Profitable Chaos. Dancing Monkeys of today make money off YouTube, Social Media, & Disinfo Operations. |
To see how simple primates understand the problem, click here for the meme.
Understanding Operatives and Opportunists
MAINTAINERSIndividuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the Fourteenth Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation. —
RED FACTIONBecause of the above atmosphere, there is a lot of Boob Bait for Simpletons that is being released on the public to cover-up the 150+ years of brainwashing and conditioning. To learn more about the problem, read the following two Posts...These people push the "World Communism" agenda forward. Generally they do it without question, which makes them useful idiots. However, some of them do it knowingly, which makes them traitors. Either way, The Ring is of purpose to end the error of their ways and return people to freedom. Ultimately, the ‘Red Faction’ is an assembly of evil men who are of an authoritarian mind that have no problem having their world system go full totalitarian. They believe it’s their place to run and rule the world via a false religion. People have been manipulated to play in their web of deceit and delusion. Although the designers of the system appear benevolent, the primary goal is world domination. The ‘Red Faction’ in the United States is represented by the status quo political system. —
- Timeless Fraud and Folly: View Blog Post
- God Pimps: View Blog Post
OPERATIVES AND OPPORTUNISTSThe New World Order has a plethora of operatives to achieve its goals and maintain its progress. The created ‘Red Vortex’ has sucked in many people to act in a self-centered manner causing division in the movement. The egoist mind of Ayn Rand was one of the Synagogue of Satan members who brought that mindset into America in the 1960s. Of course, she is loved by those that are ‘all about themselves’. Because the opportunist divides people, less operatives are required by the cabal making them a great asset. Operatives and opportunists paint a picture of why America is a mess, “My religion is just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added.” —Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan
— ‘Operatives and Opportunists’ for more details...
President, Joe Biden, has been a perfect tool for the fulfillment of the Zionist takeover of America, and the world. He has even openly admitted that He is a Zionist. Yes, there have been other politicians of the past that are very proud of the Synagogue of Satan infiltrating American politics over the years...ZIONIST means, a person (traitor) that adheres to Zionism, a faction assembled in the late 1800s by the Synagogue of Satan (SoS). Its purpose was to allow non-SoS members to politically assist in moving the Globalist Agenda forward. The term "Synagogue of Satan" is referenced in the Bible and refers to Jews (e.g., today, Israelis) who are not in relation to Biblical Israelites. In simple terms, Satan is the adversary of our Creator. Evil people serve and live by the entity.
And America wonders what went wrong. Seriously. |
- The Damage Is Done: View Blog Post
- One Being A Thing Too: View Blog Post
- Politics: The Ultimate Sin: View Blog Post
- The Next Civil War: View Blog Post
Bet you didn't know that there's a Constitutional Dual System of Law. De facto Politics are nothing but a Dog and Pony Show. |
- Political Socialists/Communists who Advance the New World Order.
Of course, they are also Maintainers and of the Red Faction.
Some wear attire that is RED... and also azure blue.
- The Art of Lawful Status :
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