Monday, October 23, 2023

Being Of The Remnant

THE REMNANT is a recurring theme throughout the Hebrew and Christian Bible. The Anchor Bible Dictionary describes it as "What is left of a community after it undergoes a catastrophe." The concept has stronger representation in the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament than in the Christian New Testament. —Wiki thoughts

Content From My First Blog Post
Simply, you really cannot trust anyone. There are too many Operatives and Opportunists in the world, which has accelerated the problems. Sadly – to their detriment – people haven't figured that out. They must have their leaders and be entertained... mainly because most people are gullible and weak.

With that, IN GOD WE TRUST found on American currency comes from people being natural sinners... their primary sin : being lazy. Accordingly the evil, greedy types being egoists play on such downfalls to amass their wealth with a "might makes right" game plan. Ergo, the stealthy motto : IN GOD WE TRUST.

In that, we see that a justice of the Supreme Court said it best...

"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

There you have it in a nutshell. Government under the Constitution (as written) is to Serve and Rule evil people. And like I have related... If you don't know law, you don't know diddly squat. Thus, the purpose of this blog is to provide insights to PROPER education in law. Please enjoy its cutting edge contents!
   —From: Ramblings Of The Jurist

Review From Last Week
I have been telling people for some time that it doesn't matter what religion you are or are not... Government is your religion. I went over some of the particulars in my Post titled, The Unholy Trinity. Yeah. It's an ancient Roman-Jewish thing. Karl Marx had said... "History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce." Right. Those "people" getting even for those responsible for having their 2nd Temple destroyed has been a monumental task. Keep enjoying the farce!

These destroyers of peoples wandered around the world for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. By the way, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago, 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44

If you do not understand the Genocide of the Anglos by the Synagogue of Satan by now... unfortunately, you probably never will. Seriously a lost soul in dishonor. Oh, and one more thing... Is it just me or has the world absolutely Gone to Hell since women got involved in politics?  Right. The Synagogue of Satan did it.

In addition: Do not take this as disparaging women. What the main issue is the Illuminati "freeing the women" through 'feminism' so they could be used as human resources in a neo-Conservative slavery plan for the New Age. It also encompasses the breaking-up of the family unit to that end. Accordingly, more household consumers were produced... which allowed the elite to expand profits from banking, production, land, etc., i.e., Capitalism via Communism.

You see, the main objective of the noted cabal has already been accomplished.
Understand, the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus is meant to hide such facts.

Modern Day Israelites
The main principle of the Israelites is that they did away with gods many and went to one true God, our Creator. The Zionist faction has Christians practicing a false religion under stealth and erroneous dictates. The Vatican fronts the scheme... along with encompassing other religions that will "Coexist".

I covered the history of the falsities in a white paper titled, Liberalism is Statism. If you study this Blog you will understand Liberalism and Democracy are one. THEY have referred to the political takeover under fraud as Progressive.

Evil Must
Lie and Kill
To Reach
Its Goal.

We Must Act
In True Peace
And Truth.
Oddly, the United Nations & Fake Israel were founded after WWII.
Today, the true Israelites would be those who take reverence in Yeshua, our Redeemer. The Jews practice Judaism, a false religion that equates to World Communism and the New World Order. They reject Yeshua the Redeemer and are waiting for the AntiChrist to rule the world. The true Remnant would be those who follow the proper story line of the New Testament, not the twisted version setup by the Illuminati using an inverted story line of Yeshua, i.e., "Jesus".

Sadly, people of America are governed by the "playful gods" and fail to see it. Government – or Judaism – is their religion... "We belong to the One mastering God: you belong to the republic of playful gods."... said Synagogue of Satan member, Harry Waton–Rabbi, in A Program for the Jews and Humanity.

Thus – in the evil minds of the Synagogue of SatanTHEY have access to our Creator, and believe they own us– the Goyim. A great misreading of the Bible.

I know. Arrogant. But THEY are getting away with it... and have for centuries.

noticed. No


Neo-Conservatives Are Red
Alas, the masses don't understand that the upcoming Red Super Party is the end game of this manipulative religion. Progressively, in the last several years, a dialectic plan – Problem-Reaction-Solution – has been utilized to demonize the Democrats to funnel 'conformists' into New Age–Neo-Conservative politics.

Of course, the transition started long ago and may be traced to Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans started the chaos. It is well documented and can be tied to the Illuminati and the Zionist faction and upheld by the Jesuits.

Because of the progressive, intentional chaos people are looking for solutions. There is a lot of talk about states receding. That would destroy the original intent of the True Christians that came to America to flee the dictates of The Church. I wrote a paper illustrating the parallels of the destruction of the Israelites as a similar catastrophe that is happening to the union of nations known as The [U]nited States of America. It is a worthy lesson in history to understand... What needs to transpire is a resurgence of the way of the Israelites. This being done by True Christians like the ones who settled the original states.

Simply put, this New Age does not need numerous god pimps under a shadow government like seen in the last age. The PAC Alliance is the way to freedom.

Not Much Left To Add
A solid thing to understand : It doesn't matter what you think. It matters what those in power think. There are remedies set aside for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Thinking or saying You are not "subject" is delusional.

That being said, two fitting quotes on evil by intelligent men from recent history...
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." —Edmund Burke, English philosopher
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." —Henry David Thoreau, American naturalist
Sure, there is a lot of work to do... But if True Americans keep refusing to see the light and don't make strides to start Repopulating The Republic, they might as well sit back and enjoy the farce, errcatastrophe. Simply put : We all lose.

Like our Jewish master below says : Job well done, my friends!
Not convinced? Why hundreds of years of secret manipulation if this was such a good idea? THEY should have just come out and told the truth... Like I am.

Below are the 5 most popular Blog Posts from last week. Numbers viewing them should be better, but unfortunately we are dealing with The Remnant. Only the Discerning Soul will have interest... Others will remain with the playful gods




Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.

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Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!

Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 16, 2023

Democracy Is For Fools

Three Elements of Democracy - IE - Communism

Central Bank - Standing Army - Elimination of Countries

"I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican
virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared."

—Thomas Jefferson to William Plumer, July 21, 1816

"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
—Thomas Jefferson

Of course the first two concerns of Jefferson are found in the Communist Manifesto under Central Banks and War being specified to install Communism...

I really don't think Jefferson saw the elimination of countries and nationalities coming by the "Communist Faction". Effectively the 14th Amendment took care of all three... and more... including destroying republicanism with democracy. Of course, guardians like Jefferson were gone by the time Reconstruction hit.

Unknown to most, so-called "Democracy" is tied-up with a Little Red Bow that was referred to as a "Government of Consent" after the so-called "Civil War". The several states de jure (of right) were no longer free countries under law. In true reference, since the war they are federal states de facto per "emergency".

This Government of Consent overrode the nationalities of the republic-states and lumped them into one "national and citizen of the United States" status. This Enterprise-Empire has lasted over 3 times longer than The Republic.

Sadly, the 14th Amendment system must remain intact to house Foreigners...
De jure people don't seem to care, even though they may be immune to it.

Government Is Your Religion
I have been telling people for some time that it doesn't matter what religion you are or are not... Government is your religion. I went over some of the particulars in my Post titled, The Unholy Trinity. Yeah. It's an ancient Roman-Jewish thing. Karl Marx had said... "History repeats itself, First as tragedy, Second as farce." Right. Those "people" getting back at those responsible for having their 2nd Temple destroyed has been a monumental task. Keep enjoying the farce!
Just Love

Yep. Said
To It.
Since the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (The McCarran-Walter Act), the Communist faction – the Red Faction – has greatly accelerated its agenda. Especially the last 70+ years as America has been flooded with Foreigners.

An influx of economic slaves has caused bigger debt load on True Americans. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) addressed the Rump Congress about the debt...Understand, that is coming from the Political Dog and Pony Show of the Red Faction. The cause is nil as it deals with transferring the perpetual debt to more domestic "socialist" matters while criticizing the world socialist and communist based issues that will never end. Politicians fix absolutely nothing— Nothing!

These people aren't "Statesmen". They are puppets of the New World Order. Over the past 150 years, the rump Congress has allowed the fruits and labors of Americans to assist in funding what THEY call World Communism.

Nonetheless, we need to push back in order to correct things.

Fatalities of The Red Emergency
Understanding that politicians are basically worthless traitors, let's look at the reality of the Emergency, err–Insurgency, by the "United States". Below we have an open admission that de jure citizens have been disenfranchised, which infers they may be immune to ITS Socialistic-Communistic laws...
"A stateless person is someone who, under national laws, does not enjoy citizenship – the legal bond between a government and an individual – in any country. While some people are de jure, or legally stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens under the laws of any state), many people are de facto [emphasis], or effectively stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens by any state even if they have a claim to citizenship under the laws of one or more states)."
  —The “Policy” of the De Facto Government per Department of State
They act like being "stateless" is a bad thing. Normally it is, but not when your state (country) has effectively been stolen from you. And they are not telling the whole story : True Americans may be stateless, but they may live constitutionally under their de jure nationality under immunity per proper, lawful termination of the Communist based "citizenship and nationality" of The Red Amendment.

The problem is, THEY – the Synagogue of Satan – are still on a path to destroy the lives of True Americans with a new crop of Americans. The True Americans seem to care less. But they are lawful people who can apply the remedy Daniel Webster noted over 150 years ago when THEY had established the Emergency. Removal of the Slave Status is the only remedy. It now must be rectified.

Moreover, because of a failure to draw a political line in the sand, the Gray Area of the Emergency will continue to produce major damages to True Americans.

H.L. Mencken did say, 'Democracy is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses.' Let the Corporations and Foreigners pay the debt load and enjoy all the fruits of Communism. To reiterate, let them "enjoy" the communist based citizenship. Simply put, True Americans must strive to live under Republican Freedom. In exemplifying the problem and how you consent to it, see these 2 Posts...

Democracy Is Socialism and Communism
Some people think Socialism and Communism are two different systems. That's what THEY wanted the world to think. The former is needed to feed the latter. Socialism is where government gets involved in the lives of people. They are dependent on government. Communism is where government takes control of the economy. Listen to the professional Communists, they tell you as much.

Both Parties
Are Reds.
Also Misled.

The True
Don't Play.
Of course, Democracy follows with both. Basically the government handles the infants, meaning those who cannot live under freedom and prefer to be taken care of... In a lot of respects. The quid pro quo is feudalistic treatment.

As a matter of law, nobody really owns anything but they are happy– with their materialism... while the rich get much richer.  Wow!  Such a deal.

Gee, Where have we heard all that before?

To understand more, below are 4 Blog Posts that hit on some of the particulars of how "Democracy" works and how those who choose it are destroying The Republic... Foreigners are the ones in rebellion against the republic-states...
Human Resources and Consumers

"Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains."
—Thomas Jefferson

It Is
In The

PAC Does
It Right.

Right. It is a merchant problem. Those in it for profit. I have been referring to the United States as a Commercial Plantation for years. There are no natural societies. Just Human Resources and Consumers for profits and gain.

The problem is related this in 2 PDF Papers I wrote years ago. They are...

Know The Synagogue of Satan
Most Americans don't understand or know the problem they are experiencing. In order to fix what was meant to be broken. Knowing the problem is a must. To expand on this, a member of the Synagogue of Satan (SoS) noted this...
"The day when the Jew was first admitted to civil rights, the Christian state was in danger... the entrance of the Jew into society marked the destruction of the State, meaning by State, the Christian State." —Benard Lazare
The man may have excommunicated himself from the Synagogue of Satan due to its evilness. But there are plenty of them left pushing the agenda forward in the United States and throughout the world. Like Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!  As discussed herein, we know what "Democracy" is all about.

Below is Goodman with another SoS member discussing their meddling in the politics of other countries. Also, another segment on the Synagogue of Satan admitting destroying Anglo countries... The arrogance is unbelievable...
These destroyers of peoples wandered around the world for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. By the way, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago, 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44

If you do not understand the Genocide of the Anglos by the Synagogue of Satan by now... unfortunately, you probably never will. Seriously a lost soul in dishonor. Oh, and one more thing... Is it just me or has the world absolutely Gone to Hell since women got involved in politics?  Right. The Synagogue of Satan did it.

Understand this, the wrecking crew known as the Synagogue of Satan has created a grave amount of damage. It may take centuries to repair... Especially if the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are allowed to keep pushing their drivel on the public and government.

The Ultimate Remedy
There is only one way in law to shed the status of their Insurgent Democracy. It was grandfathered in for "Anglos", so to speak. Moreover, I have known about the mass correction that can be achieved as allowed by law, but most people just love the oppression of their captors and prefer Division and Defense.

Thus, those in rebellion love their government so much, they won't do a thing to fix it or themselves. They'll just keep taking what they're given. Truly, it must be said it is the damnedest case of Stockholm Syndrome the world has ever seen.

In a Peaceful Evolution, the True Americans must establish their own economies within the Communist occupied territories known as the republic-states de jure. Ultimately, such lawful peoples have to create their own federal government. However – in the interim – proper education and correction is the key.

Henceforth, Discerning Souls will use their intelligence which will bring them to us, PAC. Because they will know, Democracy is surely for Fools... or Jackasses. If you don't join The Ring, you'll remain being a problem— As herein noted.

Some Final Words

I cannot live without books.
      —Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, June 10, 1815

Now, People
Love Videos
With Inferior

Videos Are
For Vassals.

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." —Thomas Jefferson

It appears the press hasn't changed... even 200 years ago it was worthless. And also remember what Thomas Jefferson said about republican virtues... not to be confused with the Republican Party, which is politically Red or Communist...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
—Justice Black of the Supreme Court, circa 1967

It's A No

Not Treason.

Terms Used Herein
 Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding the post...
  • True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
  • Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against the Republic.
  • Slave(s) means, slave used in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
  • Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
  • Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
Other words and phrases are self-evident or may be better understood
absorbing my blog and also studying material found at


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance Those are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.

Get On Board!  Please join us on the PAC Open Forum...
Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!

Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Insufferable

Taking Us Deeper
Into The
Red Vortex

Is Not

The PAC Alliance developed The Ring project to put an end to people getting fed bad information that has been put out by Operatives and Opportunists. Most disinformation comes from who knows where. Sadly, people cherish lies over truth. Perhaps it has something to do with trusting politicians for too long.

A lot of people think that what we are up against will somehow fix itself. Most think the system will fix itself. That won't happen. Indeed, Pioneers are required to bring the remedy forward. Sadly, from what I have seen the past 30 years, people want guarantees. In this political climate, it is simply delusional.

And please understand, too much information will not fix this. It only confuses everyone... Especially if it is bad or irrelevant information. What has actually been seen – especially the past 50 years – is the blind leading the blind grounded in those Operatives and Opportunists. It is truly an epidemic.

The masses keep falling for it. Generally a lot of talk with no plan or remedy. Most of these groups get infiltrated by the Adversary. What I have seen happen the past 30 years is more disinformation put out for the unaware to follow.

Accordingly, disinformation is put out by Operatives or our Adversary... which Opportunists gladly follow (to make money). It makes for Wonderful Chaos.

What People's Awareness Coalition can promise is solid answers based on our research and remedies grounded in their Rule of Law. We need Warriors to fight this war. The Ring Evolution is required, not revolution with cells and cadres, which hints of subversive operations that will fail. We have been given the remedies in law. Proper Education is key to prevail in these Quiet Wars.

Spirits In A Material World
Most people have heard the words uttered, New World Order. This is the end game of THEY, but people don't realize what was done to get us there.

What had been established is a political system to take people from historical materialism to materialism based in greed. Karl Marx had later referred to it as Marxist Materialism : simply living in excess. The bottom line was to put the wealth into the hands of a select few. It was accomplished through a corporate structure. Communism was the best answer to manage all profits and also the human resources of the Industrial Revolution. All revolutions are to such end.

Revolution emits Revolving Evolution : planned events to get to an end having the same cabal in control after the dust settles from the planned events. The group, The Police, said it best in their song, Spirits in a Material World...
There is no political solution... To our troubled evolution...
Have no faith in constitution... There is no bloody revolution...
We are spirits in the material world.
All accomplished by: Problem-Reaction-Solution. I have been saying for years... You cannot fix what was meant to be broken. Their commercial system has people right where THEY want them: Materialistic, Confused, and In Debt.

Let's review a comment by a Justice in a case titled Barron vs Mayor & City Council of Baltimore (1833). In this pre14th Amendment case the U.S. Supreme Court stated the following about the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution...
"The question thus presented is, we think, of great importance, but not of much difficulty. The Constitution was ordained and established by THE PEOPLE of the United States for themselves, for THEIR own government, and not for the government of the individual States.

Each State established a constitution for itself, and in that constitution provided such limitations and restrictions on the powers of its particular government as its judgment dictated.

THE PEOPLE of the United States framed such a government for the United States as THEY supposed best adapted to THEIR situation and best calculated to promote THEIR interests."
—Chief Justice Marshall

How Silly...

Under 1868
Americans really
think they are
The People.

What we see there is The Empire. It was the main purpose of the Revolutionary War. The world went from the Divine Right of Kings to the State System, which was a system startup to overlay all countries in the world with the Communist economic doctrine. A stealthy E Pluribus Unum courtesy of the colour Red. Unifying the ideas of THEY took some time after the French Revolution.

A RED Economic Doctrine that operates on perpetual debt and corruption. Pursuant to common law doctrine, the Consent of The Governed noted in the Declaration of Independence, took on a solid, progressive meaning.

Understand, the Egoist gets us there. Know them by reading the Post, Those Dancing Monkeys. It contains a lot of insight as to why things are a mess.

The Progressive Luciferian Cabal
Oddly, in 2014 the below showed up on a website called
"A study of the human species between 1600 and 1700 AD concluded that the human mammal opposes all authority or restraint of freedom. However, if the human is allowed to believe that they themselves have chosen leaders and laws, they will accept authority without rebellion.
For this reason, the Illuminati must maintain a constant questioning of its existence in the minds of its citizens. By hiding distinct symbols only visible to those who are looking for them, the Illuminati has remained anonymous while still leaving indelible marks of it presence for eternal civilizations."
Well, there is a lot of in your face truth. Couldn't have said it better. Know "its citizens" are those known as "citizens and nationals of the United States".

Simply, getting "civilians" – being at war – to think they are "the people" is part and parcel of achieving "the consent of the governed" under Reconstruction and its 14th Amendment. That way the Rulers of the insurgency can claim clean hands by blaming those in rebellion. Yes, THEY thought of everything.

Understand, the original setup of The Republic wasn't producing enough profits. So THEY advanced profit output progressively with the 14th Amendment. In sense, it took over 100 years to get to the multicultural cesspool of today.

The Book of Marx had to be implemented. The Red Takeover was a progressive one. I have long said, the ink was not dry on the Constitution before the likes of the 14th Amendment was on the drawing board... THEY plan all their changes ahead of change. Like inserting the word "male" into Section 2 of the 14th Amendment to bring women into the political sheepfold... methodically.

Yes, this "constitutional artifice" gave us a One Nation Under Fraud in a slow burn. See The Ring project to learn more about the ungodly Luciferian Bunch.

The Civil Flag 
of Peace is just 
simply Boob-Bait 
that lures fools.
Federal Civil Law Deceit
You see, before the 14th Amendment the Union operated under the Law of Nations. There wasn't any "civil law". And any peace seen today is that of Karl Marx, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism." And to clarify, there was no Federal Civil Law... such law was of the several states. Freedom had rang throughout the Union, not the Liberty of the Luciferians. Understand, all federal law executed conformed to the Constitution.

The peace of Marx tells us that there will be continuous war throughout the world – like there has been the past 250 years or so – until THEY are done with their cabal of Totalitarian Communist Dictatorships... all fulfilled with the consent of the governed. What do you think the Executive Orders are all about?

A quick summary : People – or de jure citizens – had little or nothing to do with the Constitution. The 14th Amendment brought such people into legislation of Congress along with the Foreigners. The so-called "Bill of Rights" has been applied to them in a perverted way... Americans' LOVE those Civil Rights.

>And that reference to Americans is an advertence to all deceived Anglos along with all the Foreigners that occupy the several states in adverse possession. So beware of their Conflict of Law trickery dealing with overlaying jurisdictions. Moreover, such law envelopes private/special law of the U.S. person.

To learn about how Civil Law under Reconstruction destroyed the Common Law in the republic-states, read this warning that an alumnus gave to law students back in the late 1890's... Civil Law vs. Common Law. It's a game changer.

Federal Common Law Artifice
The 14th Amendment of 1868 provided that peace, via force as prescribed in the Communist Manifesto of 1848. Again, this created the One Nation Under Fraud.

Right. It took about 20 years to create the war and install the foundation for Communism into the Constitution and have people be clueless about it.

In regard to that stealthy implementation, there is this in support...
FEDERAL COMMON LAW: A concept intriguing to legal scholars, strictly speaking, a nonentity. —15 Am J2d Com L § 4
Common law is based on case law. What that is saying is, legal scholars have been told what to think in law schools, so they don't know true constitutional law. Only under legal fictions – which includes taking benefits – is where Federal Common Law can operate on an Anglo (whites). There is no problem to use it on Foreigners who are in the Red Rebellion lovin' those Civil Rights!

That brings us to my Number 1 Rule on how to study law: Don't read case law.

Like Jurist/Judge Robert Bork said:
"I don't think the Constitution is studied almost anywhere, including law schools. In law schools, what they study is what the court said about the Constitution. They study the opinions. They don't study the Constitution itself."
I figured that out years before I knew Judge Bork said it. Must run in the family. Simply, reading case law is not knowing law. It is so sad how everyone – even attorneys – thinks that case law is law. It violates due process for the lawful.

Moreover, Section 4 of the 14th Amendment prohibits addressing issues in regard to the Red Rebellion. The courts have been talking out both sides of their mouths since 1868 to cover-up the rebellions against the republic-states...

The hint in AmJur and what Judge Bork said is about as close to spilling the beans as you get. Justice Black also said something profound. I have related it many times in the past. Perhaps I should cite it before the end of this Post.

The Unaware
Don't Care.

And the
Rich Get Richer.

Maintainers of The Gray Area
For 150 years, Americans have been fed a line that the so-called "Civil War" was about freeing the slaves. Not at all... The truth is, Negros are political tools used to implement and maintain Communism. The reconstruction of government was to pull all Americans into control of Congress to act as a "national government" de facto for the One Nation Under Fraud created by the 14th Amendment.

The Unaware don't care because they are being jerked around by Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus... Or perhaps they love the plain ole comfy, shameful Gray Area. Nothing like being a Maintainer for the Communist faction. Very shameful. Seriously, one should ponder why we are not taught law in school.

I know, I know... Some of you think you are exempt from the 14th Amendment. Let's look at what James Blaine – Reconstruction proponent – had to say about what the intent of the 14th Amendment was legally and actually about :

"...And in making this extension of citizenship, we are not confining the breadth and scope of our efforts to the Negro. It is for the White man as well. We intend to make citizenship National. Heretofore, a man has been a citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some-one of the States: now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship — and our Amendment declares that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are 'citizens of the United States' and of 'the States wherein they reside'."
—The Reconstruction Problem, speech at Skowhegan, Maine, 08.29.1866.

That is the Zionist based Dual Citizenship. It is part and parcel of the destruction of countries and nationalities as found in the Communist Manifesto. Of course some legal scholars call it "Federal Citizenship", not "National"... depending what side of the Marxist fence they are on. Which brings us to this...
Useful idiot. In political jargon, a useful idiot is a term currently used to reference a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause—particularly a bad cause originating from a devious, ruthless source—without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders. —Wiki thoughts
I live in a college town. I sometimes say to students, "Oh, you pay a lot of money to be told what to think. Nice." In that same vein, 'How does it feel to be a useful tool who is destroying your people and heritage for the Peace of Karl Marx?'

"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger— New World Order proponent, Zionist-Jew
People love
being right and
their ears to
be tickled.

But I Just Can't
The front of my book, The Red Amendment, notes the following : A Viable Source on Personal Freedom and State Sovereignty Matters. All good, Right?

Okay, freedom for individuals and the republic-states. Now let us get into some examples how people make excuses to not do what is right. In the movie, The Patriot, Mel Gibson played a man caught up in the Revolutionary War.

In a scene the Gibson character stated, "I do not have the luxury of going to war. I have a family." Guess what. The war came-up and bit him in the ass, then he had to get involved. If you haven't seen it, you should. See that clip below...

People love to be
indoctrinated by

love doing it
to people.

I have heard it for years. Every excuse in the book to not, Do the right thing. We are at war. And people want to sit on their hands... People prefer defense. It's like most are affected by Stockholm Syndrome... They love the cabal.

Oh, in that clip : A "New Nation". Seriously? It's a Union of nations... The Red propaganda never ends. Americans readily suck-it-up and don't realize it. But it's kind of understandable, the plan always was subservient human resources.

That being said, Mel Gibson is an enlightened one. It's hard to say which side of the fence he is on. He was sent my book and we didn't hear back from him. Nonetheless, Mr. Gibson has put out some work that makes one think.

Why Things Are A Mess
We should have Radical Republican, Daniel Webster, address the problem... He was instrumental in setting-up the Two Party System during the "Civil War"...
That danger was noted over 150 years ago. Webster told Americans they may put too much confidence in their public servants – i.e., The Rulers – and also said they would be saved by using their intelligence. Let's simplify it...
If people aren't lazy-sinners, Why are things in the world such a mess?
Perhaps such people reject their Creator and have a love for Satan?

Now let's look at those who are mad at government for the mess America is in...

insufferable, adj. not to be endured; intolerable; unbearable: their insufferable insolence. –
I went over the problem last week in the Post, Greatest Story Ever Told, in particular, The Problem is Infancy. Sadly, Infants have contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior or speech. They know-it-all : a typical American trait.

Their insufferable insolence caused more damage than any Operatives have in the past 50 years. I've said for some time, I don't mind ignorant people. It's the willfully ignorant that I don't have an appreciation for. The main issue is, these insufferable types are easily conned by the Clowns Who Swindle. Moreover, these willfully ignorant ones defend their Marxist Socialism to the death.

So, about being mad at government, Look in the mirror... Better yet, you should look to your parents, grandparents, etc., for enjoying their Treason by Design. And that Webster statement above was actually disclosure of THEY. Them flaunting their plans. An Anglo test, so to speak. Grade being : Epic Fail!

No doubt. De jure America was setup and manipulated. But is acting irrational going to get things accomplished, or is Using Intelligence a better route?

Multitudo imperitorum perdit curiam.
A multitude of ignorant practitioners destroys a court.

Get Busy With Us
Scripture tells us the Remnant is minuscule. The Rulers of Evil will take care of the rest because they have rejected their Creator. If you fail to see this, please review 'Maintainers of The Gray Area' and 'Why Things Are A Mess', supra.

People's Awareness Coalition is two pronged: We offer a personal remedy, and we advise those with standing how to get their sovereign states back... which is also two pronged with PAC and the PAC Alliance. We are about lawful offense under the Rule of Law. Being involved with PAC provides protection for all.
Don't Like the Truth?
Big Boy Panties.
Wear a Pair.

There needs to be an Evolution in truth and knowledge, not a Revolution that puts us back into the hands of the Adversary. The Ring provides that Evolution. Truly, People's Awareness Coalition under the PAC Alliance is the Solution.

It should be good to know that we have not changed our position and remedy in 25 years. Copycats come and go but we're still here... Waiting for good people.

Back to what Daniel Webster cautioned Americans about over 150 years ago... Justice Black of the Supreme Court cautioned Anglos about their issues back in the late 1960's... The state of the Union is in very poor condition, because...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
—Justice Black of the Supreme Court, circa 1967



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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 2, 2023

Greatest Story Ever Told

Jesus of Nazareth It's Not
The Greatest Story Ever Told would be about Jesus. We will get into that in a bit below. The above meme actually represents, The Biggest Fraud Ever Sold. The Communist Manifesto was released in 1848. Its main purpose was to control the commerce within the nations of the world. Also, proficient Human Resources needed to be created. You can blame the Luciferian Bunch for the takeover.

The main reason to control commerce was to make profits from banking and the merchant or middle-man operations of the Industrial Revolution, and beyond. Another component operation of the Manifesto of Marx and his handlers was to destroy nationalities to centralize control of the Human Resources of THEY.

In America, the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution was installed to "legally" achieve its operations... mind you, by force of the "Civil War". And remember what they say, The victor of war writes the history.

The law was also changed. Americans were brought into the municipality of Washington DC where their custom and usage law was destroyed. Things then formulated into a two-tiered system of federal-de facto state statutory law.  In effect, it was part and parcel of the so-called "Emergency", actually being a Communist Insurgency. I might add that it was an act of Genocide.

I know. It's really messed up. But Americans consent to it, politically.
Technically, the so-called "Civil War" never ended, it turned into Quiet Wars.

The Problem is Infancy
A simple rule of law to understand is this: General language and law language have different definitions or meanings. For example, a main one is a "person". In law it is not just a single man or woman. It means a legal entityman or woman or corporation – to be governed by specific law under the Law of Persons.

The term "infant" is not a baby. In law it means someone that is not emancipated from his or her parents. Under the operations of the 14th amendment, people go from being a child of their parents to a child or dependent of the government. For example, this is effectively achieved via the Social Security Number. Socialist/Communist law can be found in US Code under Title 42.

The other factor is, once emancipated from parents one is deemed competent. That is, one is presumed to be well taught in handling their financial affairs, etc. The problem here is, most Americans have opted for the Marxist public based education and taught to be profitable Human Resources and Consumers.
Property Tax,
Social Security,
& Income Tax.

All Marxist
The learned student knows that Socialism is a foundation for Communism to operate effectively. To understand the Infant Problem more, below are two Blog Posts that cover the issue. Make sure you read through all the material...
America Is Waiting To Be Normalized
People of America are being brought under a special type of "Normalization"... Meaning, being normalized by THEY. Simply: The way of the Luciferians. The True Christian way – being a hindrance for the New World Order – had to be destroyed. Their manipulation was going on before the so-called "Civil War".

Above, I have gone over the practical subversion of the Communist faction. An exKGB man by the name of Yuri Bezmenov - Video) had gone over ideological subversion in the 1980's. Most have heard this referenced as Cultural Marxism.

A major group you have to watch out for the Sweet Baby Gang of the Daily Wire. Victim "infants" are being conditioned – as Neo-Conservatives – to accept the coming Red Party. This conservative troupe contains characters, Catholic Matt Walsh– probable Jesuit, two Synagogue of Satan members– Ben Shapiro and affiliate Dennis Prager, Communist retainer– Jordan Peterson, and others.

Point being, beware the "Groomers" of New World Order "Conservatism".
Those who buy into what they are selling : Prepare for the AntiChrist.
Main Problem
of being part of
Their Public...

Being Owned.
The Discerning Soul understands the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus is a plan under the concept of Problem-Reaction-Solution. This to bait less liberal sorts into the Neo-Conservative Camp in order to maintain what has been executed.

Know the political rule of THEY, Liberals be Tools, Conservatives are Fools.

Please understand how The Progress of being part of the Luciferian religion was achieved the past 150+ years. Below I have provided 3 Blog Posts that go over some of the finer points that most people do not see or fail to understand...
The True Sovereign Citizen
Today a lot of people out there are saying that they are "We The People", or simply "The People". This is totally delusional. The People are popular elected representatives... and they have their servants who work for them. Citizens are subjects who approve of them per the Consent of The Governed. Today the consent of the governed are in rebellion against the Constitution proper.

In addition, the same people think that they are "We The People". They have been taken by the "Sovereign Citizen" sting operation. The adversary set this up, like the January 6th incident... Bait 'em, and Sting 'em. That is how the game is played. It sadly seems the same people fall for it every time and ignore proper information. You can thank the Internet and Social Media for these problems.

In reference to lawful state sovereignty – before the 14th Amendment – the governments of the state-republics were sovereign. The citizens/subjects of the de jure states lacked connection to the Constitution... It was a "state" contract. People of the states owed allegiance to such states, not to the United States.

This was outlined in a case titled Barron vs Mayor & City Council of Baltimore (1833). In this pre14th Amendment case the Supreme Court of the United States stated the following about the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution...
"The question thus presented is, we think, of great importance, but not of much difficulty. The Constitution was ordained and established by THE PEOPLE of the United States for themselves, for THEIR own government, and not for the government of the individual States.

Each State established a constitution for itself, and in that constitution provided such limitations and restrictions on the powers of its particular government as its judgment dictated.

THE PEOPLE of the United States framed such a government for the United States as THEY supposed best adapted to THEIR situation and best calculated to promote THEIR interests."
—Chief Justice Marshall
The construction of the national and citizen of the United States status created under the 14th Amendment allowed multiculturalism. It created a silent slavery to expand and fund the noted enterprise by unconstitutional proportions. You see, each state is a country and nation. That is the Union make-up under the Law of Nations. To clarify, the constitutional definition of "Sovereign Citizen" is :
  • A person – not a thing – that is of Anglo (White) origin who would qualify as a member of the Union or "The Republic" as defined per federal immigration laws of the Constitution pre14th Amendment. Such a qualified person provided the "collective sovereignty" of each free state that is guaranteed a "Republican Form of Government" – pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution – therefore providing each "state" or jurisdiction to maintain its own system of Civil and Common Law.
In other words, Anglos who have lawful standing may now live in The Republic. Moreover – most importantly – even such 'individuals' are still not "sovereign". In a true sense, s/he provides the sovereignty to the separate republic/state.

14th Amendment "States" de facto are a product of the "Federal" Government. Yes, these special "States" host Residents of a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Such federal "Residents" are Foreigners, Freaks, and Fools of the red rebellion.
The "citizens" under Article IV, Section 4, are the proper principals of the Law of Nations. Their nationalities are de jure, not fabricated by the New World Order.

Other than those noted who must remain in the State (jurisdiction) created by the United States as "Residents" (i.e., Foreigners of The Republic, under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution), only select lawful persons may belong to the State Nationals Society : a private society that is able to live in The Republic.

Lawful nationals constitutional taxation is based in state excise and import and export taxes, not Marxist based taxation. Again– under the 14th Amendment, lawful Americans were brought into the municipality of Washington DC.

This is where their custom and usage law (common law) was destroyed. Legal matters then formulated into a two-tiered system of the federal "States" de facto statutory law and also statutory law of the Insurgent Congress : totalitarianism.

Perhaps now you understand why there is such an effort to Demonize Anglos... This lawful status causes devastation to the Luciferian cabal of Communism. Karl Marx told us, "History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce."

To understand this cabal better, download the Marxist Twaddle Project booklet. Please share it with the masses... Download Free PDF. Also, there is The Ring Project booklet to share with your family and circle... Download Free PDF

Deeper Into The Red Vortex
There are some people that believe that a positive transition is going on at this time. Sorry, facts are otherwise. What people see is purely political. That noted, what is going on doesn't fit Scripture as the end promise. Plus there are more than a few RED flags that can be observed daily. In regard to that, the color red represents evil and corruption in Scripture. In relation, the color red represents the political cabal of Socialism-Communism under The Red Amendment. Oddly, it is the same color of Conservatives-Republicans, it being Red. It isn't all that odd... If you factor in the biggest deception the world has ever seen in history.

In line with the above notations, It is ventured you didn't know there are actually two types of peace... One) Under God, our Creator: "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" –Romans 5:1; and, Two) That being of Satan, or man: "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."

Of course, the latter peace is that of Synagogue of Satan member, Karl Marx.

In regard to what is coming – if you read between the lines – Trump provides clues in disliking the "Republicans", which emits that there may be a Red Super Party on its way. So-called Conservatives are buying it, hook, line, and sinker.

Sadly, those who have standing fail to understand, the 13th Amendment saves, and the 14th Amendment enslaves; but Americans really Love their Marxism. So the ignorant will remain the Slaves noted in Section 4 in the 14th Amendment.

Thus, those who "Do What Thou Wilt" will go deeper into the Red Vortex. These types support the expansion of the Totalitarian Communist Dictatorships that have been in operation since the so-called Civil War... It's not appreciated.
To understand another fraud that history has told, take a look at how "Fake Jesus, Inc." was established by the manipulation of the Bible that created the Secular Trinity "Christians" worship today... I refer to as The Unholy Trinity...


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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional