To The

Of course, this faux system is open to all Americans, Foreign and Lawful Ones. At this juncture, New World Order Judaism maintains all deceived souls.

Reconstruction of the governmental system of America in the 1860's was part and parcel of setting the foundation for a materialistic world. The profits would be for a faction that were of a vagabond nature and of greed. As many people believe – due to the false narratives – the so-called "Civil War" was to eliminate slavery. Far from the truth. It was to create a commercial plantation consisting of a new, hidden slavery. Below is an excerpt from The Red Amendment...

Sad to say, the so-called “Civil War” was a sham. To “free the slaves” was the bogus excuse that was used to justify it; when in fact it was just a ploy to "RECONSTRUCT" the governmental system. The installation of the Fourteenth Amendment created the foundation that allowed The Elite to create the powerful corporate structures they have... after a short time it was evident: "Of the cases in this court in which the 14th Amendment was applied during the first fifty years after its adoption, less than one half of one percent invoked it in protection of the Negro race, and more than fifty percent asked that its benefits be extended to corporations."
   —Supreme Court Justice, Hugo Black

To expand on that: the blueprint for World Communism is that of a government built, private corporate structure. It is a private power structure that controls the labor forces for mastering and controlling the economy of a country.

James Carville, political consultant, was said to say, "It’s the economy, stupid."

Well, there you have it. The question is: Are people willing to take control and keep the profits of the economies of their republic-nations... Or, are they going to continue down a path of destruction and remain chattel property of the Zionist faction? As you should know by now, there is nothing new under the sun.

Simply, all is assembled under Team Lucifer that dates back thousands of years.
I think that is a nice finish to this section, don't you? Is it time for An Evolution? It can only be resolved with unity via The Ring. Join us in The Evolution!

click images to enlarge

A Founding Shifty Shift
Long ago under the Declaration of Independence, it has been said that Thomas Jefferson was demanded that he change the Right of Life, Liberty, and Property to the Right of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. This fits right in-line with what Klaus Schwab recently said, "You will own nothing and be happy."

The plan of materialism over property was established early on. You cannot have men and women on a human hamster wheel if they truly own the land and control its resources, you know. The Luciferian Bunch had planned things well in advance. Simply, happiness is materialism, not heritage and freedom.

See more here in an article I had written sometime ago on the subject... Constitutional taxation for state revenues are maintained by direct taxes and especially import and export taxes. Not stealing the property of people via an Income Tax. What clergy preaches that? None. They're all Communists.

To close this shiftiness issue, the phrase noted above SHOULD have been The Right to Heritage, Freedom, and Property. Not the planned stealthy, genocidal bondage of The Right of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. But once again, that was the progressive, long term goal of the Satanist types.

Remember this, a virus always runs in the background of an operating system. This system of Satanic origin took time to implement and was accomplished by force, fraud, and foolishness. It can only be resolved with unity via The Ring.

Masters Of Judaism
The way Americans look at the Supreme Court and the black robed priests, there is no doubt who is worshipped. Go through my post God Pimps to learn more about this worship. I also might remind the reader that the Constitution is only the supreme law of the land, not the paramount law... which is of God.

Karl Marx had once said that, "Religion is the opium of the people." Which is often stated as, "Religion is the opiate of the masses". I prefer the latter. As "the people" means "the rulers". Although both are fitting for purposes herein noted. But he was right. Give people socialism and who really needs God, our Creator. Once again, government is your true religion. And as said to be attributed to Rabbi Stephen Wise, know their defined "Democracy" is simply this...

"Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism." —Stephen Wise

click images to enlarge

Know The Lies And Schemes
Most Americans don't understand or know the problem they are experiencing. In order to fix what was meant to be broken. Knowing the problem is a must. To expand on this, a member of the Synagogue of Satan (SoS) noted this...
"The day when the Jew was first admitted to civil rights, the Christian state was in danger... the entrance of the Jew into society marked the destruction of the State, meaning by State, the Christian State." —Benard Lazare
There are plenty of THEY pushing the agenda forward in the United States and throughout the world. For example, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! has taunted over the years, we know now what "Democracy" is all about.

Below is Goodman with another SoS member discussing their meddling in the politics of other countries. Also, another segment on the Synagogue of Satan admitting destroying Anglo countries... The arrogance is unbelievable...

These destroyers of peoples wandered around the earth for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. By the way, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago... 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44Looking back, it is no wonder these vagabonds were precluded from our societal ranks in the Articles of Confederation. Sadly, no lesson learned.

If you do not understand the Genocide of the Anglos by the Synagogue of Satan by now... unfortunately, you probably never will. Seriously a lost soul in dishonor. Oh, and one more thing... Is it just me or has the world absolutely Gone to Hell since women got involved in politics?  Right. The Synagogue of Satan did it.

Understand this, the wrecking crew known as the Synagogue of Satan has created a grave amount of damage. It may take centuries to repair... Especially if both the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are allowed to push their drivel on the public and government.

And lest we not forget the liberal tripe that NPR (National Public Radio) pushes. Mind you, that gets its RED support from governmental corporate persons.

Years Ago I Was On To It
Over 20 years ago I was on to the Biblical misalignments. I took the time to write a pastor of one of the Mega Churches I attended back in the early 2000s. Below is the letter I wrote to him pointing out his Judaistic tendencies on his flock...Of course, as you might have guessed, I never heard back from him. Moreover, a few years back, I gave my book, The Red Amendment, to another pastor of an evangelical church I had been attending. I had to stop attending due to the hypocrisy. A few years later he quit the ministry and became a farmer.

Into World
Under The
Zionist New
World Order.
Finality On The Zionistic World
At this point, all that can be said is: Let's forget about gray area. Either Jews are behind all this world chaos or they are the biggest useful idiots in world history.

It is time for the "Chosen Ones" to choose which one they are. So. Which is it? We need to know who takes responsibility for all the damages we've sustained.

For further awareness, below are a series of Blog Posts that go over the issues noted herein. Please read them all. They have content touching on the problem causing Lawful Americans' to be in perpetual bondage to the Zionist faction...

The Discerning Souls – the Meek – shall inherit the earth.
Not the "Chosen Ones" who chose themselves.




Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, May 6, 2024

Enjoy The Final Stage

Their Line In The Sand Is Drawn
The Noahide Laws are coming. Understand, they will not be challenged. As it appears, Americans are weak and are not going to do anything about it. Let me clarify that statement, they're not going to be peaceful and use lawful remedy.
The Time
Is Coming
Quick For

The Judeo-Christian has been trained to accept Universalism through techniques of the Luciferian Bunch. Of course, this is a device to control all people of a Neo-Hellenistic society that has been created for the New World Order through multiculturalism. All in the name of control and profits...

u·ni·ver·sal·ism, noun
Christian theology
1) The belief that all humankind will eventually be saved: "Christian universalism would insist that Christ's atonement did atone for everyone's sins." 2) Loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances: "a tendency towards universalism and inclusion."

Simply put, multiculturalism goes against natural law, hence sovereignty. This is a principle why original naturalization laws were as they were at the founding of the United States of America (the Union under the Constitution proper).

End Game On
Some are reporting that the 1st Amendment is being destroyed. In a sense, perhaps it is... for "United States citizens". Understand the Negros have been used – like all other minority groups – to gain this control over the melting pot masses. Odd. Mark Dice gets away with what he does on YouTube. Right? Recall I have noted, he is all about conspiracy and no law and remedy...

THEY developed the melting pot by creating the genocide of Christian nations to hide behind using equity. THEY lurked behind the befuddled masses to takeover while chaos ensued. This so such nations could be ruled entirely by them. All eternal profits will be theirs per such nations' human and natural resources.

And, dual citizenship is a creation instituted by the Synagogue of Satan. It is prevalent under the 14th Amendment and other measures established the past 150+ years. It is part and parcel of the elimination of countries and nationalities as set forth in the Communist Manifesto. Theft by private law... bit by bit.

The control was a Luciferian plan to take command of our states via our central government. For some time now I have been relating their insurgent government is your religion. Sadly, true Americans, and de facto ones, pray at the altar – or rather consent (by Voting-Doles-Silence) every day submitting to being slaves.

Biblical Theft
This Synagogue of Satan is not the Israelites. THEY stole the promises from Deuteronomy and lead all nations into their slavery of debt to create the New World Order. This promise was for those who honored the rules therein. The Synagogue of Satan infiltrated all true Christian nations and led them into infringing on such rules through their scheming and political meddling.

Deuteronomy was slated for the Israelites, not the so-called Jews...

For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. —Deuteronomy 15:6
One has to look through Deuteronomy to see how out-of-line most Jews are to see the fraud. It is so tragic the bulk of so-called Christians fell for it... and still are. Simply put, Those who practice Judaism are not of an Israelite stature.

Those practicing Judaism lead "Gentiles (Goyim)" to sin via their infiltration. The Word against it is simple, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

All Industry
Came About
For Profits.

To Own
It All.
It Is Planned
It is all about giving people enough rope to allow the control. This was planned. The Hegelian Dialectic was used to implement it : Problem-Reaction-Solution... This has worked very well. Americans are clueless in understanding that the United States of America has been taken over by the Synagogue of Satan. Remember, I have told you America is their Zion (a false god plantation).

Karl Marx told us, "History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce." What you are witnessing is a compilation of history that has been seen before. Accordingly, understand Congress is full of Foreigners and Traitors.

Trouble Makers And Democracy
Terms To Know

Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding this Post...
  • True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
  • Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against The Republic.
  • Slaves means, slave found in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
  • Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
  • Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
Other words and phrases are self-evident or may be better understood
absorbing my Blog and also studying material found at




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Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, April 29, 2024

Commonwealth Countries

Commonwealth Defined
An independent country or community, especially a democratic republic.
An aggregate or grouping of countries or other bodies...
"a union or commonwealth of democratic, self-governing countries"
From Oxford Languages

In simple terms, a commonwealth is of the nation. It is not controlled by political rulers. There is equal treatment of its population; and it is not run by a Ruling Class that favors itself and those of foreign benefit... as the Union exists.

The Communist Association
Like I have related, under the Constitution there are several sovereign countries. What has been in place for the past 150+ years is a Communist Establishment. I have related this in my book, The Red Amendment, and also throughout this Blog. Each state (or country) is stripped of creating its own common law.

For those who are Of The World that remain within this Red Vortex, this system must stay intact so the Rulers of Evil may control their actions. This includes taxing them accordingly for the costs of World Communism they enjoy.

The Required Action
What we of the People's Awareness Coalition suggest is, this should be done openly to enforce Commonwealth principles of the several republic-states. The Lawful Americans hold the standing to achieve this. This may be accomplished by separating the two jurisdictions caused by the Marxist 14th Amendment:

1) Foreigners being US Entities; and, 2) Lawful Peoples in The Republic.

Discerning Souls have been awarded the ability to enjoy Republican Freedom under this construct. Such construct accommodating new government slavery. It is ventured only a lawful remnant will take advantage of the freedom.

Legal Entities
Developed by
The United
The Reality
 Of It All.

The Neo

The Law Never Dies
There is a common law maxim that denotes, The laws sometimes sleep, but never die. By force, the sitting corporate based body politic was implemented by the art of deception under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. Why, you ask? Article V had been breached to develop the so-called "Emergency States". Lands of the several state-republics were seized and used by the Communist Association, which breached the "guarantee" of Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution. It was done unlawfully. It is being used in adverse possession. As we know, true Christians settled the "Union" with pure spiritual existence...
• Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt.
The right of blood and kindred cannot be destroyed by any civil law.
Jus descendit et non terra.
   A right descends, not the land.
Criminals – i.e., those in rebellion per the Communist Manifesto – have given-up their rights. Such noted criminals love basking in their civil rights and cherishing the Civil Rule. But that is what one gets for following those with forked tongues. The breach of the separation of powers will persist due to the noted criminals exercising their will to rebel against both the Constitution proper and God.

Simply Let Evil Rule Evil
Sadly, as it appears a bulk of Americans consent to this Luciferian Rule. Let those of the Communist Association enjoy their Civil Rights, Equity, and the Controlled Commerce by foreign factions, as legislated by the Red Faction that is ruling the rebellion. Let them pay the Marxist based taxation that funds World Communism of the New World Order that they consistently vote for.

Committing an Act of Treason against one's country is what most choose. And you wonder why people get stung by events such as January 6th. Seditious acts against one's "national" government – being de facto and rogue – is the crime. Seriously, citizens and nationals of the United States should know better.

Honestly. Seditious acts against both the de jure and de facto governments? People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) goes to peace with this system. We do not attack like "Sovereign Citizens" are set-up to do... to be stung by The Rulers.

In Biblical terms, Separating the wheat (Godly) from the chaff (residents) is what needs to be accomplished by us per the Rule of Law. In this sense, those who support World Communism can remain indentured slaves to this system.

Be More Aware Than Aware
And one last thing: Beware the fakes out there. Our Red Adversary pays a lot to fool people with their Agent Provocateurs to sting their Red Victims. There is only One PAC, and we have been around for 25 years bringing awareness to people. Unfortunately, Americans love the Red Vortex and being deceived.

Simply Put, Use It Or Lose It... A most important Blog Post.




Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional