Monday, October 2, 2023

Greatest Story Ever Told

Jesus of Nazareth It's Not
The Greatest Story Ever Told would be about Jesus. We will get into that in a bit below. The above meme actually represents, The Biggest Fraud Ever Sold.

The Communist Manifesto was released in 1848. Its main purpose was to control the commerce within the nations of the world and to create proficient Human Resources. You can blame the Luciferian Bunch for the takeover.

The reason to control commerce was to make profits from banking and the merchant or middle-man operations of the Industrial Revolution, and beyond. Another component operation of the Manifesto of Marx and his handlers was to destroy nationalities to centralize control of the Human Resources of THEY.

In America, the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution was installed to "legally" achieve its operations... mind you, by force of the "Civil War". And remember what they say, The victor of war writes the history.

The law was also changed. Americans were brought into the municipality of Washington DC where their custom and usage law was destroyed. Things then formulated into a two-tiered system of federal-de facto state statutory law.  In effect, it was part and parcel of the so-called "Emergency", actually being a Communist Insurgency. I might add that it was an act of Genocide.

I know. It's really messed up. But Americans consent to it, politically.
Technically, the so-called "Civil War" never ended, it turned into Quiet Wars.

The Problem is Infancy
A simple rule of law is to understand is that general language and law language have different definitions or meanings. For example, a main one is a "person". In law it is not just a single man of woman. It means a legal entityman or woman or corporation – to be governed by specific law under the Law of Persons.

The term "infant" is not a baby. In law it means someone that is not emancipated from his or her parents. Under the operations of the 14th amendment, people go from being a child of their parents to a child or dependent of the government. For example, this is effectively achieved via the Social Security Number. Socialist/Communist law can be found in US Code under Title 42.

The other factor is once emancipated from parents one is deemed competent. That is, one is presumed to be well taught in handling their financial affairs, etc. The problem here is, most Americans have opted for the Marxist public based education and taught to be profitable Human Resources and Consumers.

Property Tax,
Social Security,
& Income Tax.

All Marxist

The learned student knows that Socialism is a foundation for Communism to operate effectively. To understand the Infant Problem more, below are two Blog Posts that cover the issue. Make sure you read through all the material...

America Is Waiting To Be Normalized
People of America are being brought under a special type of "Normalization"... meaning being normalized by THEY. Simply: The way of the Luciferians. The True Christian way – being a hindrance for the New World Order – had to be destroyed. Their manipulation was going on before the so-called "Civil War".

Above, I have gone over the practical subversion of the Communist faction. An exKGB man by the name of Yuri Bezmenov Video) had gone over ideological subversion in the 1980's. Most have heard this referenced as Cultural Marxism.

A major group you have to watch out for the Sweet Baby Gang of the Daily Wire. Victim "infants" are being conditioned – as Neo-Conservatives – to accept the coming Red Party. This conservative troupe contains characters, Catholic Matt Walsh– probable Jesuit, two Synagogue of Satan members– Ben Shapiro and affiliate Dennis Prager, Communist retainer– Jordan Peterson, and others...

Point being, beware the "Groomers" of New World Order "Conservatism".
Those who buy into what they are selling : Prepare for the AntiChrist.

Main Problem
of being part of
Their Public...

Being Owned.
The Discerning Soul understands the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus is a plan under the concept of Problem-Reaction-Solution. This to bait less liberal sorts into the Neo-Conservative Camp in order to maintain what has been executed.

Know the political rule of THEY, Liberals be Tools, Conservatives are Fools.

Please understand how The Progress of being part of the Luciferian religion was achieved the past 150+ years. Below I have provided 3 Blog Posts that go over some of the finer points that most people do not see or fail to understand... The True Sovereign Citizen
Today a lot of people out there are saying that they are "We The People", or simply "The People". This is totally delusional... The People are popular elected representatives... and they have their servants who work for them. Citizens are subjects who approve of them per the Consent of The Governed. Today the consent of the governed are in rebellion against the Constitution proper.

In addition, the same people that think they are "We The People" have been taken by the "Sovereign Citizen" sting operation. The adversary set this up much like the January 6th incident... Bait 'em, and Sting 'em. That is how the game is played. It seems the same people fall for it every time and ignore proper information. You can thank the Internet and Social Media for all this.

In reference to lawful state sovereignty – before the 14th Amendment – the governments of the state-republics were sovereign. The citizens/subjects of the de jure states lacked connection to the Constitution... It was a "state" contract. People of the states owed allegiance to such states, not to the United States.

This was outlined in a case titled Barron vs Mayor & City Council of Baltimore (1833). In this pre14th Amendment case the Supreme Court of the United States stated the following about the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution...
"The question thus presented is, we think, of great importance, but not of much difficulty. The Constitution was ordained and established by THE PEOPLE of the United States for themselves, for THEIR own government, and not for the government of the individual States.

Each State established a constitution for itself, and in that constitution provided such limitations and restrictions on the powers of its particular government as its judgment dictated.

THE PEOPLE of the United States framed such a government for the United States as THEY supposed best adapted to THEIR situation and best calculated to promote THEIR interests."
—Chief Justice Marshall
The construction of the national and citizen of the United States status created under the 14th Amendment allowed multiculturalism and created a silent slavery to expand and fund that noted enterprise by unconstitutional proportions.

You see, each state is a country. That is the Union make-up under the Law of Nations. To clarify, the constitutional definition of "Sovereign Citizen" is :
  • A person – not a thing – that is of Anglo (White) origin who would qualify as a member of the Union or "The Republic" as defined per federal immigration laws of the Constitution pre14th Amendment. Such a qualified person provided the "collective sovereignty" of each free state that is guaranteed a "Republican Form of Government" – pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution – therefore providing each "state" or jurisdiction to maintain its own system of Civil and Common Law.
In other words, those who have lawful standing may live in The Republic. Moreover – most importantly – even such 'individuals' are not "sovereign". In another sense, s/he provides the sovereignty to the separate republic/state.

14th Amendment "States" de facto are a product of the Federal Government. Yes, these special "States" host Residents of a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Such federal "Residents" are Foreigners, Freaks, and Fools of the red rebellion.

The "citizens" under Article IV, Section 4, are the proper principles of the Law of Nations. Their nationalities are de jure, not fabricated by the New World Order.

Other than those noted who must remain in the State (jurisdiction) created by the United States as "Residents", i.e., Foreigners of The Republic, under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution, only select lawful persons may belong to the State Nationals Society : a private society that is able to live in The Republic.

Lawful nationals constitutional taxation is based in state excise and import and export taxes, not Marxist based taxation. Again– under the 14th Amendment, lawful Americans were brought into the municipality of Washington DC.

This is where their custom and usage law (common law) was destroyed. Legal matters then formulated into a two-tiered system of the federal "States" de facto statutory law and also statutory law of the Insurgent Congress : totalitarianism.

Perhaps now you understand why there is such an effort to Demonize Anglos... This lawful status causes devastation to the Luciferian cabal of Communism. Karl Marx told us, "History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce."

Start understanding this cabal better... Download the Marxist Twaddle Project booklet. Share it with family, friends, and your circle... Download Free PDF

Deeper Into The Red Vortex
There are some people that believe that a positive transition is gong on at this time. Sorry, facts are otherwise. What people see is purely political. That noted, what is going on doesn't fit Scripture as the end promise. Plus there are more than a few RED flags that can be observed daily. In regard to that, the color red represents evil and corruption in Scripture. In relation, the color red represents the political cabal of Socialism-Communism under The Red Amendment. Oddly, it is the same color of Conservatives-Republicans, it being Red. It isn't all that odd... If you factor in the biggest deception the world has ever seen in history.

In line with the above notations, It is ventured you didn't know there are actually two types of peace... One) Under God, our Creator: "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" –Romans 5:1; and, Two) That being of Satan, or man: "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."

Of course, the latter peace is that of Synagogue of Satan member, Karl Marx.

In regard to what is coming – if you read between the lines – Trump provides clues in disliking the "Republicans", which emits that there may be a Red Super Party on its way. So-called Conservatives are buying it, hook, line, and sinker.

Sadly, those who have standing fail to understand, the 13th Amendment saves, and the 14th Amendment enslaves; but Americans really Love their Marxism. So the ignorant will remain the Slaves noted in Section 4 in the 14th Amendment.

Thus, those who "Do What Thou Wilt" will go deeper into the Red Vortex. These types support the expansion of the Totalitarian Communist Dictatorships that have been in operation since the so-called Civil War... It's not appreciated.

To understand another fraud that history has told, take a look at how "Fake Jesus, Inc." was established by the manipulation of the Bible that created the Secular Trinity "Christians" worship today... I refer to as The Unholy Trinity...




Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, September 25, 2023

Meet The Maintainers

So. You Have Constitutional Rights. Interesting.
I say, the Creator gives us rights. The Constitution,
as written, provides privileges and immunities.
Not of Right
or De jure.

of "Fact"
an Ability To
Maintain It

The 14th Amendment Creates A De facto System
Having an alternate political system actually creates not a new, but an alternate, governmental system. Due to that fact, a new “political body” was created by its citizenship termed "federal". This new governmental system created by the 14th Amendment is "de facto". To create a whole new system, a different constitution would have to have been installed. The amendment was installed instead. In sense, what this did is create a Dual System of Law that few understand. Please note that this de facto governmental system is what THEY call "Democracy".

In defining a de facto government, the following citation illustrates it:
De facto Government. A new government which exercises undisputed sway over the entire country, the former established government having been nullified by 'successful rebellion' or having 'lost the support' of the people. A de facto government arises where the established government has been subverted by rebellion, so that the new government exercises undisputed sway for the time being over the entire country, or where the people of any portion of a country subject to the same government throw off their allegiance to that government and establish one of their own, and show not only that they have established a government, but also their ability to maintain it. —Am J Rev ed Internat L § 12 (International Law)
That reference is under international law due to the fact the Constitution and its Republic principles are tantamount to an international treaty or agreement.

That noted, the most important statement in that cite is...
  • “...but also their ability to maintain it.”

The Gatekeepers – IE – Maintainers
That citation above was defining the current system under the 14th Amendment. Based on that statement, when I crafted the PAC Lexicon – for the Island Makers Project – I came-up with the below definition that is built on it...
30. Maintainers.
Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation.
—See Gate Keeper, and Lapdog   —The PAC Lexicon
Those who make profit off this insidious system are, the insurgent governments, the politicians, law industry, stock profiteers, elites, you... just to name a few. These maintainers enjoy personal gain from usury and its debt bondage. Accordingly, the little people pay via higher taxation and inflation.

That aside, although the 14th Amendment system is evil it must stay in place due to America being Flooded with Foreigners (and Freaks) the past 150 years. Without doubt, Judge Bork Knew, as he wrote Slouching Towards Gomorrah. But Jurist Bork knows that amendment has allowed Gomorrah to happen.

Remember what George Bush, Sr., said back in the 1990's about the New World Order... "When we are successful, and we will be...".  This success being due to the fact people won't come to the realization that ultimately they're the problem. Sadly, I have been warning people about this escalation for 25 years and they keep kicking the can down the road thinking the problem will just go away.

It is sad they think that way. A lot of souls believe God will save the day.
The truth is, this so-called nation is under a judgment play... So you see I say.

Pictorial Of The Plan... Beware The RED Hidden Hand

The Takeover had
been Planned
Well in Advance.

Americans have
been clueless
for years.
TRUST THE PLAN. The New World Order Is World Communism
Nothing like a little – err, a Great Conspiracy to make the World Go Round...
Learn more about the de facto political system and how the Anglo (white) voting population ultimately conquers themselves in the two Blog Posts below...
To know more about this Red Insurgent System installed by force that actually destroyed de jure sovereignty, read The Origin of Sovereign Citizens. Moreover, see the article Treason by Design to understand the successful rebellion. You will then see how these "Quiet Wars" are a secret and how they hold it over Anglo Americans' heads to subject them to the Communist Association.

Tools of THEY and Their Useful Idiots
A lot of
was required
to pull this
Con off.
Tool, Alex Jones, was featured in the Post, Those Funny Papers. He has been the biggest distraction in "The Movement"... "Jones is right again" because he is an insider. He was informed about the 14th Amendment. Many souls requested to have me on his show. He refused. He shined it on as if it was of no concern.

People fail to realize just how many Operatives and Opportunists are out there confusing the masses. Personally, I have seen it for the past 30 years being in this "Movement". The only way to end it is unity amongst honest freedomists.
Most Proficient Maintainers: Rulers and Citizens-Civilians
In the Post, Amusement From Chaos, I mentioned there are some maintainers of the insurgent system. They knock those confused about fighting freedom as to support the evil that has transpired. That aside, it is entertaining watching the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus for the planned opposition it is. It works very well.

The Foreigners have privileges – or Civil Rights... Anglos have constitutionally protected rights. It's really funny how those with standing claim Civil Rights... But what do you expect from someone in rebellion against the Constitution proper.

The immigrants are Coming to America to enjoy the Perfected Communist System and its Marxist Materialism per Civil Rights... while Anglos help flip the bill. This stealthy system makes the Rulers rich and the Rich much, much richer.

Oh, and the "civilian" thing... this term is in constant use due to the fact there's a perpetual "war" going on against what the Constitution prescribes. The United States is spreading this noted "Democracy" around the world and maintains a standing army to do so. A civilian is one who isn't in the military during wartime. And that "war" is aside the "quiet wars" in the republic-states, but associated.

Well, that about wraps-it-up for the most Proficient Maintainers in this Red War, being treasonous sorts and those who disrespect their Creator. Simply, there is little Sympathy for Simpletons... And remember, Thomas Jefferson said this...

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."

One Must Look In The Mirror
Law can work against you. Karl Marx didn't study law for nothing, you know. The Luciferian Bunch really have the Judeo-Christians, et al., dancing to a Red Tune. A very finely orchestrated tune that has taken years to conduct.

It is good to know, a Manifesto – in international law – is a declaration of war. No one contested Marx's. Accordingly, you must meet the threat... View Blog Page.

Remember these 3 Communist Rules of Law that subjects you to their perfected system, Voting-Doles-Silence ...which makes you their Association Member... They – The 14th Amendment Rulers – sold you a bill of rights, err, goods...

Actually, the "Bill of Rights" are the first ten articles in amendment. They are sold to "federal citizens" as a bill of goods... (shaking my head). Below are principles that cover Voting, Doles, and Silence, being under a plethora of legal fictions... However, after 150 years, a lot can be proven as fact... for most citizens...
1) Caveat emptor. Let the purchaser beware. 2) Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum. He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage. 3) Tacita quaedam habentur pro expressis. Things silent are sometimes considered as expressed.
I'll throw this one in for good measure; it explains the whole program...
Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

Those are common law maxims being used by THEY to subdue the Anglos. Discerning Souls know this consent is achieved by the Dual Citizenship System. It's gray area allows Rulers in Power to pick and choose what to do and say.
This is caused by the Bifurcated Constitution. It creates big money for the governments, lawyers, law industry, etc... The chaos– forget about it.

Red Citizenship-Nationality Manipulation
Above citizenship construct is of Zionist-Communist design that destroys nationalities and technically erases borders. It also allows the Synagogue of Satan to meddle in politics of all countries. The ignorant masses eat it up. Like George Bush, Sr., said: 'THEY will be successful.'  Americans Love Marxism... Perhaps not the current Marxism. It is used to upset "Conservatives" as a smokescreen to cover-up what had been applied the past 100+ years.

The Zionist plan has already been delivered... The Damage Is Done. You see, people of America were Tempted by Socialism of Reconstruction. It was to make the rich, richer through the Communist blueprint. Not really a good purchase by the "Consent of The Governed"... you silly Rebel-Foreigners of The Republic.

To learn more, download the Marxist Twaddle booklet. I recommend you distribute it to your family, friends, and circles... Marxist Twaddle PDF

It's Great When A Plan Of Theft Comes Together...
"Capitalist production, therefore, only develops the technique and the
degree of combination of the social process of production by
simultaneously undermining the original sources of all
wealth–the soil and the worker."
—Karl Marx
Citizens are at war as rebels who belong to the Communist Association.

A Lesson In Rhyme And Verse
I say loud, Americans are selfish and proud. So I say: Why must it be this way? Sadly, children of Zion vote in hope to save the day. But little do they know the plan is to plunder what they own, also limit their pay. The madness won't end as egoists are pros– So deeper into the Red Vortex all you will go. Because this system de facto has politics of Marx, ignorant types must remain in the dark; so we must apply a bleeding heart rule– Liberals be Tools and Conservatives are Fools... hence, why the world is insane; so such facts surely remain. And one must confess, simple persons blirt out things, like– "Well, that's progress" –thus are easily made. Me in resolve, aptly I say– Well you, just keep being played.

Perhaps you remember this, Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

Melius est recurrere quam malo currere...

It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil

Understand The Rebellion(s)
So Beware. There's a lot of evil out there. To better understand the resident evil amongst us, below are six Blog Posts on how the Government of Consent destroyed the De Jure System and how the usurpation is maintained...


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, September 18, 2023

Those Funny Papers

It's Not What You May Think
Some might think the title of this week's Post is about people who submit status documents to the government. Although a lot of them are laughable, like giving allegiance to the Constitution, and much worse — I reference something a bit different. The Blog this week addresses Americans losing their countries due to failing to address legal matters correctly and getting fooled by the adversary.

Say It With Pictures
Here is light-hearted as I get. Less words and more memes to get to the point...
In the 1920s and through the WWII years, there was a common phrase... “I'll see you in the funny papers.” ...which became a breezy, light-hearted way to say goodbye, see you later; a recognition that lives might be as crazy as the characters in the comics, but at the same time could be funny, ironic, and interesting.Google

Best to Get
on Board with

People's Awareness Coalition
The 1920s through WWII : Depression, Socialist American President, Fake Israel founded, and the United Nations is formed. If that wasn't a great time to be funny & breezy, when? Perhaps today, because it is all coming to fruition.

The Internet has been the Opposition's best Weapon...

Most are clueless about the psychological warfare THEY use...

Tools of THEY

Jones got one thing
right, We are at war...
With those who hand
the Illuminati.

Operative or
Useful Idiot

Those of the Luciferian Bunch are the best assets of THEY...

The funny papers aren't when you say goodbye to your country...

See you in the funny papers!
It Is Past Time To Decide
There are three main forms of consenting: Voting. Doles. Silence.
Either stay with the Communist Association... or seek Republican Freedom.
  The Choice is up to you... Got Standing? Say goodbye to Democracy...

The Choice Is Up To You  •|•  The Art of Lawful Status



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, September 11, 2023

Operatives and Oafs

The New World Hustle
It's One Big
* SHOW *

For those who enjoy the cutting edge material I provide on my Blog, you have heard the phrase Operatives and Opportunists quite a bit. Well, this is a little deeper dive into those who are misled by those referred to as The Rulers.

Today, the body politic of "Reconstruction" is populated with Uncultured Foreigners. The republic-states were grounded in self-government under the common law that allowed custom and usage under the true Christian faith. Understand the key word there is "were"... then Quiet Wars happened...

Although they really aren't that quiet, they're spelled out in the 14th Amendment. We will go into that in more depth below. Now let's get into the topic at hand...

An Oaf is defined by Google as: a stupid, uncultured, or clumsy person. In the past, I have stated that, Liberals are Tools... and Conservatives are Fools. Actually, both politicos are considered Liberal... more so "Progressive".

Today, yes... Americans are cultured alright... Into being Socialists. In regard to this, it was clumsy and stupid to allow this to happen over the past 150+ years. As I have related many times, Jesus left the building a long time ago.

   click images to enlarge to better view
Americans Just Love Democracy
Unknown to most, the new world is actually the old world. This world is actually that of the New World Order. Also, people fail to see that America is the most successful installation of Communism in the world. Americans are clueless. Patriotic souls think they live in The Republic, but are in a Democracy.

Millions upon millions love the benefits the Democracy provides for them. Letting the government take care of you is Socialism. Communism is where a people allows government to handle their economy. The two work together. It's odd Americans' don't think they're Socialists having Social Security Numbers.

Justice Black had much to say about these issues in the late 1960's...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."  —Supreme Court

And please understand, "republican" has nothing to do with the Republican Party. Actually, it is quite the opposite. That party also represents Communism.

Karl Marx had told us, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."  In the Biblical sense, Scripture relates to us that true peace comes through God, our Redeemer (Romans - 5:1)... the Paramount Sovereign.

So, which do most Americans really choose? Actually, there is little left to think about in regard to the most popular... Which master do most people serve...
"Those people who will not be governed by God
must be ruled by tyrants."
  —William Penn
Are the current "state governments" sanctioned by God, or ruled by man?

That established, below are Five Posts found in this Blog that will help put things together for you. Please review all of them to better understand the Big Con transpiring over the years causing people to prefer Democracy culture...

Creating Perpetual Rebellion
Make America Great Again. Seriously, how is that going to happen?

Who really knows... One thing can be said for certain, the Supreme Court ruled the "Civil War" didn't create Southern rebels. That upset some conspirators.

You see, the so-called "Civil War" – being in fact an 'international war' between the North and South factions – never really ended. The United States instigated the war via the Shadow Government. To continue the war indefinitely, operations of law per the 14th Amendment create true civil wars within the several states. This disenfrancished de jure state citizens and created lots of rebels...

Remember the rule, Liberals are Tools... and Conservatives are Fools. The current Marxist takeover is Marxist Twaddle to keep people unaware America had been communized the past 150 years. It seems to be working very well. Oh, and the rule applies to the electorate. Those in office have one face: Usurpers.

Oafs Maintain The Usurpation
To maintain this imposed system, a few years back useful idiots were introduced to an anarchist type by the name of Guy Fawkes. He was glorified in the movie, V for Vendetta. Moreover, puppets of the "Shadow Government" must worship the Wailing Wall before serving the Zionist run nation known as the United States of America. Correct. Useful idiots – or Oafs – come in all forms.

To expand on the Oaf topic, some have joked about the Oath Keepers run by Stewart Rhodes, a lawyer. He got caught up in the January 6th Sting and is now in prison. It is wondered what oath the Oaf Keepers were actually keeping... It appears to be the "Newer Constitution" oath... as he got hit with sedition.

One shouldn't go against his country and its laws, especially when he doesn't know what law he is under. No doubt that the January 6th thing was just another quiet war game sponsored by the Deep State (sham) to scare people. You are correct: Operatives can also be Oafs for committing treason for fortune.

Being in the 14th Amendment Communist Association does have its privileges.

Do some research on Vatican agent, Guy Fawkes, and the Wailing Wall. But for now, this mess cannot be made clearer than what is related in these 2 Pages...
New World Order
One Trick Pony.

Handling The
Yin & The
Yang of The
Zionist Gang.

The Art of The Hustle
Beware the narrative... You have no idea how much bad information there is... Goodman makes mention that Alan Dershowitz says Section 3 of the 14th Amendment pertained to the those who participated in the so-called Civil War. That is false: due to constitutional premises being perpetual and the word "shall" is utilized twice therein which relates future happenings in their context.

Section 3 is a savings clause, of sorts. It states that those participating – in the list noted therein – WILL NOT be in insurgency and rebellion – even though those with de jure standing are – under "Reconstruction"... and further, those listed WILL NOT provide "constitutional freedom" to those who are engaged in the rebellion caused by Section 2. In other words, the usurpation applies to those who are "citizens of the United States" – that are fabricated enemies of The Republic – especially those voting. Simply put, such "rebels" will be held to the alternate socialist based standards (law) developed under the reconstructed Union laws, i.e., new constitutional system. In sense, The Rulers are wearing two hats: the Constitution is bifucated but its original concepts must be upheld. This of course for those who are political aliens to the created jurisdiction.

Moreover, you are dealing with Synagogue of Satan (SoS) members here. They use trickery and will say anything to sustain the 14th Amendment Insurgency and/or Rebellion. Or in other words, in the words of U.S. Ambassador, Henry Morgenthau – of the SoS ilk – had declared back in the mid-20th century, that effectively 'America is their Zion'... And you are witnessing it being preserved.
That said, you know they will, spin master Goodman...
The Hustle Goes Back Many Years
The story goes back to the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs as portrayed in the Bible. Tupper Saussy explained this in his book, Rulers of Evil. They are still running things today. The Shadow Government has created all the chaos. Understand the "Deep State" is a Silent Weapon for the Quiet Wars.

The "Federalists" always did want a national type government, but had to wait until the so-called "Civil War"... that being achieved with the 14th Amendment. Fortunately, Thomas Jefferson had taken down the Federalist party with his Democratic-Republican party. It too was a single party, but not the elites. Correct. That party was soon split into the current Two Party system.

The de jure Union states are known as the several states and are formed under the "Constitution for the United States". The current insurgent "States" placed under "Reconstruction" are de facto "States" of the "United States".

These States are created by the "Constitution of the United States"... in other words, federal-states. These States are not "political" republic-states. It could be said such "States" exist under the 14th Amendment under fraudulent pretense. Constitutionally – in legal sense – they politically overlay the republic-states while de jure constitutional principles still apply to Anglos not in rebellion.

Well, that could be said... however, they refer to the conjob as an "emergency"...
NATIONAL EMERGENCY: A state of national crisis; a situation
demanding immediate and extraordinary national or federal action.
Congress has made little or no distinction between a "state
of national emergency" and a "state of war".
—Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., Deluxe

Right. They call it an emergency... but I call it a Communist insurgency...


This "insurgency (rebellions)" creates the quiet wars within the several republic-states. Demoralization and Destabilization has been going on for the past 150 years, and has increased exponentially the past 50-60.

Right now things are in Crisis Stage. A Normalization consists of bringing everyone under a Red Super Party, which will consist of the Federal States being trained to act the part of a "Conservative" based mixture created by the Synagogue of Satan. Understand, this WILL NOT be the republic-states.

The Normalization will be antiChrist by consent of the United States' body politic.

One should note, multiculturalism and greed has destroyed many of empires throughout history. In that, Karl Marx told us, "History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce." Without a doubt, this farce needs to be rectified.

In this 15 page paper, learn more about Egypt and Canaan moving forward to Roman times of The Church... It also provides a historical timeline...

WARNING: The truth may shock the deceived... Liberalism is Statism

Artful Spinning to The Unwitting
Right. It's the Democrats fault. Only an Oaf would believe that. The two party system has always been a divide and conquer mechanism grounded in Marxism... Foreigners get to vote in rebellion against the Anglos.

The problem is, Anglos have fallen for the political system that was really intended for the Foreigners. Everyone is involved in the Communist Rebellion. So beware the spin of those who hail from the Synagogue of Satan and its – or their – minions. THEY have organized the chaos of today and for centuries.

Now that the Christian family has been thrown into utter chaos, "Conservative grooming organizations" – such as the online Prager University (PragerU) – are conditioning "Americans" to accept their coming totalitarian system. Of course, the founders are Jewish. Part of their modus operandi is hiding behind other minority groups to protect their presence. Also it allows them to meddle politically in the Anglo system of the so-called country to control law.

And America
wonders what
went wrong.


The above effort is a witting spin on Conservatism. The video below is a good example of a Chump(?) following the Red Script... it perhaps is unwitting...
The Synagogue of Satan says, Damn those White Supremacists!
And I ponder, 'Kohls'... Where did that "s" come from, Chris?

Satan's War Against Anglos
The fact of the matter is, government has been Americans' real religion. One Rabbi S. Wise related this, “Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”

Again, I myself call it Communism. The minions – or useful idiots – again, call it an emergency. In furtherance of the sad reality, in a Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton related to the world, “We belong to the One mastering God: you belong to the republic of playful gods."  Oh boy!

The same whimsical gods that controlled the "citizens" of the Roman Empire. In case you have failed to see it, these imposters that pose as the "Israelites" have been keeping God to themselves while they have everyone else practicing other religions they created, manipulated, and/or control. The Rulers of Evil manage their religion under Roman Civil Law. Americans have enjoyed the perfected enterprise John Calvin setup in the 1500's under "The Vatican".

True Americans
have wasted -25- years.
Will they now repent?

History Says No.
Accordingly, those in power under the Bifurcated Constitution have little or nothing to worry about. Especially after 500 years of "Reformation" and 150 years of "Reconstruction"... Christians are Well Conditioned, i.e., brainwashed. Unfortunately, the average so-called "Christian" loves walking with Satan.

Karl Marx told us that "Religion is the opiate of the masses."  The religion of the masses is the New World Order of THEY and its Democracy of Foreigners.

Unfortunately – like in the past – the Remnant will undoubtedly be few.
Understanding that, the intended Damage Is Done. The future is repentance.

A Man Who Knows True Christianity
So, why does it take a man from the Netherlands to understand the principles of what the Israelites consist of? How can so many Americans fail to understand the Bible and what it relates to Who They Are and what the Synagogue of Satan truly is? Seriously, how could this have happened?... Let's listen and find out...
Like the common law maxim tells us...
Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

Sadly, millions and millions "of the world" have been. Why did true Christians come to America in the first place? To flee the influence of The Luciferians. The Deceived have been conned by the seedline of Cain as erroneous Israelites.

So What Do Discerning Souls Need To Know?
Below are Six more Posts from this Blog that will help put things together for you. Please review them to understand the Big Con that has transpired...



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional